[保養] Sofina 咕o臣潔面泡泡

呢枝產品我係日本藥店度買, 當時係啱啱新出既產品, 所以想試下。 不過老實講, 去日本都係失心瘋, 想試唔想試都會亂買一通, 我覺得呢枝Sofina都係啦, 比香港平d, 所以即買!!哈哈!!! 其實我三個月前拎過出黎用, 用用下中間又去敗左其他野用, 所以一路都未寫下我對佢既感覺。 我覺得禁敗對我都係好既, 因為我前一個月又拎佢出黎用, 俾我KO埋!! 掂呀!!

(English:  I got this cleanser from a Japanese drugstore when I was in Japan.  At that time, it was a new release and therefore I wanted to give it a go.  But honestly, when I traveled to Japan, it was like “losing my sensible mind” and I ended up with a bunch of things (aimlessly hauling – dangerous!!).  I think this Sofina cleanser is one of those items.  I felt that it was cheaper than the price in HK and therefore I grabbed one.  I first used it maybe 3 months ago and then I hauled some other cleansers in the course and started switching to other things….therefore, I haven’t been able to write my comments regarding this cleanser.  Lucky that I am on my spending ban, I started digging out oldies and started re-using this again like 1 month ago.  Now I have finished the item – yay!!!!)

Sofina 咕o臣潔面泡泡
Enriched Foam Cleanser

價錢(Price):HK$240 (Cleanser + Foam Generator)

Product Information:


(English:  It generates rich foam to clear away the dirt on skin and at the same time contains hydrating and anti-aging properties for skin.)


(English:  The most special bit about this cleanser is that it comes with this foam generator.)

用咗起泡網就會就以下既泡泡喇。 唔用起泡網係無咁多泡泡㗎!

(English:  The foam generated with the foam generator as follows.  If I don’t use the foam generator, there won’t be this much foam….)

使用次數(No. of Usage):3 months

用後感: 成個重點係起泡網, 佢無呢個起泡網就一d都唔特別喇。 用起泡網起既泡泡好多好密亦都好綿, 按落塊面好似按緊棉花糖咁! 其實唔係淨係Sofina呢枝洗面要起泡, 全部洗面都應該起多泡先唔會刺激皮膚(除左天然野無咩泡起之外啦)。 用完Sofina呢對泡泡洗面, 係乾淨得黎唔會覺得皮膚好乾好緊。 我冬天用都覺得唔乾緊, 所以真係唔錯! 但係我就唔覺得有咩抗老功效同埋我覺得洗完皮膚唔係太滑。 整體黎講, 我覺得唔錯, 但係我又唔係好impressed啦! 個起泡網係good idea, 但係要自己買都唔係貴(十令蚊), 送個起泡網, 就變左HK$240, 我覺得唔係好用到可以justify HK$240, 我覺得HK$190就啱d! 我覺得自己買個起泡網, 其他品牌有d洗面都仲好用(我遲d再分享下)。 我覺得呢隻產品唔錯啦, 但係我又未去到會超級推。 如果你鍾意用Sofina既產品又未試過用呢個洗面, 可以一試呀! 但係如果你同我一樣鍾意洗完面個下有d即時效果睇下, 呢隻產品未必啱你喇。

(English:  Product Review:  The most special point is the foam generator, without this, it wouldn’t be so special.  The foam generated by the foam generator is of a good amount, very dense and very bouncy!  When I massage it on my skin, I feel like I am massaging marshmallow!!  Actually not only this Sofina cleanser needs to use foam generator, all other cleansers should be used with one as well, because a good amount of foam would prevent you rubbing the skin directly and is less harsh on skin (apart from natural cleansers which don’t create any foam anyway).  After using this Sofina cleanser, skin feels clean but not dry.  I have been using it this winter and it works nicely.  But I don’t feel any anit-aging function and skin is not super smooth after.  Overall speaking, I think it works fine, but I am not very impressed.  The foam generator is a good idea, but getting one yourself only costs around HK$15… When it’s bundled in the set with the cleanser, the price jams up to HK$240, I don’t think it has enough justifications!  I feel HK$190 is more of an appropriate price tag.  I feel that I could get a foam generator myself and use it with other cleansers out there, the result is more impressive (I will share my thoughts on this on a separate post).  Again, this item is fine but I wouldn’t highly recommend it.  If you like using Sofina products and you haven’t tried this one yet, then give it a try!  However, if you are like me and you like to see instant results after cleansing your face, then this might not be for you!)


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(the above product information is extracted from http://web.sofina.com/hk)

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