[發佈會] Sofina 的Alblanc美白系列+新出唇膏(附試色圖)

話時話我都好耐無去過任何發佈會喇! 咁啱我星期五放假, Sofina又係嗰日有個新產品發佈會, 所以我抽時間去下, 睇下有咩新資訊同大家分享喇(偷笑)。

(English:  Well well well, it’s been a really long time that I haven’t attended any event.  I was on leave on Friday and Sofina was having a press release about a new product, therefore, I took the time to check it out, hoping to share any new information with you *grins*.)

今次嘅產品主題係佢地既Alblanc美白系列。 我一聽到美白就好有興趣! 今年同以往唔同, 我試咗市面有幾隻美白系列, 我好想知邊隻係最好, 等你地第日問我, 我都可以俾個好確實嘅答案你地(等我呀! Babes!!)!

(English:  This time is all about their Alblanc Medicated White Create Series.  I got pretty excited when I heard the word “whitening”.  This year is a bit different from the past years – I have basically tried a few whitening products available in the market and I am really curious to know which one is the best.  So when you ask me in the near future, I could give you some solid answers (wait for me babes!!!).)

一去到已經見到成枱都係Alblanc嘅產品, 我自己就未試過呢系列既產品, 所以對每隻產品都好好奇!

(English: I saw so many Alblanc products on the table!  I haven’t tried this series before so I am really curious about each one of them!)

枱上特別放咗呢幾枝產品! 有Sofina Alblanc Medicated White Create Massage Pack, Alblanc Medicated
Lotion II, Alblanc Medicated White Create Essence, Alblanc Medicated
美白筆, Alblanc Medicated UV Protect Emulsion II。

(English:  On our tables, there are Sofina Alblanc Medicated White Create Massage Pack, Alblanc Medicated
Lotion II, Alblanc Medicated White Create Essence, Alblanc Medicated Spot Corrector, Alblanc Medicated UV Protect Emulsion II.)

而主角就係呢個Massage Pack喇! 佢特別之處係有清潔, 按摩同埋mask既用途! 一枝搞掂sa三個steps, 慳時間之餘又可以有美白效果! 我當場試用咗, 第一下反應係 “白咗wor”!不過你知我都會用一期睇真d係咪真係咁正啦! 大家等等我再報告!

(English:  And the star for that day was this Massage Pack, which is a new release!  The most special part about this Massage Pack is that it can be a cleanser, massage cream and also face mask!  All in one go!  It can definitely save time and brighten up skin tone.  I used it once when I was in the press release and my first reaction was “ohhhh brightened up!!!”  But you know that I usually take a few more trials before I comment on a product, so wait for me!  I will be reporting on this product really soon!)


(English:  There was a skincare expert from Japan to share with us the benefits of Alblanc series and teach us some massage methods (they call it Face Yoga)!)

除咗護膚品, 你地都知我好鍾意化妝品啦! 佢地都放左一d化妝品係枱比我地玩下!

(English:  Apart from skincare products, you know that I love makeup products as well!  There are quite a few on the table for us to play with!)

咦! 原來Alblanc有粉底, 我都唔知添!

(English:  Yee…….Alblanc has foundation?  Didn’t know about that!)

盒眼影個包裝好靚呀! 有四隻色, 即刻影sa比你地睇。 我記得唔貴添呀!好似HK$280@(唔知有無記錯)。

(English:  The packaging of the eyeshadow palette is brilliant!  There are 4 colors to choose from and I have to take pics on each one of them for you to look at.  I remember that this is not expensive, somewhat like HK$280@ (not sure if I remember right though).)

哈! 你地都知我呢期係眼影控, 仲變埋唇膏控啦! 見到呢堆新出既唇膏, 我即刻咩都唔理, 影俾大家睇! 我仲趁人地講緊野, 拿拿聲試埋色俾大家望下 (因為衛生問題, 我試咗係紙巾上面)。

(English:  Ha.  You know that I am an eyeshadow freak, but you also sense that I have become a lipstick freak these days!  They will release a new line of lipsticks.  Well, I have to take pics!!  I took the opportunity that someone was talking and I started to swatch them for you (due to hygienic issue, I swatched them on a piece of tissue this time.).)

Color from Left to Right: WN412 -> BE811 -> OR823 -> RS411 -> RD611 -> RD612

Color from Left to Right: BE813 -> PK212 -> PK213 -> RS422 -> RD612 -> RD613

我記得佢個價錢係HK$220。 6月29日就會係全部Sofina counter有得賣喇!

(English:  I remember the price of the lipsticks is HK$220@.  It will be available at all Sofina counters on June 29th and onwards.)

臨走嘅時候, 我地有幾枝野拎翻屋企試用:

(English:  We took the following items with us when we left:)

Sofina Alblanc Medicated White Create Massage Pack

Sofina Alblanc Medicated White Create Essence

Sofina Alblanc Medicated UV Protect Emulsion II SPF50+ PA+++

Sofina Alblanc Medicated Lotion II & Emulsion II

以上嘅產品我呢期會keep住用, 肯定咗個comment之後再同大家分享! 又係啦, 我唔會因為試用就一味話好啦(唔係我嘅風格)!! 大家如果對呢個系列有興趣又想知我既評價就等等我啦!

(English:  For the above items, I will keep using them for awhile and then share my comments with you!  Again, my comments will be as honest and as unbiased as usual.  It’s not my style to rate otherwise!!  If you are interested in this series and my comments, then you will have wait for a bit!!)

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