The All Time Favourite Intimate Wash: Phytocode Gentle Intimate Wash


I used quite a few intimate washes before, however since I started using this Phytocode Gentle Intimate Wash, I have never looked back. Let me tell you why today.

Phytocode Gentle Intimate Wash HK$150/200ml LINK


✅含有Lactic Acid維持皮膚酸鹼度喺4嘅水平

✅Soap-free formula to ensure a gentle but effective cleansing for the delicate area(won’t be drying)
✅Contains probiotic to protect the intimate area
✅Contains Lactic Acid to ensure pH4 value
✅Can be used daily


Phytocode私密處潔護液無起泡劑唔會越洗越乾或者越洗越痕,呢個喺我非常鍾意佢嘅地方。 我幾年嚟日日都用,貪佢夠溫和又有益生菌可以加翻好菌俾皮膚,令到私密處可以穩定啲。 以前有時外出用toilet用埋啲唔知乜鬼tissue會搞到嗰個位好痕,又或者好熱好焗嘅時候嗰個位又會好痕什至有啲唔friendly嘅味,我用呢枝洗幾日啲問題都會無晒,我就知佢唔係淨係清潔,佢都真係會保護私密處。 同埋因為我係長期用,佢仲有Lactic Acid幫手維持pH值係4嘅水平,所以我用完一段時間已經唔會再有痕呢個情況出現。 舒服開就唔會想返轉頭,所以我就一直keep住用,呢枝都係長期有貨喺屋期唔可以run out嗰種。 而且成份天然,3歲以上都用得。 仲有呀,佢喺歐洲都好受男士歡迎,唔係淨係女性先用得。 Mr Honey都有用,佢仲用佢嚟洗個加拿大位,因為佢出汗多,成日都會擔心會唔會有異味, 但係佢加拿大位好敏感,要用啲好溫和嘅野洗先得,如果唔係會紅同痕,佢用呢枝完全冇事,佢仲話覺得呢枝去汗味好得,洗完乾淨同爽之餘,異味都無埋! 我覺得呢枝係居家必備嗰啲產品,如果你無試過,一定要試下。 不過warning係你用咗應該都同我哋一樣返唔到轉頭!! 有興趣去Hakme Beauty店(地址)睇丫,或者網購都得(link)。

Phytocode Gentle Intimate Wash is soap-free so it won’t contribute to dryness/ itchiness, this is why I love it so much. For the past few years, this has become one of my daily items. I love how it cleans effectively and also contains probiotic to protect the area. A few years back, when I used the “public toilet” (together with the tissue provided), or when it was hot and humid, my private would get irritated and itchy. Sometimes there would be unpleasant smell as well. I used this intimate wash for a few days and the issues would be gone, hence, I know this is not only for cleansing, but also to protect the area as well. I have been using this product for a few years daily and those used-to-be problems are not my concern anymore! I always stock this at home like my life depends on it. It’s also natural, so kids aged 3 or above can use it too. Plus, it’s very popular amongst men in Europe. Mr Honey uses this daily as well and he also uses this on his armpits. He sweats a lot and he always worries there would be unpleasant smell, but since his armpits are sensitive, only something gentle would work, otherwise he would end up having red and itchy armpits. He uses this and it doesn’t irritate; he comments that this can “wash away” the unpleasant smell too! I feel like this is one of those staple items at home. If you haven’t tried, you should. However, let me warn you, you might get hooked like the rest of us! LOL. If you are interested, you can find this product in Hakme Beauty stores (addresses) or you can check this out online (link).

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