[邀稿] spa ph+ 新體驗

我自己其實好少做facial, 多數我都自己係屋企護理多。 我諗我少做嘅原因係一來怕hardsell, 二來我唔知我合埋眼之後佢地係會用咩係我塊面。 所以咁耐以嚟, 你地都好少見我講關於facial嘅東東。 前兩個星期收到spa ph+嘅邀情去做個Phyto-C 橄欖全效更新修復護理。  呢個treatment係針對皮膚不穩定狀態,例如敏感、暗粒,肌膚失去光澤等問題, 我見皮膚呢期都有少少唔係好穩定, 所以就答應去做呢個treatment, 睇下會唔會有咩改善喇。

(English:  I seldom get any facial done, I do it mostly myself at home with tons of beauty products.  I think the reasons being are 1. I don’t like the hardsell method of some beauty salons and 2. I am not sure what kind of products they would use on my face after I close my eyes (I know I am kinda paranoid!).  A couple weeks ago, I got an invitation from spa ph+ for a Phyto-C Olive Treatment.  This treatment targets unstable/ sensitive skin types, it also works on bringing radiance back to skin.  Well, my skin was sort of not too stable at the time, so I gladly accepted the invitation wishing to see if the treatment was effective.)

我上兩個星期五去左銅鑼灣世貿中心嗰間spa ph+。  原來佢地唔只係facial, spa, massage, 打BOTOX脫毛嗰d都有㗎。

(English:  I went to the spa ph+ in Causeway Bay a couple Fridays ago.  Actually, they offer more than facial services, they have spa, massage, botox and hair removal as well.)

哈, 仲有整手甲整腳甲嘅地方。 真係玩一日都得(發夢中:做完facial, 再做個body massage, 之後小休片刻, 再整埋手甲腳甲, 感覺應該會好爽好relax!)。

(English:  *laughs*  They also have manicure and pedicure services as well.  You could really spend a whole day here (*dreaming* – after facial, follow with a body massage, then take a rest… after that it could be manicure and pedicure time – would feel so wonderful and relaxing!)

我今次做個treatment就係用呢個品牌嘅產品喇。 佢都係針對修復皮膚為主, 所以都好切合我嘅需要。

(English:  Phyto-C products would be used during my treatment.  Their products mostly aim at restoring skin health – quite suitable for my needs.)

 換好衫入到房喇! 間房都好浪漫下(好黑, 哈哈), 好想瞓呀!

(English:  After changing my clothes, I went into the room – OMG!!  The lighting was really romantic (aka dark haha), made me feel so sleepy!)

之後就開始做treatment喇! 由洗面到精華修護,今次都用咗Phyto-C的產品,當中更包括多款皇牌如B12細胞活化精華及維他命B5補濕精華,有效激活細胞,為肌膚即時保濕,效果持久顯著。  仲有配合spa ph+的獨門亮肌按摩手勢,有效暢通肌膚管道,將多種高效抗氧維他命如A、B5、C、E等美肌元素帶入底層,以療程改善皮膚外觀,特別針對暗啞及皮膚蠟黃嘅情況。  當中佢地仲幫我清咗黑頭同埋修咗眉部雜毛添!  整個護理我都覺得好舒服, 其中有一部份我係舒服到瞓咗。 哈哈!!

(English:  Then I began my treatment.  Starting from cleansing to serum, all Phyto-C products were used in the process.  It included the star product like the B5 gel, which stimulates skin cell activities and immediately hydrates skin.  Also, together with the special massage method from spa ph+, it helped the Vitamin A, B5, C, E etc. to get absorbed better into the deeper layer of skin, in turn, skin would look more radiant.  Oh during the course, my black heads were removed and my eyebrows were trimmed (bonus point!).  I found the whole process was so relaxing, so relaxing to a point that I actually fell asleep!! *laughs*)

做好treatment之就飲杯茶小休一下。 跟住先返去繁忙嘅都市生活!

(English:  After the treatment, I did take a rest and drank a cup of warm tea before heading back to the very hectic life style that I was having!)


(English: Let’s take a look at the before and after pics as well to see the difference:)

未做treatment之前面中間有少少敏感, 做完之後紅嘅情況無咁明顯(仲要到夜d嘅時候紅嘅地方完全消失 – 正!)。 同埋好明顯見到塊面firm咗好多, 水腫唔見晒。 皮膚好有水份同埋好有氣息!

(English:  Before the treatment, there was a small sensitive patch on my cheek area but after the treatment, the area was smaller (and it disappeared completely at around evening time – great!).  Also, my face looked and felt so much more firmer than before – all the water retention problem was gone!  Skin felt hydrating and radiant!!)

呢個護理要HK$1,800, 雖然一d都唔平民, 但係效果就明顯同持久。 間唔中俾皮膚一個treat都係值得既!!

(English:  This treatment costs around HK$1,800. It’s absolutely not a friendly price tag, but it’s effective and the effect is quite long-lasting.  I think it’s worth to give skin a treat from time to time!!)

好康優惠: 由即日開始至四月三十號,我嘅讀者即可以$380體驗價享用Phyto-C橄欖全效更新修復護理乙次。完成後可免費獲贈Phyto-C皇牌保濕 B5 Gel 15ml乙支及Phyto-C橄欖系列產品試用裝。


記得預約呀!同埋以上優惠只限spa ph+新客戶。禮品數量有限,送完即止。 

(English: Discount Offer: From now till April 30th, 2012, my readers can have a one-off experience of Phyto-C Olive Treatment with the discounted price of HK$380.  After treatment, free samples of Phyto-C B5 Gel (15ml) and Phyto-C Olive products will be given as gifts.

Also, if you choose to buy any of the Phyto-C products on the day of treatment, you will enjoy a one-off 15% off discount!

Please remember to make the appointment in advance.  The above offer is only applicable to new spa ph+ clients.  Gifts are limited.  Act fast!!)

如果你有興趣, 可以直接打電話去book啦:

地址: 中環新世界大廈2期8樓全層
電話: 2810 0133
營業時間: 星期一至五: 10:30 – 21:30 | 星期六: 10:00 – 20:30 | 星期日及公眾假期: 10:00 – 19:00

地址: 銅鑼灣世貿中心14樓1401 – 1403室
電話: 3167 7998
營業時間: 星期一至五: 11:00 – 21:30 | 星期六、日及公眾假期: 11:00 – 21:00

地址: 尖沙咀廣東道100號彩星集團大廈12樓全層
電話: 2377 3930
營業時間: 星期一至五: 11:00 – 21:30, | 星期六、日及公眾假期: 11:00 – 21:00

地址: 沙田新城市商業大廈405 – 406室
電話: 2692 7233
營業時間: 星期一至日及公眾假期: 11:00 – 21:00

地址: 荃灣城市中心21樓全層
電話: 3748 9386
營業時間: 星期一至五: 11:00 – 21:30, | 星期六、日及公眾假期: 11:00 – 21:00

(English: If you are interested, you could call to make an appointment:

Address: 8/f, New World Tower ii, Central
Tel: 2810 0133
Opening Hours: Mon – Fri: 10:30 – 21:30 | Sat: 10:00 – 20:30 | Sun/Public Holiday: 10:00 – 19:00

Causeway Bay
Address: Room 1401 – 1403, World Trade Centre, Causeway Bay
Tel: 3167 7998
Opening Hours: Mon – Fri: 11:00 – 21:30 | Sat/Sun/Public Holiday: 11:00 – 21:00

Tsim Sha Tsui
Address: 12/f, Toy House, 100 Canton Road, Tst
Tel: 2377 3930
Opening Hours: Mon – Fri: 11:00 – 21:30 | Sat/Sun/Public Holiday: 11:00 – 21:00

Address: Rm 405 – 406, New Town Tower, Shatin
Tel: 2692 7233
Opening Hours: Mon – Sun/Public Holiday: 11:00 – 21:00

Tsuen Wan
Address: 21/ F, City Landmark, Tsuen Wan
Tel: 3748 9386
Opening Hours: Mon – Fri: 11:00 – 21:30 | Sat/Sun/Public Holiday: 11:00 – 21:00)

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