Taking Photos in this Heat

We are so blessed that the sun is shining and the sky is wonderfully blue. Admittedly, it feels great when you sit inside an air-con room and look outside the window. However, it’s definitely no fun to go outside (unless you are going to a beach or something). I am recently committed to taking photos and it seems that the more commitment I have given to this task, the hotter it feels. I am sure it’s all psychological lol. But the point is – when it’s hot, it’s too hot; when it’s cold, it’s too cold. We don’t have a long period of optimum temperature (for me, it’s around 18 degree celsius to be precise), sometimes we all just have to face it, put our excuses to one side and get on with the task.


Top: Balmain Tee (Link)
Jeans: Paige Jeans (Similar – Link)
Shoes: Golden Goose Sneakers (Similar – Link)
Bag: Loewe Cubi Medium (Link)

Sunglasses: Tom Ford


GG B and W
Loewe Cubi
Paige Jeans
Balmain Green Top
GG B and W
Loewe Cubi
Paige Jeans
Balmain Green Top
GG B and W
Loewe Cubi
Paige Jeans
Balmain Green Top

On average right now, I am shooting around 2-3 times a week. Sometimes Mr Honey and I go out to shoot 1 outfit and sometimes 3 outfits (have to change on the scene – fun times!). Most of the time, when we arrive at the venue, both of us are sweating horrendously and we haven’t even started to do anything – the power of the heat! LOL. Strangely, we seem to enjoy the “torture” and we are still very motivated to come up with ideas. Yes it’s hot and it’s uncomfortable, but we will live. I guess if you want to do something enough, you will put up, shut up and get on with it, right? There is certainly a lot of passion behind these photos. And, admittedly, whenever we see a good photo coming out from the hard work, that’s a triumphant moment for us. We haven’t conquered the heat; but we have challenged ourselves! Well, I gotta go and prepare for the shoots next week. I wish you all a very great day today!

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