Book Review: The Miracle Equation by Hal Elrod

我猜很多你們都聽過The Miracle Morning這本書,我以前都有看過,雖然我沒有依照書裏面的建議去做,但我覺得是值得一讀。 前陣子遇上了同一位作者的另一本著作The Miracle Equation,好奇心驅使底下就讀完了。

I bet many of you have heard of the book called The Miracle Morning.  I read it before though I did not really follow its advice, it was a good read for me.  A couple months ago, I came across The Miracle Equation by the same author, I wondered what he had to say this time, so I got it and finished it in a few days.

The Miracle Equation by Hal Elrod

The Miracle Equation by Hal Elrod

書中主要探討兩大重點: Unwavering Faith + Extraordinary Effort,作者亦有分享親身體驗。用非常簡單的文字去講解的話,就是做任何事情都要有無比的信心及投入200分的努力。當然道理很多人都知道,但實際要去操作的時候,又是另一碼子事。信心+努力= 成功這個公式我們都聽很多,但為什麼成功的人少之又少? 我覺得跟堅持都有關係。因為很多時候遇上困難,如果那個困難的時間性比較短的話,會比較容易利用這個公式去渡過難關;相反,如果困難時間比較長,在自己一直努力的情況底下,亦未如理想,信心也會開始動搖,然後就會覺得自己這麼努力成效不大,不如放棄算了。其實我覺得很多時候在討論放棄與否的一剎那就是轉捩點,如果能夠在那個時候加強信心,再加倍努力,可能可以殺出一條血路。

There are two main elements in the book: Unwavering Faith and Extraordinary Effort.  The author did share some of his personal experiences too.  If I have to use very simple terms to tell you what the book is about, it would be “no matter what you do, have absolute faith that you can achieve it and put in the extra effort that you need to get the damn thing done.”  Simple right?  I know!  Faith in oneself + great effort = success!  I don’t think that sounds alien to us.  BUT, how come there are not more “successful people” around?  I think it’s down to consistency as well.  When the time frame of the difficult situation is short, it’s easy to use this equation to get ourselves out of the shit hole; on the contrary, if the time frame of the endurance is long, you keep working and working on it, nothing seems to change, then faith fades, and you ask yourself the golden question, “should I give up or not? Nothing I do seems to be good enough.”  And I honestly think that particular moment is the turning point.  If we can get a dose of faith and positivity at that very moment, then we would be willing to put in even more effort, and then the tides might turn in our favour.  

我覺得在順景順心的日子,可能大家看這本書也不會有太大得着。但是如果你正在走一條你覺得非常艱辛荊棘滿途的道路,我覺得你可以看一看這本書,當作是一支強心針。 道理你都懂,但很多時候從別人口中或者其他書中看到其他人類似的經歷會消除你的孤單感,給你滿滿能量繼續拼搏。

I think if you read this during a smooth phase of your life, I don’t think you would have much takeaway.  However, if you are walking that painful, difficult and horrifying path, yes have a read, treat it as that dose of motivation that you need.  Again, we are all familiar with theories and what we should be doing, but sometimes hearing it from someone else or reading about it somewhere does give us that injection that we need to continue on our paths. 

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