[保養] 雪花秀潤咀膏 Sulwhasoo Lumitouch Lip Care


(English:  OMG!!!  I have been hearing some really good comments on Sulwhasoo Lip Care and I have been wanting to give it a go (even though I still have many stock at home)!  Ha – good that I had a colleague who was heading to Korea, so I asked her to help me get one!)

 Sulwhasoo Lumitouch Lip Care

價錢(Price):HK$300/ (HK counter), around HK$176 in Korea

使用次數(No. of Usage):30 times用後感:無得頂呀! 我一收到就開咗嚟用,佢個質感都幾厚身,搽落個咀覺好潤,不過又唔會痴lup lup!我一用佢之後,我就將我所有其他嘅潤咀膏打入冷宮!哈哈,可想而知我係幾鍾意呢枝潤咀膏啦!搽完個效果有少少令令地,好似搽咗lipgloss咁! 同埋佢個效果超持久,如果我無食野,唔洗補搽呀! 好勁!!!我覺得如果你個咀同我一樣都係乾到mama都唔認得,咁我真係超建議你去試下呢隻潤咀膏!我就一用愛上喇。但係如果你個咀唔係好勁乾,我又覺得唔洗用到咁潤, 因為你可能會覺得厚過頭!超推呀! 爆好用!

(English:  Product Review:  Superb!! I immediately started using it once I got it!  The texture is a bit thick and it’s REALLY moisturizing on lips without the horrible sticky feeling.  The day when I started using this, I basically forgot about all the other lip care that I had *laughs*!  You can tell how much I love this!  It also creates a lipgloss effect on lips as well (super shiny!).  And what I love about it the most is that the moisturizing effect is really long-lasting.  If I don’t eat anything, I basically don’t need any touch up!  Fab!  If you have super dry lips like mine, I would really recommend this to you because I believe that you would love it (I fell in love instantly).  However, if your lips are too dry, I don’t think it suits your needs, because you might think that the texture is too thick for you!  Wow, highly recommended!!  Brilliant product!!!)

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