[化妝] Tarte Amazonian Clay 12-Hour Blush

之前係泰國買咗Tarte既兩粒Amazonian Clay胭脂。 其實好好好耐之前我個朋友都送過一粒俾我,所以我已經知佢係唔錯啦,今次係入手多兩粒顏色咁~  我今次亦都揾翻我自己既一粒顏色一齊講。  可能個感覺同我最初初(2013年)用既時候有唔同,不竟呢幾年用過好多唔同既野,要求感覺都會就環境改變有所唔同。 今日當係一個update comment丫~

(English:  I got a couple Tarte Amazonian Clay blushes in Thailand.  Long time ago, my friend did give me one so I kinda knew that they wouldn’t fail me and I just wanted a couple more colors that’s all~~  I also dig out the one that I have and put it into this post as well.  I think my feelings are different now than that of 2013 (when I first tried it).  Well, it’s been a couple years and I have been trying so many different things, so thoughts change.  Treat this one as a 2015 updated review~)

Tarte Amazonian Clay 12-Hour Blush

價錢(Price):US28/ 5.6g on their US website


用後感: 我覺得佢上色度無theBalm,Makeup Revolution或者NARS (classic個款)咁出色。 我覺得佢既出色度係似Chanel。  前三個品牌係用個掃掂一掂上面已經出色。 但係Tarte呢隻同Chanel一樣要build幾次。 唔好誤會,我唔會因為咁而唔like佢(正如我都好like Chanel胭脂一樣),我通常build大概三次就出到我想要既顏色,而效果係自然同透薄。  我覺得佢d粉質都好滑同埋好幼,唔會點飛粉,唔錯。 以前我覺得佢好出色,但係而家就用多咗其他野反而覺得佢出色度係屬於一般。  我覺得返工,日妝都好唔錯。  我買呢三隻色都係好natural,所以一般平日都用到。  值唔值得買,我覺得都值得呀,如果你比較喜歡效果自然唔洗太出色(咁用個時唔需要特別留神)既胭脂,我覺得買得過。  如果你有用開Chanel既胭脂而又喜歡既話,你都會喜歡Tarte呢一款~

(English:  Product Review:  I feel the pigmentation is not as good as theBalm, Makeup Revolution or NARS (classic one).  I think it’s more on par with Chanel.  The 3 brands that I mentioned have got superb pigmentation meaning one brush dip will do the job.  On the other hand, this Tarte one (same as Chanel) needs a few build-ups.  Don’t get my wrong, I won’t dislike just because of this (well I do love my Chanel blushes as well).  I usually build around 3 times to get the intensity that I want and the finish is thin and natural.  The powder is smooth and fine, doesn’t create a lot of fall-outs.  Nice.  I used to think this is super pigmented, but I guess after I experience other stuff, this statement is no longer valid.  I think this is good for a work day or a day time look.  The 3 that I got are really natural on face.  Is it worth to buy?  Yes I think so, if you are looking for something that’s natural and you don’t need it to be super pigmented (because you might be scared that you are having too much color on your face), then it’s a yes.  Also, if you are a Chanel blush user and you love it, then you probably will like this one from Tarte as well~)

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