[敗家魔女週記] 法國品牌Talika大發現

話我前世係法國人真係無錯, 我呢期似乎不斷地敗法國產品, 由Alexandre de Paris, 到Les Nereides到今日想分享一下既Talika, 全部都係法國品牌! 其實你對呢個品牌應該唔陌生, 因為佢既睫毛增長液真係超出名, 我細個都用過。 不過你知唔知佢有好多其他產品? 我前幾個月搭飛機見catalogue有佢幾樣產品賣,佢既產品類別有少少特別, 所以我好心動! 哈哈, 前兩日我係Harvey Nichols見到佢, 即刻入咗幾樣野。 橫掂唔多人講, 所以我好有興趣試呢個品牌同大家分享! 今日先出敗家文, 用過產品再逐一同大家分享啦!!

(English:  It wouldn’t be too wrong to say that I must be a French in my previous life, I have been hauling/ investigating different French brands these days, from Alexandre de Paris to Les Nereides to Talika which I want to talk about this – they are all French brands.  Actually I don’t think Talika is too much of a stranger to you, because their Lipocils is really famous for lengthening eyelashes and I did use a couple when I was younger!  However, are you aware that they have quite a few other products as well?  I was travelling a few months ago and I saw the brand in the catalogue on the plane, I have to say that their products are a bit different than other skincare brands, so I have been quite tempted.  *Laughs*  When I dropped by Harvey Nichols a couple days ago, I immediately hauled a few things.  Not many people have been talking about this brand and all the more reason I want to talk about it and share my comments with you.  Today I am sharing what I have hauled first, then after I have tried them, I will share my comments on them one by one!)

哈哈哈!! 好多野呀!! 好滿足!! 又係啦, 你見我個title係敗家魔女週記, 即係話我好有節制地敗, 同埋屋企無咩同類產品我先敗! 等我逐一講下, 你就知道佢同普通美容品牌既產品路線有少少唔同。

(English:  *Grins*  What a great haul!!  I am really happy!!  Yea again, you can see that from my title, this piece is classified under Hauling Witch’s Weekly Journal, so that means I have done my research and blah blah and I am not hauling impulsively!!  Let me go through each product and you will know why it’s a bit different from other skincare brands.)

Talika Cream Booster


又一美顏器! 呢個係可以幫助你搽既cream更加吸收! 佢又細細枝可以用係眼位!! 我之前見台灣blogger有講, 我亦都好想試下個效果, 同埋同其他美顏器比較一下, 所以我敗咗呢個! 我見你地好鍾意睇我對美顏器既評價,所以我同Mr Honey噪住話要敗呢個, 我d讀者鍾意睇呀!! 佢無聲出(我估佢都想話我買咁多機做咩, 得一塊面麻!!)。 嘻嘻!!

(English:  Another skin beautifier!!!  This is used to enhance the effect of your regular creams.  Since its head area is quite small, it can be used on the eye areas as well.  I have been some Taiwanese bloggers talking about this and I really want to test out if it’s great and maybe compare with the ones that I have got, therefore I got this!  I know that you all love reading my views on skin beautifiers, therefore I said to Mr Honey that I really had to get this because my readers love reading these pieces….he was speechless (I knew that he must be thinking I have only one face and why I had to get so many skin beautifiers…)!!!)

佢仲有另一部機呀! 叫Light Duo抗皺美白淡斑器 , 好得意呀, 係用光學原理去抗皺同美白, 仲要化咗妝都可以用, 日日開咗照下就可以簡單抗皺同美白喇! 不過呢,Light Duo個單價好貴婦 (HK$3,200), 所以我諗我試咗部Cream Booster先, 如果好得, 我再研究部Light Duo!!

(English:  BTW, they have other skin beautifiers as well, another particular one which is quite interesting is called Light Duo.  I love the concept, it’s using light therapy to anti-age and whiten, the most amazing thing is that you can use it when you have make-up on as well, very tempting!  However, since the price of the Light Duo is on the luxurious side (HK$3,200), so I want to try the Cream Booster first, if it works really well, then I will probably investigate the Light Duo!!!)

Talika Hand Therapy Gloves


呢個就係我係飛機上睇到又心動既! 心動係因為我唔鍾意搽hand cream, 但係鍾意用hand mask, 但係敷hand mask個陣咩都唔做得好麻煩, 而呢對gloves就咁帶就可以, 咩都唔需要搽。 入面有成份可以對抗手部乾燥和老化, 感覺太方便喇, 所以燒到要敗返屋企試下!! 我用左兩次喇, 我用多一兩次會再分享!! 哈哈!!

(English:  This was what I saw in the catalogue on the plane.  I was tempted because I don’t like putting on hand creams, but I love hand masks.  However, for the regular hand masks, they are quite inconvenient because after you put the mask on, you basically cannot do/ touch anything.  So I got hooked into gloves, I feel that it’s more convenient.  The best thing about this pair of gloves is that you don’t have to apply anything before hand, you just slip your hands in and it will do the anti-aging and moisturizing work for you!  OMG, really convenient and I have to try!  I have been using it a couple times and I will write about them shortly!)

Talika Feet Therapy Socks



腳套我真係超需要, 我對腳真係好唔見得人, 希望呢對腳套有用啦, 好想有靚靚腳明年夏天示人呀!!

(English:  I need therapy socks because I don’t have the best feet in the world and I really hope that these socks would help!  I am hoping to have nice feet when next Spring/ Summer comes along!!)

Talika Bio Enzymes Hydrating Mask

價錢(Price):HK$288/ box (3 pcs inside)

我都話我係面膜控啦! 試一個品牌點會唔試佢地既面膜!! 我諗我敷完呢個面膜會用埋部Cream Booster, 睇下個效果正唔正!!

(English:  Yea yea yea – I am a facial mask maniac and how can I try a new brand without trying the face masks?  I am thinking to use the Cream Booster right after using this mask to see if the result is satisfying!!)

Talika Bio Enzymes Anti-aging Mask

價錢(Price):HK$288/ box (3 pcs inside)

買埋抗老款! 其實我而家用sheet masks好多試都用平價既(有太多太好既選擇), 但係我都想試翻d價錢高貴d既面膜睇下同平價既相比, 係咪真係有唔同。 再分享丫!

(English:  Got the anti-aging ones as well!  Actually I have been using lots of reasonably priced sheet masks (too many great choices) and I somewhat want to use the high end ones to compare if there is a gigantic difference!!  Will share my comments later!!)

Talika Eye Detox Contour Gel

價錢(Price):HK$550/ 5ml

主打去黑眼圈同眼袋! 哈, 見唔係非常貴(眼部產品黎講), 就試下! 呢個可以朝早化妝前用, 同埋我都想用佢加Cream Booster睇下效果點!! 呢個可以要多一點點時間去試有無效果, 各位請耐心等候!

(English:  Prime function of this is to remove dark circles and eye bags!!! *Laughs*  The price is not overly scary (for eye products), so I want to give it a try!  It can be used during the day prior to putting makeup on!  Also, I want to use it at night time together with the Cream Booster to see if the result would be enhanced!  I probably will need more time to test this out before I can share my comments, please wait for me patiently!!)

Talika Lipocils & Black


呢個係新品! 一頭係佢最出名既睫毛增長液, 另一頭係mascara呀!! 我買呢個因為佢兩樣我都有用, 睫毛增長液我好耐之前用過, 亦都想再用之後同大家分享。 咁呢個品牌無化妝品, 見佢出mascara我又覺得好新奇,所以想試!

(English:  This is a new release!!  One side is their famous Lipocils, and the other side is mascara!!  I got this because I know I will use both products.  I used the Lipocils long time ago and I want to use it again to share my comments with you.  Also, this brand doesn’t have any makeup products, but they now have a mascara and it’s quite exciting!!)

Talika Instant Manicure

價錢(Price):HK$295/ 8 treatments

哈哈!! 呢個我唔係想買黎用係手, 我想用係腳呀!! 我d腳甲唔靚, 我一直都想揾一d類似既產品睇下有無用, 咁啱見佢有出呢d產品, 即買!! 我會再分享丫!!

(English:  *Laughs*  I got this one not because I want a manicure, but actually I want a pedicure!!  I have been locating products like these to see if they are effective!  Perfect that this brand has it!!  I will share my comments after use!!)

我覺得Talika除咗有d大路既美容產品之外, 佢仲有一d係其他品牌比較少出既產品! 仲有佢有幾樣產品都好似幾high-tech下。 今次, 我想試一d我屋企無/唔多既產品先, 睇下反應, 如果樣樣野都唔錯既話, 我諗我會試多d佢其他產品!! 哈哈!! 當然啦, 好同唔好我都會分享, 你哋stay tuned啦!!

(English:  I feel that Talika apart from having some skincare products which have similar functions to other skincare brands’, they also have some special items.  Also, they have a few skin beautifiers which are quite high-tech as well (good good!!).  This time, I wanted to try something which are not similar to those I have at home for the initial feeling of the brand, if everything goes right, I will certainly explore other items!!  *Winks*  Of course, I will share any good and bad comments – stay tuned!!!)

Store Address:

中環皇后大道中15號置地廣塲 1/F Beyond Beauty, The Landmark, 15 Queen’s Road Central

HARVEY NICHOLS Beyond Beauty -Pacific Place

金鐘道88號太古廣場 Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, HK

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