The NAH Products for Me


1. Skinceuticals Gentle Cleanser Mild Cream Cleanser for Sensitive or Dry Skin: 其實佢似一般洗面奶,質地唔算好厚唔係真係好cream,係比較挺身既lotion,有少少香味。不過唔知點解我用親都會成面出好多粒粒,用兩三日就會成面變得好鞋出好多細粒粒,我已經俾咗好多次機會佢,都係咁,所以佢唔係咁啱我啦。我一用翻其他洗面奶產品又無事。

2. Sunday Riley Blue Moon Tranquility Cleansing Balm: 呢個之前紅遍YouTube,個個都話幾幾幾好用,不過同我無緣, 佢係藍色balm狀既落妝產品,乾手乾面捽上去,會變油可以落妝。 我又係一用兩日就出粒粒,落妝balm/油產品我唔係隻隻用得到,有d太厚或者乳化得唔完整既話我係會出粒粒。 呢隻都係一樣, 其實我都好想鍾意佢,不過無奈 用咗好多次都係會出粒粒,唯有放棄。

3. Kora Organics By Miranda Kerr Hydrating Mask: 好耐之前買,用咗幾次無咩反應,放埋一邊諗住拍片,搞搞下又唔記得左。佢個質地杰杰地身,敷上面5至10分鐘之後過水。 真係無咩特別,我又唔覺得保濕咗潤咗,我記得當時買都唔平呀,好似要HK$500,但係我覺得一d都唔值得。 平平地有效果既保濕面膜都有好多選擇。

4. Yes To Cucumbers Sensitive Skin Calming Facial Mask: 唔記得係邊個網買,我記得係平價東東,話可以舒緩既面膜,薄薄地敷5分鐘之後過水。 佢個樣唔似一般用開既舒緩既面膜,佢個質地似泥咁,我又係敏感個陣用過幾次,無反應! 哈哈,無降紅又唔覺得有咩舒緩左,皮膚係無衰咗,不過又無好咗,所以我有少少唔知敷黎做乜。

5. Filorga Optim-Eyes Patch: PR送既。一塊塊既眼膜,塊野好線身,所以敷緊成日都跌落黎。佢話減紋,收緊,去黑眼圈,敷完好幾多次之後又唔覺有咩反應,眼部位置同未敷個時差唔多,所以又係唔啱我啦。

6. Tatcha Polished Classic Rice Enzyme Powder: 酵素粉,同日本個d一樣加水起泡當係洗面產品。 我用覺得乾,之後我無日日用,一星期用一次咁。 我覺得佢價錢貴,效果同日本d酵素粉唔咩分別(我用都係乾),日本個d抵用好多。如果油肌我覺得你會鍾意爽身個感覺,但係乾肌我唔建議。

7. La Mer The Serum Essence: 天價級產品,呢枝野要HK$5xxx,話會肌齡逆轉喎,質地唔錯易吸收,但係同Mr Honey一齊用,我地兩個用咗好一段時間都唔覺得有咩特別,Mr Honey都無後生左,我又唔覺得皮膚好咗或者彈咗,就咁用佢加面霜我覺得唔係咁保濕添。 呢個價錢我expect要嘩好幾十聲啦。 無喎!


(English:  I was reorganising my drawers and then I gathered a bunch of skincare products which I found not suitable for me.  Since I don’t really have much to say about each one of them, so I decided to record my thoughts of why they are disappointing to me in this blog post instead of doing a video.

1. Skinceuticals Gentle Cleanser Mild Cream Cleanser for Sensitive or Dry Skin: It’s similar to other cleansing milk, I don’t think the texture is thick or creamy, I would say it’s more of a solid lotion.  It contains a slight scent.  However, I don’t know why my face would get bumpy every time I use this.  After 2-3 days’ usage, the bumps would appear on my face and my face would become rough.  I have given this so many goes and it’s still the same.  So I guess this is really not for me because whenever I switch back to other cleansing products, my face is fine.

2. Sunday Riley Blue Moon Tranquility Cleansing Balm: this was so popular on YouTube before but it’s not for me again though there were raving reviews.  It’s a blue makeup removing balm.  Use it with dry hands on dry face, it would become an oily texture and it helps to remove makeup.  Every time I use this for 2 consecutive days, my face would become bumpy as well.  I can’t seem to get on with makeup removing balm or oil very well.  I tend to get problems with those which are too thick or those which can’t be emulsified completely.  This one just falls into that category.  I really want to like it but I had to give up since it doesn’t do my face any good.

3. Kora Organics By Miranda Kerr Hydrating Mask: I got this long time ago.  I gave it a few go but didn’t think it did anything to my skin, so I put it to one side and thought I would do a video about this.  Then of course I forgot.  The texture was quite thick.  Apply on skin for 5-10 minutes, then rinse with water.  I don’t think it does anything to my skin, I didn’t see any signs of hydration.  I remember it was not cheap, it was around HK$500, but I don’t think it’s worth the money.  There are so many other brilliant choices of hydrating masks which don’t cost this much.


4. Yes To Cucumbers Sensitive Skin Calming Facial Mask: I bought this somewhere online, and I remember this is on the affordable side.  It says “calming”.  Apply a thin layer for 5 minutes and then rinse with water.  Its texture doesn’t look similar to my other soothing/ calming mask, it looks more like a clay.  I used this a few times when my skin was having issues.  Nah, it didn’t do anything for me.  It didn’t reduce the redness nor my skin felt more soothed after.  Skin didn’t feel better nor worse.  I didn’t know what was the purpose of using this.


5. Filorga Optim-Eyes Patch: This was gifted by PR.  They are like sheet masks on the eyes, the masks themselves are quite “slippery”, they don’t stay really well on the eye areas and they keep dropping down.  It says to reduce fine lines, tightening and removing dark circles.  I don’t think they do anything to my eye areas, so they are not for me.


6. Tatcha Polished Classic Rice Enzyme Powder: This is very similar to the Japanese enzyme powder, you mix this with water and use it as a face cleanser. My skin felt quite dry after using this, so I didn’t use it everyday., I used it every week instead.  I think it’s a really pricey product and the result is not that much different from the Japanese ones (I felt both were quite drying on my face anyway).  The Japanese ones are definitely more affordable.  I think for oily skin types, you will like the “clean” feeling that it offers, but for dry skin, I don’t recommend it.

7. La Mer The Serum Essence: A product that comes with a crazy price tag – around HK$5,000, it says to reverse the cell ageing.  The texture is easy to absorb and I have been using this with Mr Honey, both of us don’t see any difference.  Mr Honey’s skin doesn’t feel any younger and I don’t feel mine being more bouncy or better.  If I only use this with a cream, I don’t think this is somewhat hydrating.  Well, for this price, I expect to be “wowed” a million times, but nah!)

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