The Most Sold Face Cleanser in Hakme Beauty: Aquafolia Soothing Cleansing Essence

呢枝Aquafolia洗面啫喱嚟咗Hakme Beauty都好幾年,當年一出場就已經係熱賣產品之一,到而家都係。 好多你哋都幾枝幾枝咁買,咁我就知道你哋有幾鍾意啦。 呢枝都係我,Mr Honey同我啲同事嘅大愛,今日同大家講下點解。

This Aquafolia Soothing Cleansing Essence landed in Hakme Beauty a few years back, it was a hot item then and it’s still a hot item now. Many of you haul a few in one go and I know how many you love it. Not only you, this is a favourite item from our whole team as well, let me tell you why.

Aquafolia Soothing Cleansing Essence HK$470/180ml



✅Gently cleanse all skin types
✅Minimize formation of black and white heads
✅Anti-oxidant and bright up skin tone
✅Cooling sensation to ease skin uncomfort
✅Hydrates skin
✅No oil


Aquafolia Soothing Cleansing Essence係稀身啫喱狀,佢加水都無乜泡,但係我就係鍾意佢無泡,因為我成日都講啲泡太強勁,係呀,你洗個下好爽,你皮膚之後仲爽,爽到連自己皮膚本身油脂都洗走麻,唔單止你會覺得乾,如果你後續嘅野唔夠保濕嘅話(大家都唔笠得麻),久而久之皮膚問題會浮現。 佢無泡但係佢洗得乾淨,濕少少水係面,將呢個上面按三十秒過水,過得清,唔會有一層野留係塊面上面,係有爽嘅感覺,但係唔會覺得好乾。 用佢頭一個星期唔會有太大感覺,見到皮膚即時明亮咗。 但係過左一個星期,開始見到皮膚變得細緻同柔軟。 當年Mr Honey同管家用呢個嘅時候,我見到佢兩個嘅皮膚變化,我係噏得出佢哋幾時用緊呢枝洗面㗎! 再過多兩個星期,開始見到黑頭粉刺減少,連Mr Honey自己都好覺,佢成日都話呢枝係一枝洗得走黑頭粉刺嘅洗面啫喱。 呢點同佢抗菌都有關係。 我自己就皮膚敏感,用呢枝無面紅亦都因為佢輕微涼涼哋,所以可以舒緩到我成日面熱嘅狀況。 而我有玫瑰痤瘡,好多深層清潔野對我嚟講都太刺激,所以我都係靠呢枝洗面幫我洗走黑頭! 咁多年,我一直都仲好鍾意佢,每一次用都會記得點解我咁愛佢。 佢質地非常討好,所以所有膚質都用得到,無論你有無敏感都可以用,如果暗瘡肌油肌既話,我強烈建議你試呢枝洗面感受一下唔洗有泡都洗得乾淨個感覺呀。 唯一係佢可以卸防曬,但係佢卸唔到妝,如果化妝嘅話就先落妝,再用呢枝黎洗面啦。有興趣撳呢條link去買啦。

Aquafolia Soothing Cleansing Essence is a gel based cleanser, the texture is a bit runny and it doesn’t have much foam even after adding water. This is exactly what I like. I have always said if the foam is too “overwhelming”, yes you would feel very clean during and after the process but it’s an illusion because you end up washing away your own natural oil on skin; and if your skincare routine is not hydrating enough, then problems will arise. This cleanser doesn’t have foam but it cleans well. Pat your face wet, add this and massage for 30 seconds, it won’t leave any residue on skin. You feel clean but you won’t feel dry either. For the first week of usage, you won’t see too much of a difference apart from your skin instantly brightens up. However, after a week, results start coming in. Skin becomes more refined and soft. When Mr Honey and Butler first tried this, I could tell the good change on their skin. I basically know just by looking at their face when they are using this product. Two more weeks, black heads and white heads start to diminish too. Mr Honey finds this amazing and he always says this is the cleanser that can “wash away” the black and white heads. Think this is related to its anti-bacterial function. As all of you know I have sensitive skin, my face doesn’t go crazy when I use this cleanser and since it has a light cooling sensation, it can soothe the heat on my face. Moreover, I have rosacea, so many of the deep cleansing items are too strong/ irritating for my skin, I can only rely on this cleanser to clear away my black heads. it’s been many years, I am still in love with this and every time I use this, I remember why I gave the green light for it to be in the store. Its texture is super friendly, so it’s suitable for all skin types, no matter if you have sensitive skin or not. If you have acne prone skin or oily skin, I would highly recommend you to give this a try because I want you to experience that “clean but not dry” sensation. The only thing is that it can remove sun screen but not makeup, so if you wear makeup, remove it with other makeup removers first and then use this as a cleanser. Check this link out if you are interested.

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