Swatches: Addiction Single Eyeshadows 023P and 021P

我發覺通常我能夠用到見底嘅眼影係底色。 但係好多時佢哋都喺個palette入面,有啲palette又無底色,所以我就諗不如揾啲單色眼影,如果隻色啱嘅話,咁就好百搭。 出門都唔洗9萬幾樣野。 上次去Addiction入手咗兩粒我覺得有機會嘅顏色,一齊望下丫。

I notice that the only eyeshadows that I can hit pan are the base colours, however many of them come in palettes and some palettes don’t even have a base colour. So I thought it might be wise for me to get some singles. If the colours are right, then it would be convenient for travel as well. I got 2 possible colours from Addiction last time, let’s take a closer look.

Addiction Single Eyeshadows 單色眼影 HK$140


你見我揀呢兩隻都係閃底淺色。 023P就香檳色多啲,而023P就帶少少粉橙調。 因為我帶眼鏡所以就算唔畫啲咩眼妝都會有個影係度,所以我揀有閃底嘅色,就算我唔加其他顏色,淨係搽呢個都會有翻自然光澤感同埋望落精神啲。 如果我加其他色,呢兩個都夠淺色唔會好影響之後上嘅顏色。 粉質滑同埋出黎效果都可以好透薄自然。 我用一期睇下邊個色係真愛再同大家分享啦。

Both are shimmery light shades. 023P is more of a champagne colour while 023P is more leaning towards pastel orange tone. Since I wear glasses, it would cast a shadow on my eye area, I pick something shimmery to add back some light and natural shine to the lids so I would look more awake if I wear these alone. However, I still think the shades are light enough not to distort other colours if I want to create a full blown eye makeup look. The powder is finely milled and it can have quite a thin and sheer effect. I will use these for awhile and report back which one is my favourite.

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