[修身] 日本Svelty Ultra Beauty漢方瘦身正品

天氣又開始熱啦!! 相信夏天一到,因為無得再用衫去遮遮掩掩,大家又開始進入減肥呢個黑洞。 印象中,我識咁多個女仔無一個話自己唔洗減肥(無論佢係肥定瘦)! 女人都係貪心啦,就算係人地覺得自己啱啱好,自己都會覺得瘦多少少就更好。 大家減還減呀,記得要注意健康同埋唔好亂食藥呀!! 搞到自己好殘就真係瘦都唔靚呀!! 

(English:  Summer is approaching and we cannot hide behind our jackets and such, so I guess we all kinda got sucked into the loosing weight black hole again!  From what I remember, I haven’t come across any girl who doesn’t want to be slimmer (not matter if they are slim or curvy)!  Women are greedy (in nature).  Even people think that we look just fine, we always want to be a bit slimmer.  Remember, loosing weight is one thing, keeping yourself healthy is just as important.  Don’t just try anything to loose weight (something are dangerous)!  Being slim and not healthy doesn’t equate to beauty too!!)

我就一向都唔係瘦(中咗不瘦降),我成日都話如果我仲買到我鍾意既衫,我都唔會逼自己特別減肥! 不過,當然如果可以瘦少少,我會好開心丫!! 上個月,我收到一個減肥用品既試用邀請,初初我都好小心睇清楚,因為始終係食落肚,如果有咩事就唔值得啦。 之後我睇完,亦都明白產品係日本製造,同埋有好多日本既明星都讚呢隻產品有效,所以我就答應試食喇。

(English:  I am not slim in nature but as I always say, “as long as I can wear the clothes that I like, I won’t push myself to loose weight!”  However, if I can get a bit slimmer, I wouldn’t mind at all *laughs*!!  Last month, I received a trial invitation regarding a slimming product.  At first, I was skeptical so I did some research to make sure that it’s safe to take.  After some researching, I found out that the product is made in Japan and many Japanese celebrities are taking this product and have been raving about it as well, so I was happy to give it a go.)

Svelty Ultra Beauty


價錢(Price): HK$228/ 14 Days (@ Mannings)

Product Information:


(English: “Promotes weight loss by boosting intestinal health.”)

細細粒! 一日食四粒,咩時間食都可以架!

(English:  Quite small!  It’s suggested to take 4 per day and you can take them anytime throughout the day!!)

使用次數(No. of Usage):1 month

用後感:我自己好少食減肥產品,但係我媽媽就食得多。好多時我都會聽到佢話食咗某某產品之後心跳得好勁,好口乾或者係咁去洗手間! 所以我初初食既時候好留意我有無以上情況,答案係無! 我食咗之後感覺同平日係無唔同,唔會覺得唔餓啦,又唔會覺得心跳好勁啦,更加唔會成日要去洗手間啦。呢d副作用全部都無發生係我身上! 一日食四粒,咩時間都得,我多數都係一早食咗早餐就食以免唔記得。 我初初一個星期唔大感覺, 不過去到第二個星期就覺得去洗手間既時候(大大)係去得好清同埋便便係軟身既, 但係又唔會話一日去幾次(都係一日一次啦)。 兩個星期到覺得個肚扁咗同埋個人少咗水腫! 去到第三個星期既某一日照鏡覺得個身型瘦咗少少,同埋條褲鬆咗少少!! 哈哈!! 我再度下條腰,瘦咗一吋丫!! 超開心!! 我食佢既期間所有野都無改變,例如我食野係同平時既份量差唔多啦,夜晚我會做下stretching先瞓覺啦。 哈哈!! 就咁食佢都可以瘦咗一吋!! 掂呀!! 我食完一個月無再食,我都唔覺得有反彈!! 我諗如果勤力d,食佢既時候再做多d運動同埋食得再健康d,應該效果仲好。 我無咁做係因為我想測試下佢本身得唔得(我先可以同大家分享麻),所以我平日做既野我照做,睇下佢有無效果。 我咁樣都減到瘦咗,你話係咪掂先?  哈哈!! 如果你都想瘦少少,而你又唔係好勤力或者好有決心既人,咁我超推呢隻產品俾你!! 正!!

(English:  Product Review:  I seldom take these slimming pills but my mom was like an expert on these products. Many times, I would hear my mom saying that her heart beats too fast after taking certain product, or it makes her thirsty, or it makes her go to the bathroom a lot!!  Therefore when I started taking Ultra Beauty, I really paid attention to see if I got the abovementioned side effects and luckily none of those applied to me.  I didn’t feel too different after taking Ultra Beauty in the sense that I still felt hungry, my heart beat was normal and my no. of bathroom visits was about the same as well.  It’s suggested to take 4 a day (anytime of the day would work), I usually take it in the morning after breakfast in case I might forget.  I didn’t feel anything during the first week but when I was onto the second week, I noticed that when I went to the bathroom to poop, my inside felt really clean.  And the poop itself was softer than normal, however, the no. of visit didn’t increase (still maintained at once a day).  During week 2, I felt like my tummy had gone flatter and there was a less sign of water retention in the body.  3rd week around, I looked into the mirror one day and noticed that I looked slimmer and my pants felt looser (yay!!).  Then I quickly measured my waist, 1 inch down!!!  Super happy about that!!  During the period, I hadn’t changed my routine, like I ate the same amount and I did some stretching before sleeping as always.  So you could imagine how happy I got when I noticed the 1 inch down without doing much.  I finished my 1 month’s supply and I haven’t kept taking it, the 1 inch is still down *laughs*!!!  No bounce back!!!  I believe if you exercise a bit more and eat a bit more healthier when you are taking Ultra Beauty, the result would be even better.  I didn’t do that because I wanted to know if the product itself as effective (then I could share my thoughts)!!  1 inch down for me in 3 weeks just by taking these little pills, amazing eh?  So if you want to slim up a bit and you are not a big fan of exercising or don’t have a lot of determination, I would highly recommend this to you!!  Great stuff!!)

仲有丫!! 佢地揾我試用既時候我同佢地話我想我既讀者都有得試下。 佢地即話sponsor我5盒一個月份量,等5位幸運兒都可以感受下。 我聽日會係Facebook度搞呢個giveaway,你有興趣就要”like”我Facebook Page喇!!

(English:  What’s more!!  When they approached me for the trial, I said that I would love for my readers to be able to try the products too.  They were very nice about it and said that they would sponsor me 5 boxes (=1 month’s supply each) of products so that 5 lucky winners can experience the effect personally.  I will arrange the giveaway on Facebook tomorrow, so if you are interested, please go “like” my Facebook Page first!!)

除咗呢隻Ultra Beauty之外,佢仲有另一隻產品係針對腳部!聽落好似好神奇!! 我亦都會試用呢隻腳部產品一個月,到時再同大家分享啦!!

(English:  Apart from this Ultra Beauty product, they have another product which targets legs!!  Sounds magical and I will try that product for a month before reviewing it!)

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