[化妝] Tarte Amazonian Clay Full Coverage Airbrush Foundation

泰國haul video出左,即係話我可以拆哂d野出黎試! 第一件產品係Tarte。 大家都問我係泰國買Tarte係咪貴過美國。 其實我無睇美國幾多錢,因為佢網站唔運黎香港,加上無咩online store有佢既野又會free shipping過黎,所以我無比較,除非你話你有朋友係US,佢幫你買。 如果唔係你可以睇定US幾多錢,到你去到泰國個陣再望下價錢啱唔啱,如果覺得唔抵可以唔買,隨你。 我就因為香港好難買,而網站又無得送黎,所以一眼係泰國Sephora見到就即買。  如果唔係呢世都應該做唔到Tarte review~ 哈哈~~

(English:  Happy that the Thailand Haul video is released, I can open everything to give them a good go!  The first on the list is from Tarte.  Since my video, many of you have asked me if the prices of Tarte in Thailand is more than US.  Actually I didn’t really dig into the US prices because no matter how much I look, their website is not international shipping and no other online store seems to carry their products and offers international shipping, so I didn’t even compare.  I guess if you have friends in the states, and they are happy to haul for you, then that would be a different story.  Otherwise what I suggest is that you take a look at the US prices and then when you land on Sephora in Thailand, you see if the prices are within your expectation, if not, you can always skip if you don’t want the products too much.  It’s really up to you.  For myself, I like to buy from the brands and it’s so absolutely difficult to get my hands on them, therefore I was delighted to see them in Sephora in Thailand, hence the haul.  Otherwise I don’t think I would be able to review their products in my lifetime~~ *Laughs*)

Tarte Amazonian Clay Full Coverage Airbrush Foundation
Color: Medium Neutral

我真係唔記得係泰國佢幾多錢~ 哈哈~~US就USD36。

(English:  I really can’t remember how much this is in Thailand~  Haha~~ It’s USD36 in the US.)


(English:  When it’s opened, it’s look something like this and there is no puff in the packaging.  It’s up to you whether you want to use a brush or puff, it’s just a matter of the effect you are trying to achieve~)


(English:  You can see the powder itself is really finely-milled.)

使用次數(No. of Usage):5 times

用後感: 話有airbrush效果既一個粉底。 話好持久(12個鐘),防水同埋高coverage。 我睇完佢個website淨係就呢幾個point講, 其他你有興趣可以自己去望下。 我個感覺係佢個description吹得大咗啦! 唔洗講到咩都得咁,咁令我好失望喎! 我覺得因為佢粉質幼細,所以搽完(我用掃)係覺得皮膚望落細緻同埋摸落滑既,airbrush效果我就覺得一般般啦,未去到airbrush個種無瑕狀態。 佢好薄身,所以出黎效果係好超級自然(如果你揀啱色既話),但係唔覺得高遮瑕啦,我覺得佢最多都係低中遮瑕度。 因為薄你可以build,但係你要無瑕就一定要用遮瑕膏!! 因為黑眼圈,面上既印印都係遮唔到。 黑眼圈唔用遮瑕會灰咗添~ 如果佢唔講高遮瑕,我都無咁大反應,因為佢係loose powder樣,所以我唔會expect佢高遮瑕啦~  仲有,話防水,唔好講笑,唔防架!! 大家唔好用完呢個去游水expect佢一d都唔甩。  好喇,咁佢持唔持久呢? 我覺得你如果秋冬用,天氣無咁熱無咩出汗,咁會好持久(咩都變得持久啦),但係如果你有汗有油,佢既持久力係無一般濕粉咁好! 講完大家係咪覺得我唔like佢,唔係! 我只係就佢claim既野做一個評價。 如果你問我,我覺得如果你係揾緊mineral foundation咁既東東,成份比較好d,效果比較自然d,低中coverage既話,呢盒粉係一個好既選擇。 但係如果你話你想揾佢description介紹個類型既粉底,呢盒一定唔係囉!

(English:  Product Review: It’s said to have airbrush finish, very long lasting (12 hours), waterproof and high coverage.  I read its website and I want to talk about these few points.  For others, you can take a look at their website if you are interested.  My take on all these is that its description is just over the top!  There is no need to claim that the foundation can do everything, because I will only be disappointed.  First its powder is finely milled, so it makes skin look very soft and smooth to touch (I use a brush).  For airbrush finish, I would say it doesn’t quite get to the flawless side of things.  It’s very thin, so the result is super natural (if you pick the right colour of course), and I absolutely can’t associate this with the word “high coverage”.  At most, this is a low to medium coverage and you definitely need a concealer if you want to loose half flawless because it can’t cover dark circles and any spots on face.  My dark circles have gone a bit greyish after applying this!  If it doesn’t say “high coverage”, I wouldn’t even have this reaction.  Since it’s a loose powder looking thing, I wouldn’t expect it to have high coverage anyway.  Ah, the best part is that it says “waterproof”, OMG – it’s NOT!!  Please don’t put this on and dive into a pool and expect everything is in tact when you come out!  Well then is it long-lasting?  If you use this in Autumn/ Winter time whereby you don’t get much oil or sweat, it would be long-lasting (almost everything would be).  But if you are sweaty and somewhat oily, it doesn’t stay as good as other liquid foundations.  Well after all these, you must think that I dislike this foundation.  No!  I just want to make a point that it’s claiming to be too many things.  If you ask me, I would say this foundation is good for people who are looking for something like mineral foundations with better ingredients, natural finish and low to medium coverage.  But if you tell me that you want a foundation that suits the description on its box, this is not it!)

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