[保養] Tempo紙巾新用法

去布吉前接受到個好特別既邀請,就係Tempo邀請我試用佢地既紙巾! 初初收到個email,我既反應係: 吓,唔洗試用啦,我個袋日日都有兩包Tempo Jasmine味紙巾呀! 不過望望下,原來係有d特別,係用佢地既盒裝紙巾黎代替面布! 咁我又無諗過,再加上我對Tempo好有好感,所以接受咗個邀請喇! 哈哈~~ 我到而家都仲係覺得好搞野丫!

(English:  Prior I went to Phuket, I received a very interesting invitation – it’s from Tempo and they want me to try their tissues!  At first, I was like, “Oh… there is really no need to try the tissue because I have two Tempo Jasmine packs in my purse everyday!  But then after I read some more, I discovered that it was more than just trying the tissue!  Indeed, they wanted me to try replacing the face towels with their box tissues!  Well, I didn’t think of that before, plus I am a fan of Tempo, so I accepted the invite!  *Laughs*  I have to admit, I still feel funny now that I am writing this post!)

大家應該唔需要我去介紹Tempo紙巾啦,係咪? 大家係香港大既都唔會唔識佢!

(English:  You don’t need me to review the tissues themselves right?  If you were born and raised here in Hong Kong, Tempo is a household name!!)



(English:  They sent me the neutral ones (a.k.a. non-scented ones) because no everyone enjoys using something strongly scented to wipe their faces!!)


嗱! 到我講解下個concept喇! 大家洗完面,都會用洗手間入面條面巾/毛巾去抹乾面上既水份,係咪? 但係通常洗手間濕氣比較重好容易滋生細菌,而大家又未必日日去洗/消毒條面巾/毛巾,所以用紙巾代替條面巾/毛巾就會安心d喇!  因為Tempo出既紙巾濕水唔易散開(呢個係我咁多年都咁愛佢既原因之一),所以我覺得都方便既,同埋一張啱啱好可以吸哂成塊面既水份,一張搞掂哂! 咁我又唔捨得用完就掉(好似好浪費咗張紙巾,濕咗jer,又無咩dirty),所以一印完面上既水份,我會拎住濕咗既佢黎抹下塵,哈哈,一舉兩得!! 如果你問我係咪見到膚質好咗,我又真係唔太覺得,但係有一點可以好sure既就係,用紙巾抹面係防止咗我用毛巾大力捽面呀! 唔知呢,用毛巾抹面真係好易有條癮去大力捽面,但係用紙巾就捽唔到,所以我覺得長此下去可以防止我大力抹面出皺紋!! 哈哈~~~

(English:  Right let me explain the concept first!  After washing our faces, we usually will use towels (in the bathroom) to dry our faces, right?  However, the humidity in the bathroom is usually quite high and it’s a good home for germs, plus not everyone would clean their towels everyday, so replacing it with a tissue is more comforting!  Since Tempo tissues are not easy to fall apart when they are in contact with water (one of the reasons why I am in love), they are convenient to use.  Also a single tissue fits the whole face and enough to take away all the excess water on face, that means one is good enough!!  Well, but I don’t want to just throw it away (it’s wet but it’s not dirty), so I usually use it to clean other stuff right after drying my face with it.  Hmmm… one stone kills two birds!  If you ask me, “do you see a difference on your skin?”  My answer is, “I don’t think so.” But one thing I am certain is that using a tissue to dry my face stops me from rubbing my face excessively (unlike using towels), so going forward it might actually help me to stay young (because I wouldn’t have those lines which come with vigorous rubbing)!!! Haha~~~


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