[保養] suti Rejunvenate Organic Face Oil

之前係video度講過facial oil既七個用法,如果你未睇你先可以睇翻! 我相信好多人一聽到oil呢個字都即刻驚咗,我以前都係咁,不過而家明白咗要皮膚要水油平衡,所以都會開始用下oil,用用下我反而覺得好用丫! 呢期我就成日用呢隻oil,等我同大家分享下先:

(English:  I have talked about the 7 uses in my previous video, if you haven’t watched it, please feel free to do so!  I believe many of the people would be scared by the word “oil”, I was like that before, but now, I understand that skin needs a balance of moisture and oil, so I have started my journey with facial oil and I am loving the results!  I have been using the following one these days and would like to share my thoughts with you:)


suti Rejunvenate Organic Face Oil


價錢(Price):HK$400/ 30ml

Buy from: http://www.foliabeauty.com.hk/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=46

Made in UK


 Before Blending



使用次數(No. of Usage):25 times

用後感:我面同身都有用佢。 第一個望落去個感覺係佢個texture都幾rich,但係一開始按既時候又覺得佢個質感唔厚,你見相都見到,一推開個陣隻手都有d令,但係一按完之後隻手就唔會令立立! 感覺佢都快吸收同埋感覺滋潤得黎唔會係好笠! 潤得黎個感覺都算係清爽! 好似我係video咁講,我好少就咁用佢搽完面/身,反而我係mix係serum/ body lotion度用,我覺得咁樣用係最易接受同埋真係啱啱好。 佢仲有好香既花味,所以用緊個陣都係好relaxing!! 面部皮膚用完呢隻油真係變得唔乾,同埋佢係好long lasting,之前我感冒,一d甩皮既情況都無。 長期用,keep住皮膚滋潤都唔會出咁多紋,所以都可以抗老! 另外我都有用係身,佢真係幫咗我好多,因為由我身體皮膚爆乾有白紋同痕到而家好滑好潤有光澤,佢功勞都唔少。 如果你皮膚好乾既話,我真係超級建議你試下我係video講過既方法去用呢個油,佢真係幫都你減少好多皮膚乾而帶黎既煩惱!

(English: Product Review: I have been using this on my face and body. The first reaction when I looked at the product was like: “it looks quite rich”, but then when I start massaging it onto the skin, the texture doesn’t feel heavy.  As you can see from the pictures, when it’s first blended, it looks a bit shiny on skin, but after it’s fully blended, the shine is gone.  I feel that it gets absorbed fairly quickly, it’s moisturizing but not greasy.  It feels quite light on skin still!  Just like what I have said in the video, I seldom use it alone on my face/ body, I usually mix it with serum/ body lotion, I feel this is the most easy to accept method and the texture is just right.  It has a lovely floral scent, so it’s quite relaxing during application!!  I feel that my face is really moisturized and it’s long-lasting effect is very long indeed.  When I had my flu earlier (and I had to blow my nose so many times a day), I didn’t have flaky skin (yay!!).  If you use this on a long-term basis, and keep your skin moisturized, it would help prevent the fine lines, so in other words, it helps fight aging!  What’s more, I have been using this on my body, and it does help me tremendously!  My skin was dry and itchy before and now guess what, it has become moisturized and radiant!!  I can’t thank this oil enough!  If you have dry skin,  I would highly recommend you use this oil following the methods mentioned in the video, it helps reduce the problems brought by having dry skin!)

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