[敗家] 香港Sogo感謝週 + 銅鑼灣失心瘋篇

我喺台灣返嚟喇。 去台灣之前其實我已經係銅鑼灣敗咗d家, 但係因為我敗完之後第二日就已經出走台灣, 所以未有時間同大家分享我修成嘅正果。 返嚟第一時間影相嚟同大家分享先。 至於我嘅台灣之旅, 由於敗家嘅戰況比較激烈, 我要多少少時間整理相片, 未來嘅日子我會逐一同大家分享(即係話我未來幾日都會出敗家文, 你地要有心理準備!哈哈。)。

(English:  I came back from Taiwan!  Before I went there, I hauled some stuff from Causeway Bay, however, I needed to fly the very next day, therefore, I didn’t have time to share with you all.  Now I got the photos and it’s perfect timing to share this before my Taiwan trip.  For the Taiwan trip, I hauled quite many stuff, I guess I really need a bit of time to sort them out first before I could write about them.  I will share the trip in the coming days (be prepared… many hauling pieces are coming *laughs*!).)

先講我係感謝週敗左d咩先。 我唔係咩都會亂敗一通 (雖然我係敗家女皇, 但係我係做好research同埋好有理智咁去敗)。 以下嘅東東都係我睇中左好耐, 但係我就忍手左成個幾月, 因為我知道感謝週會有野送, 所以喺呢段時間敗會抵一d。

(English:  Let me talk about the haul during the Sogo Thankful Week in HK.  Mind you, I wasn’t hauling mindlessly (even though I am a hauler, I did my research before I hauled).  I was waiting to haul the following stuff before I knew perfectly it worked out to be more beneficial to haul during Sogo Thankful Week.)

1st stop: Lunasol @ Sogo (Nov 13th Special)

Lunasol Party Coffret 2011 Set

 價錢 (Price): HK$620/ set

呢個係聖誕set, 但係就好奇怪地係Nov 13th先有得賣。 我本身嗰日去開銅鑼灣, 所以我就去左望下。 見到好多人都買呢set, 同埋真係實用得嚟又靚, 所以我見有貨就敗咗一set喇。 我今日篇文章應該會好長, 所以我暫時唔會試色比大家睇住, 等我出好sa d敗家文我再出呢組東東嘅試色圖。 我諗因為佢係聖誕set, 應該好快再會出售, 有興趣嘅sis可以睇完試色圖再去留意留意。

(English:  This is the Lunasol X’mas set but it was the daily special on Nov 13th.  I dropped by Causeway Bay that day and went to take a look, I saw many people got this set and while stock lasted, I got one for myself too.  In view that today’s piece would be really long, I will leave the swatches for now.  Wait till I got the hauling pieces done, then I would post the swatches for you.  Since it’s a X’mas set, I am guessing that you can still get this.  If you are interested, you can see the swatches first and then check it out.)

有碎粉, 胭脂, 唇彩同埋一盒眼影。 好靚, 真係好靚。 哈哈, d色水都實用。

(English:  It contains loose powder, cream cheek, lipgloss and eyeshadows.  Very pretty, isn’t it?  The colors are very practical too!)

2nd stop: Guerlain @ Sogo

終於俾我等到喇! 我之前真係忍左好耐都無去Guerlain敗個serum + eye cream呀, 就係等呢日!  咁啱我個friend都想敗, 就叫我幫佢敗埋喇, 所以下面d野唔係我個人力量, 我個friend都有份。

(English:  Yay!!  Finally!!!  You all know that I wanted Guerlain serum and eye cream so much!  Cool, my friend wanted something from Guerlain too, therefore I helped her to haul some stuff!)

Guerlain Abeille Royale Night Cream Set

價錢 (Price): HK$1,150/ set
Include: Abeille Royale Night Cream x 50ml, Abeille Royale Day Cream x 7ml, Abeille Royale Youth Serum x 5ml, Abeille Royale Up-lifting Eye Cream x 3ml, Super Aqua-Lotion x 50ml, Idylle Body Lotion x 30ml

呢組係我幫friend買, 所以唔好誤會。 我屋企仲有SK II Skin Signature未用完, 所以我無打算敗呢個night cream。

(English:  I helped my friend to haul this.  I still have a jar of SK II Skin Signature at home, therefore I didn’t haul this particular night cream set.)

Guerlain Up-lifting Eye Cream

價錢 (Price): HK$800 each (15ml)

呢個你地知我想敗咗超級耐。 哈哈, 我幫我個friend敗左一粒, 又敗左一粒俾自己。 好開心, 我用左sample覺得好好用, 所以買full size! 呢個我會好快同大家分享。 再望下個樣丫。

(English:  The eye cream!  One for my friend, and one for me.  Oh, I tried the sample before and it was so good, therefore, I decided to get the full size!  I will try it out for a bit and then share my comments with you!)

Guerlain Abeille Royale Youth Serum Set

價錢 (Price): HK$990/ set

Include: Abeille Royale Youth Serum x 30ml, Abeille Royale Day Cream x 7ml, Abeille Royale Night Cream x 7ml, Super Aqua-Lotion x 50ml, Crystal Lotus Flower Cleansing Milk x 50ml

呢個我敗個陣真係超好笑。 我去度見佢有一set係有兩枝serum係入面嘅, 之後我多口問個BA話:呢個係咪得兩枝裝。 之後個BA問我:你想要幾多枝? 我:一枝。 佢就咁就拎左呢set俾我喇, 搞到我好開心, 我以為今年無呢個set賣ma!

(English:  This experience is hilarious!  I asked the BA when I saw the serum set (there were two inside), “is this the only set for Youth Serum?”  The BA asked, “how many serum do you want?” I said, “only one!”  Then she grabbed me this set!  I was so happy that I asked, coz I thought they didn’t have this set this year! Lucky me!!)

Guerlain Super Aqua-Mask Set

價錢 (Price): HK$450/ set

Include: Super Aqua-Mask x 75ml, Super Aqua-Lotion x 50ml, Super Aqua-Day x 10ml, Idylle Eau de Parfum x 5ml

我係mask怪, 一見mask就要買。 哈哈。

(English:  Don’t you all know that I am a mask freak already?? *laughs*)

同我去嘅friend就買左一枝Guerlain香水, 咁我哋就夠HK$4,500, 又送左以下嘅禮物。

(English:  My friend got a Guerlain Eau de Parfum which makes our amount pass HK$4,500, therefore, we got the following gifts.)

 好靚嘅鏡子。 好高貴呀, 不過就有點重手。 哈哈。

(English:  A very elegant mirror, though it’s a bit heavy! *smiles*)

Abeille Gift Set

 Include: Abeille Royale Day Cream x 7ml, Abeille Royale Night Cream x 7ml, Abeille Royale Up-Lifting Eye Cream x 3ml, Abeille Royale Youth Serum x 5ml, Idylle Eau de Parfum x 5ml

Super Aqua Gift Set

Include: Super Aqua-Mask x 2pcs, Super Aqua-Day x 10ml, Super Aqua-Lotion x 15ml, Super Aqua-Eye x 5ml, Super Aqua-Serum x 10ml, Insolence Eau de Parfum x 5ml

呢兩set野我會同我個friend分享, 我諗佢應該會想試Super Aqua set多d, 所以我應該會成set俾佢。 哈哈。

(English:  I will share these with my friend, I think she might want to try the Super Aqua set more – I will give the whole set to her.)

之後我同個friend去左Times Square,原因係我欠左兩位好朋友嘅生日禮物都好一段時間, 趁有時間我想去Anna Sui望一望。 其實我真係諗咗好耐買咩, 但係識咗咁多年真係咩都買過, 哈, 俾我諗起我未買過Anna Sui俾佢地, 所以即刻去望下。 真係唔睇仲好, 一睇又出事喇。

(English:  Then I went to Times Square with my friend because I owed my two best friends their birthday presents for so long.  I thought Anna Sui would be interesting this time since I recalled that I hadn’t got them anything from Anna Sui before.)

3rd stop: Anna Sui @ Times Square

好開心, 買到禮物俾朋友喇! 不過我唔俾得你地睇係咩住。兩位大小姐都會睇我個blog, 我要保持佢地份禮物嘅神秘感, 等佢地拎咗之後我再show俾你地睇丫。

(English:  Yay!!  I got them gifts!!  However, I can’t show you all the items just yet since they read my blog from time to time, therefore, I decided to keep their pressies mysterious for now.  I will show you the items after they pick up their pressies.)

最奇係我地入到去, 個sales話佢地做緊sale, 頭3件產品8折, 第4件就6折, 第5件就4折。 咁我就睇下stockings喇。 睇下睇下就敗左以下嘅東東。

(English:  The most surprising thing was when we walked in, the sales person told us that their items were on sales – first 3 items got 20% off, the 4th one got 40% off, and the 5th one got 60% off.  *laughs*  Then I started to look at some stockings!)

我唔記得佢地分別幾多錢, 但係我記得個range係HK$199-299。 折埋我有對只係HK$80 jar, 超抵。 等我揾日出篇stocking文, 著個效果俾你地睇下丫。 好靚呀!

(English:  I can’t remember how much for each one, but I remember the price range is around HK$199-HK$299.  With the crazy discount, one of the pairs was only HK$80!  Well, I will write a piece on stocking later, so you can see the effects on legs.  Super pretty!!)

4th stop: Estee Lauder @ Times Square

喺Sogo見我想買嘅野無特別有咩set, 所以我唔同人逼, 去Times Square買。

(English:  There wasn’t any special set in Estee Lauder at Sogo that I wanted, so in order to avoid the crowd, we went to Times Square instead.)

Estee Lauder Resilience Lift Instant Action Lift Treatment

價錢 (Price): HK$450/ 30ml
呢枝近期超hit, 所以我超想敗佢嚟試。 等我試左睇下係咪咁勁再同大家分享丫。

(English:  This is a super hot item these days, therefore I wanted to try!  Let me start using it and then I will share my comments with you.)

Estee Lauder CyberWhite Ex Extra Intense Purifying Treatment

價錢 (Price): HK$520/ 100ml

我呢想用美白丫。 我見我有d地方出斑斑, 趁未嚴重之前要好好護理。 呢個係mask嚟, 我係counter玩玩下突然失心瘋覺得好特意(係mousse mask)就敗左喇。 哈哈。

(English:  I wanted to use some whitening skincare products these days as I noticed that I had some dark spots on my face these days, I had to do something before it got worse!  This is a mask (more interestingly a mousse mask).  I decided to get this after playing with it for awhile at the counter.)


本身個BA唔記得俾samples我, 我都無咩所謂, 點知我哋走咗之後, 佢打俾我話唔好意思,叫我地行翻轉頭。 哈哈, 好好服務。 我地行翻轉頭, 佢就俾左Maximum Moisture Cream x 7ml + Sumptuous Bold Volume Lifting Mascara x 1.5ml我。

(English:  The BA actually forgot to give me samples (not that I minded).  She called me after we left and asked us to return to the counter.  Super good service.  When we got back, she gave me Maximum Moisture Cream x 7ml + Sumptuous Bold Volume Lifting Mascara x 1.5ml.)

5th stop: Chanel @ Lee Garden

同我敗家嘅朋友喺下個月生日, 但係我已經知道敗咩俾佢, 所以我就預支咗一枝Chanel Sycomore香水 (檀香味) 俾佢做生日禮物。 咁我都去到喇, 無理由我唔敗家俾自己丫。

(English:  The friend who went to haul with me – his birthday is sometime next month.  I already know what to get for him – Chanel Sycomore Eau de Parfum, so we went to Chanel and I got his birthday present early for him!!  Well, I was there and thought I had to get myself something, right?)

Chanel Gardenia Eau de Parfum

價錢 (Price): HK$1,200/ 75ml

我睇中呢枝香水好耐喇。 我超級鍾意佢隻花香味。 讚讚讚! 我都唔明點解我買嚟買去都未買CHANEL No. 5, 唔得!! 我下次一定要去敗左呢枝經典先。

(English:  I had my eyes on this for so long!  I am super in love with its floral scent.  Well, I wonder how I could miss out the most classic Chanel No. 5 each time when I go there!  OK, I really have to get this classic beauty next time.)

Chanel X’Mas 2011 Collection of 6 Essential Mini Brushes

價錢 (Price): HK$715/ set

其實我好白癡。 我係鍾意佢個化妝袋呀!  上年個set係白色毛, 我唔好白色, 所以我上年無買。 但係今年個款我比較鍾意。 本身佢d字應該係白色, 但係聖誕ma, 所以變咗紅色, 好有氣氛(笑)!

(English:  I was so silly!!  I actually wanted the cosmetics bag!  Last year, the bristles of the brushes were white and I am not a fan of white colors, that’s why I wasn’t moved.  But this time, I love the style!  The words should be in white, however, it’s X’mas, therefore they are in red to have a more of a holiday spirit *smiles*!)

係咪好靚呢?  呢個係限量版, 賣完就無喇。 要買就快喇!!

(English:  Very pretty eh?  This is a limited edition!  Have to act fast!!)


今次我試佢地個美白系列!  睇下有無敏感再諗試唔試full size! 你地見唔見金色個東東? 係Chanel今年個聖誕裝飾,個BA送咗一個俾我, 一個俾我個friend, 可以當bookmark添, 好開心。

(English:  Yea I want to try their whitening line this time, to see if I have any allergies and then decide if I should get the full size.  You notice the golden thingie?  It’s X’mas decoration for Chanel this year!  The BA gave us one each, it can be treated as a bookmark as well!  Brilliant!!)

P.S. 呢篇文真係寫死我, 寫咗5個鐘頭丫。 希望你地睇得開心啦。 另外我台灣d敗家玩樂文要等我未來幾日慢慢出, 真係好長 (笑), 我唔想是但, 所以等等我啦。 我要執野先, 成屋都係。 再傾丫!

(English:  P.S.  Wow, it took a definitely long time to finish this piece – like 5 hours!!  Hope you have fun reading it!!  For my Taiwan pieces, I have to do them slowly in the coming days – very long *smiles*.  I have to unpack now – see you later!)

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