呢期睇書手神唔錯,本本都好精彩。 今日同大家分享呢一本解憂雜貨店。
I have some luck in picking out books these days, I enjoy them quite a lot. Today I want to share my thoughts on The Miracles of the Namiya General Store with you.
解憂雜貨店 by 東野圭吾
The Miracles of the Namiya General Store by Keigo Higashino

故仔非常特別,發生嘅地點係一間雜貨店,點解佢可以解憂呢? 就係因為雜貨店嘅老闆會接受唔同人嘅來信,詢問有關人生嘅問題,而佢亦都會非常認真問問題,俾意見同埋作答。 當中仲加插左其他人物同小插曲,但係我唔透劇,你一定要自己睇。
The story line is very fascinating, it takes place in a general store across different time zones. How can a general store help people with their troubles? The owner takes enquiries in letter form from people, they would ask about life choices and he would clarify, give advice and reply the letter in a very serious manner. Also, there are mini stories about each character which I find quite fascinating too, but I am not going to talk too much and spoil it for you; you need to read this yourself.
我覺得故仔結構非常之好,有好緊密嘅鋪排,每一個章節利用不同人物去講述佢嘅故事,但係其實每一個人物都同其他人物息息相關。 文筆同構思都非常厲害! 我一路睇一路感嘆:”哦,原來呢個人同呢個人有關係…” 我覺得一個故仔節節相連都係佢引人入勝嘅地方。
The structure of the story is amazingly tight and really well thought out. Each character has basically a chapter to tell his or story and then these various stories would contribute to the whole story line, I think the story structure is fascinating! When I was reading, I kept thinking, “ah! This person is related to that person, ah ha!” The story is tight and engaging.
解憂雜貨店屬於暖心嘅作品。 我覺得提問嘅信件同回答嘅信件,內容都非常有趣。 對話內容成日令我有感世界唔係非黑即白,當中有太多太多灰色地帶,而提問嘅人,通常心裏面都有個答案,寫信去問其他人都只係想得到認同。 而老闆嘅答案亦都令我覺得佢好清楚呢一點,但係佢會用自己嘅方法去回答去支持,甚至去建議,每封信嘅內容亦都係呢個故仔到位嘅地方。
The Miracles of the Namiya General Store is a heart-warming read. I especially love the letter exchange part. It keeps remaining me the world is not just black and white, there is so much grey in between. For those who post the questions, they have a model answer in mind, asking others is just an act of validation. I think the owner understands this very well and he would use this own way to answer, to support or even to counter-suggest. I think the letter conversation makes the story line much more interesting.
我覺得近期如果你係想搵本好書睇吓,但係唔想太過用腦又唔想花太多時間嘅話,可以睇呢本。 因為一開始睇,你就唔會想放低,可以喺幾日內睇完!
If you want to have a good read without getting stress or using too much of your brain power, I recommend this book. Once you start, it’s hard to put down.