[敗家] Sogo週年慶 @ 台灣

我知我知,你地個個都好期待我嘅台灣敗家文ma, 我已經決定我唔可以一次過寫曬, 我要分開幾日去寫, 唔係真係寫一篇已經寫死我喇(笑)。 我第一日就去左Sogo敗家, 因為個邊咁啱都係週年慶, 所以我去左敗先, 免得遲左會走寶。 其實我望過d價錢, 因為我地嘅兌換率無咁好, 好多野連退稅都仲貴過香港, 所以我今次主打係買香港無嘅或者係香港買唔到嘅野。 準備好未? 準備好, 我就開始講我嘅週年慶敗家成果喇。

(English:  I know I know!  You are all waiting for my haul pieces from Taiwan!  I have come to conclusion that I can’t write about the haul all in one piece, otherwise it would be hard for me to catch my breath, I will split the haul up instead *laughs*.  The first day was about hauling at Sogo as they had something very similar to Thankful Week.  I went there on the first day as I didn’t want to miss out anything.  Actually, I did some research before and our exchange rate wasn’t particular good, therefore, many of the stuff worked out to be more expensive than in Hong Kong, therefore, I only hauled something not available in Hong Kong.  Ready?  Let’s get started.)

1st stop: Albion @ Sogo, Taiwan

呢張係全家福。 哈哈, 我好多年前已經有用Albion喇, 但係香港無, 所以要走到去台灣買。 今次見佢地有set, 我個friend又想要, 所以我幫佢抬咗d翻嚟。 嗱, 所以呢張相唔係我個人力量呀!  等我再分別講講先。

(English:  Everything together!  *laughs*  I used Albion a few years ago but since they are not available in Hong Kong, I had to haul from Taiwan.  This time, they had some sets going on and my friend was interested as well, so I helped her to haul too!  So, again, this is not from my effort only.)

Albion Skin Conditioner Set

Price: NT1,950/ set

入面包:健康化妝水 x 110ml + 活潤透白滲透乳 I x 110g
(Include: Skin Conditioner Essential x 110ml + Exage White Milk I x 110g)

呢個係最後兩套呀! 我真係好好彩! 我都話遲左去會走寶啦! 我個friend咁啱要兩套, 所以即刻幫佢敗左先。

(English:  The last two sets!  I was very lucky!!  My friend wanted two sets and I got her exactly two sets!)

Price: NT1,980/ set

入面包:健康化妝水 x 110ml + 活潤滲透乳 II x 110g
(Include: Skin Conditioner Essential x 110ml + Exage Moisture Milk II x 110g)

正因為我敗左最後個兩套透白嘅俾friend, 佢呢個set得翻一枝110g嘅活潤滲透乳, 所以我又要埋佢最後呢set! 又係最後! 我呢set無美白, 係比較保濕, 所以我覺得呢個天氣用都好好。 我呢枝係II, 比I潤嘅。

(English:  Since I hauled the last two whitening sets for my friend, they only had one Moisture Milk 110g left, so I had to get this set for myself.  Again, the last set!  This moisture milk doesn’t have any whitening function, it’s more for moisturizing, I think it’s quite suitable for this weather.  Mine is II and it’s more moisturizing than I.)

Other Albion Full Size Items

另外敗嘅正常size產品:健康化妝水 x 330ml (NT2,900) + 活潤透白滲透乳 I x 200g (NT1,980) + 活潤透白活化液 I x 200ml (NT1,980) + 活潤透白還原精華液 x 40ml (NT1,980)

(The other full size products I have got:  Skin Conditioner Essential x 330ml (NT2,900) + Exage White Milk I x 200g (NT1,980) + Exage  x 200ml Whitening Lotion Extract I (NT1,980) + Exage White Filling x 40ml (NT1,980))

佢地嘅BA真係超用心同你講解, 又問你覺得o唔ok, 唔會hard sell, 我見佢講得咁用心, 同埋我都想用美白野, 所以我敗左成set, 遲d用下睇下正唔正再share丫。 買set係無野送嘅, 但係我另外買呢, 夠錢就有喇。 BA送左兩set健康水面膜set俾我。 每set入面包左4張健康水面膜同埋一枝27ml健康化妝水。  好實用丫!  讚讚讚!!!

(English:  Their BAs was super nice and patient.  They asked if you were feeling alright about the products and they really used their hearts to serve you, not about hard-selling.  Well since I was served really well and I wanted to use some whitening products, therefore I got almost everything in the range.  Let me use them later and see how it goes, then I will share my comments later.  There wasn’t any gift coming with the sets, but when I bought my individual items, I was entitled to gifts.  The BA gave me two sets of Skin Conditioner Mask set.  Each set contains 4 pcs of Skin Conditioner Mask and 1 Skin Conditioner x 27ml.  Very useful!!!  Great!!)

我已經開左以下呢set嚟用喇, 係比較保濕個set:

(English:  I have already been using the following set, it’s more for moisturizing:)

So far 感覺好好,等我用多個令星期再同大家分享用法同埋用後感丫。  我未來真係有超多野要同大家分享呀!

(English:  So far, I feel very good!  Let me use it for another week before I share my comments.  Looks like I have tons of stuff to share in the near future *laughs*.)

2nd stop: Anna Sui @ Sogo, Taiwan

呢個我唔記得幾多錢, 但係我覺得應該貴過香港。 你睇翻我之前篇文就知喇, 因為我係香港買個陣係有好勁嘅折頭ma! 不過我失心瘋啦, 去到台灣見到呢兩對香港見唔到嘅絲襪, 雖然得9折, 我都照買, 免得自己後悔啦! 

(English:  Oh, I can’t recall how much these stockings cost, they should be more expensive than Hong Kong as I got a really good discount when I got mine.  Well well well, it’s more expensive doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t haul.  I got these two pairs which I didn’t see in Hong Kong!  No regrets – got them first *laughs*!)

我諗我遲d整個絲襪篇, 等你地可以睇下上腳個樣同埋等我話俾你地知邊d好著。

(English:  I seriously think I will work on a piece on stockings later, so that you can see the effects on legs and I could share with you which brands are better!)

3rd stop: Nars @ Sogo, Taiwan

Nars Larger Than Life Eyeliner

Price: NT750/ 0.58g

Color (from top to bottom): Abbey Road 8054, Rue Bonaparte 8056, Rue Saint-Honore 8057

香港Sogo無Nars jer, 台灣有! 你地記唔記得我咪話我超想敗佢地隻Larger Than Life黑色eyeliner嘅?  香港賣曬, 我去到台灣都唔死心又走去Nars望下。 佢地講英文嘅型男BA同我講話佢地台灣都賣曬, 好多顏色都無曬喇。 咁我就走左, 咩都無買。 但係我又唔甘心, 所以我臨走個日我又去左轉睇下有無轉機。 點知個BA見到我就即刻走埋嚟話仲未翻貨丫, 問我會唔會望下佢地有個d色。 我見佢咁好, 就試左佢有個4隻色上手, 係白色我無要jer, 其他個三隻色我都敗左。   好奇wor, 我記得香港賣每枝要HK$240(如果我無記錯嘅話), 但係我計翻退稅, 台灣嘅Nars係平過香港, 無買錯呀!

(English:  There isn’t any Nars in Sogo, Hong Kong, but Nars is in Sogo, Taiwan!  Remember that I want to haul their Larger Than Life Black Eyeliner?  It’s sold out in Hong Kong.  Therefore I looked in Taiwan!  The male BA spoke English and told me that the eyeliners were sold out too, there weren’t many colors left.  Then I left without buying anything.  Well, I returned on the last day of my trip (I still had hope *laughs*) and tried my luck.  The BA recognized me and ran to me saying that they still hadn’t replenish any stock on the black ones.  They had only 4 colors left and he asked if I wanted to try.  I tried the 4 on my hand and finally got 3 (didn’t get the white one).  Strange, I remember that it costs like HK$240 (if I remember right), and it works out to be cheaper buying from Taiwan (including tax refund).  Brilliant!!  I am a happy bunny!!)

Nars Makeup Your Mind: Express Your Eyes Set

Price: NT3,700/ set

Include: Eye Makeup Remover x 50ml + Larger Than Eyes Volumizing Mascara x 6g + Pro-Prime Smudge Proof Eyeshadow Base x 2.8g + Makeup Your Mind: Express Your Eyes Palette (6 colors) + Super Orgasm Illuminator x 30ml

係咪好正呢?  又係啦, 為免篇文超長, 所以我會另外再出試色文, 等我好好地寫曬d敗家文先(乖)。

(English:  Super nice eh?  Again, I don’t want the piece to get too long, therefore, I will post the swatches separately (but let me finish the hauling pieces first).)

之後個型男BA送咗枝Pro-Prime Smudge Proof Eyeshadow Base x 2.8g俾我!  哈哈, 又係好實用!! 讚讚讚!!

(English:  Then the BA gave me Pro-Prime Smudge Proof Eyeshadow Base x 2.8g!!! *laughs*  Very practical!!!!)

好喇, 我係Sogo敗嘅家就係咁多喇。 但係, 當然故事未完啦。 To Be Continued。。。

(English:  I’m done for the Sogo @ Taiwan piece.  Of course, the story doesn’t end here.  To Be Continued…)

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