[化妝] 防水防汗有Soft Lens效果既開架粉底

之前敗咗一堆開架BB Cream呀粉底呀, 我認認真真試咗一兩隻。 其實好多時真係唔試唔知有好野!! 本身我仲想係Gmarket敗下CC Cream呀同埋韓國品牌既粉底,但係一次過買咁鬼多底妝野我又覺得好過份,所以韓國品牌要等等,起碼都等我試哂呢堆日本東東先!!  今日講下呢個粉底先,價錢唔貴得嚟有大牌效果!

(English:  I hauled quite a few drugstore BB creams and foundations a few weeks ago and I have been seriously testing out a couple.  Originally, I wanted to get some CC Creams and Korean foundations from Gmarket too, but I just felt so guilty getting so many base makeup in one go, so the Korean stuff have to wait, let me test out all these Japanese goodies first!  Today, I want to talk about the following foundation, the price is very friendly and it’s very comparable to some of the big brands’ (if not better)!!:)

Canmake Smooth Liquid Foundation
SPF 21 PA++

價錢(Price):HK$154/ 30ml

Product Information:

“For a nude-look finish – you won’t even notice you’re wearing it!!!
Even so, it covers any unevenness of tone and color in your complexion.

Provides thorough moisture, yet has a dry finish, so you can create smooth translucent skin without the need for finishing powder!

Will not fade easily! Prevents shininess!An absolute must-have for the sweaty season.
This product is all you need after your skincare regime!Moist,yet silky-smooth BB liquid foundation.

Contains beauty essences, to care for your skin. Contains ceramide III. Dipalmitoyl hydroxyproline, Artichoke leaf extract, Sodium hyaluronate.”


(English:  I really like foundations which come with pumps!  It’s easier and it’s more precise!)


On Hand – Before Blending




On Face – Before Foundation


On Face – After Foundation

使用次數(No. of Usage):14 times

用後感: 效果超強! 先係佢個質感好易推得開,用兩泵夠搽全面。 仲要上完面覺得保濕得黎唔厚重,同埋個finish係matte,摸落又超滑。 如果唔鍾意用loose powder,都可以skip,但係我自己都會用少少等個定妝效果再好d! 我覺得佢遮瑕都好掂,你見我上面個黑眼圈唔見咗成8成(我無用concealer呀!),遮紅都無咩問題,如果想再遮勁少少某d位,可以再加再build,一d都唔會kick住kick住!! 掂掂掂!! 最最最掂係佢超級持久同埋佢係防水防汗丫!!! 呢點夏天用真係一絕!! 我用佢個陣係唧係手背再用掃上,之後我去用清水洗手,係一d都無甩呀!!! 要用soap先洗得甩!! 好強!! 我發覺佢上面都真係唔易溶, 我個人好大汗,但係我用佢就無咩點甩,放工個下返到屋企個妝都仲好fresh, 佢亦都無氧化(變深色),超強呀!!! 我覺得佢係我近期試既開架粉底裡面最精彩既一個產品!! 我覺得唯一美中不足係佢得三個色, 網頁話有三隻啦,但係我去莎莎見只係得兩隻色(01同02),因為得咁少色,個tone真係未必fully match到自己皮膚個色!! 如果多d顏色就真係無敵喇!! 除咗呢樣野,我覺得佢各方面都做得好出色呀!!! 如果你要買粉底, 我超級建議你去玩咗呢枝先,平平地得黎真係唔輸俾大牌呀!!! 推推推!!!

(English:  Product Review: The result is mind-blowing!!  Its texture is really blendable.  I use 2 pumps and it’s enough for the application on my whole face.  Skin feels hydrated but not heavy and the finish is a matte one.  Skin also feels super smooth when touched.  If you are not a fan of loose powder, you could skip it too; but I personally would use a little, just to enhance the longevity further.  I feel that it has a great coverage as well, as you can see from the above pictures, my dark circles are 80% gone (haven’t used a concealer) after the application.  It covers redness really well too!  It’s definitely buildable and you can add some more on the areas that you would like to cover up a bit more.  It wouldn’t look cakey – fantastic!!  The best part about this foundation is that it’s waterproof and sweat-resistant!!!  Perfect for summer time!!  When I use it, I usually have a couple pumps on the back of my hand, then I apply it with a brush.  After that, I go wash my hands with clean water, but guess what?  It doesn’t come off a bit under the running tap!!  I have to use soap to get it off!!  Amazing eh?  When it’s applied on face, it does last very long without melting crazily or oxidizing (turning into a darker color).  I do sweat a lot but it just stays on my skin really well and even when I arrive home at night, I could see that my makeup is still fresh!!  Love.  I feel that it’s one of the most amazing drugstore foundations I have tried recently!!  The only not-so-good point is that it only comes in 3 colors (at least the website says so).  I went to Sasa and only saw 2 colors, so the color might not match your skin tone perfectly due to limited choices.  If it would come in more colors, that would have been perfect!!  Anyway, apart from the color selection, everything else is just great about this product.  If you are looking for a foundation, I highly recommend you to try this one first.  It’s reasonably priced and its quality definitely surpasses some of the big brands’ out there!!  Highly recommended!!)

(The above product information is extracted from http://www.canmake.com)



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