[保養] 平價Spray Moisturizer

唔經唔覺已經用完La Mer既Body Lotion,你地遲少少會係密密清video度見到佢~ 咁用完又要揾下其他野用啦,係屋企揾翻呢枝產品,唔知幾時買咗,用落又唔錯,等我同大家分享下:

(English:  I have finished my La Mer Body Lotion and you will probably see it in my next empties video~  So it’s about time to try some new stuff, I found this at home (not sure when I bought this), gave this a few go and it is actually quite nice…so here comes the spotlight…)

Vaseline Intensive Care Spray Moisturizer 

Aloe Soothe

唔記得幾錢,不過唔會貴啦! 我記得我係Mannings執佢翻黎,大家有興趣自己去望下。 我記得佢好持有兩款,我對aloe呢款比較有興趣~

(English:  I am not sure how much but it won’t be expensive!  I remember I got this at Mannings and if you are interested, go check it out.  It seems to me that there are two types to choose from and I am (always) more interested in anything Aloe Vera~~)

叫得Spray Moisturizer,當然係噴頭啦。

(English:  It’s called Spray Moisturizer, of course it comes with a spray.)


When It’s Sprayed Out…

After Rubbing It In…

使用次數(No. of Usage):5 times

用後感:噴既時候我覺得似係噴左一篤lotion落皮膚一個位置,都要用手去按開。 老實講,我初初用既時候係有d覺得失望,因為唔係慳咗按摩個step。 我覺得同另一d唧出黎要我用手搽既lotion無咩分別,唔係方便咗囉~ 但係用用下,我覺得佢既質地真係似稀咗既奶,推兩下就吸咗,好快吸收得黎,皮膚變得好滑。 佢係個樽度有寫係Non-Greasy,真係一d都唔笠,同埋皮膚變得好線手個下即刻加翻分!! 哈哈~~ 我無諗過佢咁輕質地都keep住滑到第二日(我開冷氣啦,所以都係好乾,同埋我個身本身就好好好乾)。 正喎~~ 估唔到我亂咁拎都撞到好野。 佢個味有d似蜜瓜,搽完好近聞先聞到,個味last到個令鐘啦。 嗱,講明,佢唔係咩貴野香薰野,所以味道就人工d啦,但係起碼唔係臭囉!我覺得如果你要買佢,你先要唔好諗住唔洗按,咁你會覺得好好用。 我覺得佢既質地適合唔同膚質同埋呢個天氣。 平平地唔錯呀~用得過!!

(English:  Product Review: I feel that when it sprays, it sprays to a concentrated area and I need to use my hands to massage the product into the skin.  Not going to lie, I was quite disappointed at first because I thought somehow I wouldn’t need to use my hands.  I felt like it was no different than other body lotion which requires the massaging bit, this is definitely not “more convenient” in my books.  However, I continue to use it and I discover its texture it’s like a very light milky texture, after a couple of “rubbing it in”, it gets absorbed FAST and skin becomes moisturized and super smooth to touch.  It says “Non-Greasy” on the bottle and yes it’s really light weight.  After experiencing how smooth my skin is, the score goes up immediately!!  *Laughs*  What surprises me is that though it’s light weight, the smoothness lasts till the next day (I have air-con on at night so my environment is dry, not to mention my body is super dry to start with).  Nice stuff (and I felt lucky)!!  The scent is a bit like honey dew, I can only smell it when I am sniffing and it lasts for around an hour or so.  Well, I have to stress this, this is not an expensive item and it’s not a natural/ aromatic sort of product, so please expect the scent to be more on the artificial side.  I can only say it’s not horrible!!  I think if you are interested in this, first off, you need to accept the fact that you still need your hands to rub the product in, once you get that in your hand, I think you will like it.  I also feel that its texture is nice for different skin types and this kind of weather.  Quite an affordable body lotion choice and YES I would recommend this!)

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