[保養] 英國嘅天然STEAMCREAM

上年聖誕我同事仔送咗個STEAMCREAM俾我! 哈哈! 個包裝真係超靚! 我記得我見過呢個品牌, 佢係有好多唔同包裝可以選擇! 我呢期係Twitter見佢地出咗英國國旗版同埋一d比較英國嘅設計,都好靚呀!! 睇下:

(English:  Last X’mas, my colleague gave me a tin of STEAMCREAM as a gift!! *Laughs*  The packaging is really nice.  I remember I saw this brand before and they offer quite a few different package design for you to choose from.  Recently I went on Twitter and saw that they released a series of more English design (to celebrate Jubilee) – very pretty!!)

我鍾意Freedom & Discipline + Big Ben + Three Little Boys!!

(English:  I personally Love Freedom & Discipline + Big Ben + Three Little Boys!!)

我收到個粒就係呢粒, 好靚呀!!

(English:  The following is the gift from my colleague – OMG pretty!!)


價錢(Price): HK$138/ 75g

因為係同事仔送, 我唔知幾多錢! 但係我上網揾過, 應該係大概HK$138一粒啦~

(English:  Since I received this as a gift, so I am not sure what the price is.  I searched online and it should be around HK$138@)

Seibu有得賣, 有時我見Lane Crawford定City Super都會有booth賣。

(English:  They are available at Seibu.  Sometimes I see that they have booths selling their products in Lane Crawford or City Super!)

佢係萬用cream, 搽手搽面搽身都得!

(English:  It’s a multi-purpose cream, can be used on face, hand and body!)

Product Information:

“2010年獲CEW (UK) Beauty Award 的多功能天然保溼霜。STEAMCREAM 是一項革命性的護膚概念,乳霜成份天然適用於臉部,身體及手部,獨特『蒸氣』注入法令鎖水保溼功效更快,更持久。”

“English: “STEAMCREAM represents
the latest concept in skincare. Freshly handmade using high-quality,
natural ingredients that are fused together by a shot of steam. This
unique method makes the cream very lightweight, providing long-lasting
hydration for the face. The texture also makes it a perfect nourishing
treat for your body and hands too.

handmade in the UK and Japan with fresh, traceable ingredients. It’s
super-moisturising, sinks deep down instantly and revives your skin
straight away. It makes your skin simply the best it can be, naturally.
Our beautiful, eco-friendly limited edition tins are designed by us but
we do also enjoy working with other inspiring designers to spice things
up. Grab your favourites before they sell out!
When you’ve used your STEAMCREAM, keep your tin for storing things and come back to see what’s new.
an award winner. We won the CEW (UK) Award for Best Everyday New
Skincare and Pure Beauty Award for Best Design & Packaging. Once
you’ve tried it you’ll understand why!”


~Before Blending~

~After Blending~

使用次數(No. of Usage):16 times

用後感: 我無記錯嘅話,佢係英國品牌, 但係就同日本人合作, 佢係英國日本都有生產。 佢產品係用天然成份。 包裝設計就係日本個邊去做(唔怪得咁靚啦)。 呢個產品我用過係面, 但係我就覺得對我嚟講, 用係面就麻麻地, 有少少過潤既情況出現。 但係用係身同手就一流! 我去trip個陣帶咗佢去, 你知搭飛機會搭到成個人都乾埋啦。 我去到酒店就用佢搽下身, 佢個texture真係超級正。 唔單止好易吸收, 仲要保濕得嚟唔笠!! 用完皮膚即時有翻sa水份, 同埋變得好soft好滑! 超好用! 我呢幾日又唔知係咪係冷氣房太耐既關係, 我個心口有d痕(乾到痕), 我怕搽其他化學野會敏感, 所以我就用佢, 用完即刻唔痕, 仲要覺得好夠水添!! 哈哈!! 真係無敵好用!! 亦都係因為佢個樣好見得人, 我放佢係手袋當hand cream用, 哈哈, 我覺得佢變埋我既accessories添!! 但係大家要留意, 因為佢係天然野, 所以佢個tin既底部會有Best Before Date, 買咗記得唔好放太耐呀! 我對呢tin cream既回購度超高, 唔只係因為佢靚, 我覺得佢真係好保濕, 咩天氣都啱用! 用完呢tin, 我會買另一盒!! 哈哈哈!!

(English:  Product Review:  If I remember right, it’s a UK brand, cooperating with the Japanese.  They are making their products in both UK and Japan and their brand specifically use natural ingredients.  The packaging and design is somehow in Japan (no wonder the packaging is sooooo amazing).  I used STEAMCREAM on my face before but not ideal as I felt it was a bit too rich for me.  However, when it’s used on hands and body, it works wonder!!  I brought this STEAMCREAM with me when I was traveling.  As you all know, getting on a plane could dry out skin desperately, therefore, I used this on my body when I arrived at the hotel.  I LOVE the texture because it’s not only easy to absorb, it also hydrates the skin wonderfully!!  Skin immediately feels hydrating, becomes soft and smooth!  Brilliant!!  These few days, I am not sure if I have stayed in air-con room for too long and my chest was getting itchy (too dry).  I was skeptical of using other chemical products as they might irritate my skin even further.  So, I used STEAMCREAM on my chest instead.  It instantly “kills” the itchiness and my chest feels hydrated again!! *Laughs*  In addiction, its tin design is really fab, therefore I now put it in my purse to use it as a hand cream.  Oh I think it becomes one of my accessory items!!  Hm…since it’s a natural product, please be reminded that there is a “best use before” date on the bottom of the tin and remember not to put it aside for too long after you get this!  I personally would repurchase this STEAMCREAM, not only because it looks good, it also works great and suits different skin types and weather conditions as well.  I will get another one after using up this tin!! *laughs*)

(the product information is extracted from http://steamcream.co.uk)

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