Spring One Day Outfit Ft. Zara Oversize T-Shirt, Chanel Espadrilles and Korean Handbag

話咁快春天已經到喇! 其他人我唔知,不過我就唔鍾意香港既春天所有野都係濕笠笠。 我諗講起春天,大家都會諗起粉色或者好柔和既顏色,但係我就諗起灰色,一到春天我就心情好灰耶~~(講笑)。 其實我覺得著衫呢d野最緊要自己鍾意同舒服,唔一定要跟住話個年興乜著乜,始終係人著衫唔係衫著人啦。 趁大家都搬唔同既顏色出黎既同時,我就著翻我平日最自在既顏色,我最近係Zara入手咗呢件衫,超like超舒服,所以想同大家分享一下個Causal Look丫。

(English:  Now we are officially entering Spring!  I am not sure about you, but I really don’t like the Spring of Hong Kong because it’s just too crazily humid!  I think when we talk about Spring, many of us would think about pastel colours, not for me, I think about grey because my whole mood is totally affected by the 90% or more humidity *grins*.  Well, for me, I don’t think you need to follow every single fashion trend and colours out there, just remember it’s the fabulous YOU that wear the clothes not the other way round.  While everyone is busy hauling colourful clothes, I am still wearing the colour that makes me comfortable.  I recently got this T-shirt from Zara, as much as it’s really simple, it’s really comfortable and it has quickly become my fav, so that’s why I want to share a causal look with you today.)

Top: Zara Oversize T-Shirt in Charcoal HK$169 (link)

呢件講明係Oversize,所以我買細咗一個碼,因為我研究過,我平日著大碼都係有鬆,所以如果講明係Oversize既話,我會買翻中碼,因為個cutting已經比平日既衫係大咗,買大碼真係會好大反而唔好睇。 呢件中碼,我覺得有Oversize感覺得黎唔似著左人地件衫。

(English:  This one says Oversize, so I got one size down.  I usually get a L in clothes and they do fit loosely on me.  Therefore if something says Oversize, I would opt for one size down because the cutting is already bigger than normal.  If I get a L, then it would be somewhat distorting the look.  I am wearing a M here and I do think that it offers the Oversize feeling without the illusion of I am stealing other people’s clothes.)

佢係長袖,有扣扭位,但係我覺得放長個袖著有d呆。 所以我捲起佢著,反而有d野睇,同埋灰色既範圍無咁多。

(English:  It’s long-sleeved and has a button, but it looks a bit boring and dull, therefore, I roll the sleeve up to minimise the grey tone and add a bit of “action mode” to the top.)

Pants: New Look Coated Jeans (similar here)

Shoes:  Chanel Espadrilles HK$4,100

件衫夠長可以遮Pat Pat!! 哈哈~~ 不過記得上身著咗Oversize,下身要緊身呀! 如果大家鍾意襯leggings,我覺得都好好睇!

(English:  The top is long enough to cover the bump area!!  Just remember to wear tight pants with your Oversize top!  Skinny pants/ jeans or leggings are all great choices!)

Chanel草鞋,今年都出咗唔同款色,我有一對係白色,所以今年入手呢款銀色+黑色,一來呢個款色有少少吸晶,二來大部分深色唔會好快dirty。 你買既時候要留意你對腳會唔會係比較闊,如果係既話,要買大少少唔係好難穿對腳入去。 我腳都唔算係好闊,所以買翻平日著既碼就可以喇。 好唔好著,係唔刮既,亦都唔夾,但係我初初著行得耐既話唔係好舒服。 當然啦,好多品牌都有出草鞋,Chanel唔係你杯茶既話,絕對可以睇其他,草鞋我覺得係春夏天既服飾亮點,為成套Causal Outfit加分。

(English:  Chanel Espadrilles, they have some different pairs this year.  I have already got a white pair, so I got my hands on this Silver and Black pair this year because 1. they are subtly eye-catching and 2. they won’t look dirty too soon since most part is black.  When you buy them, pay attention to see if your feet are usually quite wide, if they are, then you need to get 1 size up, otherwise, your feet cannot get in.  My feet are not too wide, so my normal size works for me.  Are they comfortable?  They don’t scratch the back of my feet and they don’t squeeze my feet too much, but when I walk for a long time in them, they are not the most comfortable ones.  Of course, many brands offer espadrilles as well, and if Chanel is not your cup of tea, I am sure you would still be able to find some that you like elsewhere.  Espadrilles are a nice piece to add that Spring and Summer touch to a Causal Outfit.)

Bag: Korean Handbag HK$539 (link)

我一眼見到呢個袋覺得好靚,顏色同做工都靚。 佢係一個中size袋,實用度高,本身個袋唔重,所以就算放得多野都唔會話重到拎唔起。 呢條帶可以好長,我而家係最短,你見都去到我hip位,我覺得咁樣對我黎講係啱啱好喇。 如果想側背,佢條帶再可以放長d架!!

(English:  When I first saw this bag, I felt this was nicely done.  The colours and linings are well made.  I would call this a medium size bag with high practicality.  The bag is not heavy in itself, so you can fit quite a bit inside without feeling too heavy on your shoulder.  The straps can be adjusted, right now I have it the shortest and you can see the bag is actually hanging next to my hip area.  This is just the right length for me.  If you want it cross body, yes the strap can be adjusted to suit.)

今次因為帶左Hermes隻Bracelet (link),所以無帶好多其他飾物。 加上gel甲今次做左Barbie色,所以我覺得手指都好搶鏡啦。

(English:  Since I am wearing Hermes Bracelet (link), therefore I don’t accessorise too much.  Plus the gel nails are barbie pink already, I guess I really don’t need to put on any more rings.)

最後,因為係causal look,所以我都係化咗個好simple好clean既妝。 唇色用左Bodyography Lip Slide in It Girl (link),呢個顏色真係超natural超易carry,唔搶眼,但係搽左呢個色好有就係好有氣質既一個顏色。 

(English:  Last but not least, since this is a causal look, so I just simply put on some simple makeup to create a clean look.  For the lips, I am using Bodyography Lip Slide in It Girl (link) which is a very natural and easy to carry colour.  It’s not striking but somehow it shows a degree of class and elegance.)

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