[化妝] Smashbox Photo Op Mega Palette Swatches & Review

Smashbox係香港個陣又唔會成日想買呢個牌子,但係一當呢個品牌撤出香港之後,我成日都心痕想買呢個牌子嘅野!哈哈!前幾個月,我係美國買咗一堆野翻嚟, 其中一樣就係Smashbox嘅Photo Op Mega Paltte喇! 唔經唔覺都試咗一段時間,等我試色同埋分享下我嘅感覺先!先睇試色圖丫!

(English:  When Smashbox was in HK, I wasn’t particularly a fan, however, when it retreated from HK, I really want to get their stuff!! *Laughs*  A few months ago, I hauled a bunch of items from the US, one of them was Smashbox Photo Op Mega Palette.  I have been trying it out for quite some time now and let me share the swatches and my comments with you.  Let’s start with the swatches first!)

Smashbox Photo Op Mega Palette

價錢(Price):around US100 (@qvc.com)

使用次數(No. of Usage):around 25 times

用後感:我買呢個palette係因為我覺得佢成個palette樣樣野都好齊全,同埋合埋個陣唔厚身,帶去旅行真係一流! 佢有眼影,眼線,胭脂,highlight同埋liplgloss!佢嘅眼影超上色,一盒有sa閃同matte,深色淺色,隨自己心情!佢眼影嘅質感唔算creamy,都係幾powdery,但係就夠幼細出色!掂!! 另外佢既眼線我唔算係fan,因為都唔算持久,但係我就用佢嚟做眼影打抵,效果反而唔錯! 兩個色嘅胭脂唔算好特別,但係勝在一隻粉紅一隻橙,基本上咩造型都適用,夠大路!但係佢兩個胭脂有少少飛粉,所以用嘅時候要留意。 Highlight我覺得都幾好,d閃唔會勁閃,上面都自然。 而lipgloss我就無咩comment, 因為我一定唔會了嚟用,係試色俾大家睇先會,其他日子我係唔會用,我覺得了佢會整到個palette好唔靚!! 哈哈!!整體嚟講,我超鍾意佢成嗰palette,顏色齊全,品質好好!淨係用呢個palette都玩到好多個look!超實用!!推呀!!!

(English:  Product Review:  I got this palette because I feel that it’s a very comprehensive palette, and when the case closes, it actually is very compact, which is perfect for travel!  It has eyeshadows, eyeliners, blushes, highlights and lipglosses!  The eyeshadows are very pigmented!!  There are shimmery ones, matte ones, lighter colors and darker colors.  The eyeshadows cannot be regarded as creamy (indeed quite powdery) but they are quite fine and pigmented!!  Great!!  Well, for the eyeliners, I am not a fan because they are not that long-lasting.  But I found a way to use it, now I use it as an eyeshadow base, the effect is quite good!!  The two blushes are not really THAT special but it covers both pink and orange tone, and they will suit a variety of looks, so thumbs-up for that.  However, both of them have quite a bit of flyover, so attention is needed when using it.  For the highlights, I feel they are quite nice, because the shimmer is not too obvious and they look quite natural on skin.  Personally, I don’t have comments on the lipglosses because I won’t use them (I only swatched them for you), the reason being is that if I use them, they will mess up the whole palette.  *Laughs* Overall speaking, I LOVE this palette because of the color selection and the great quality.  This palette could allow me to create so many looks and it’s worth the price!!  Highly recommended!!)

P.S. 買完之後我上去QVC再望過,但係發現佢地已經話呢個palette out of stock, 返唔返貨就真係唔知。但係我發現佢地係Sephora賣緊另外一個palette。顏色無呢個咁多,新個palette係少咗一版眼影架! 當然價錢就平d啦,一般自用都夠用,如果有興奮都可以睇下!! Smashbox The Master Class Palette.

(English:  P.S. I went back to QVC to check after I got this, however, I discovered that this palette is out of stock.  I am not sure if they would restock this but I see that Smashbox is selling another palette at Sephora.  The color collection is less than mine.  The new one at Sephora has less eyeshadows, but the price is friendlier, I think it’s great for self-use as well.  If you are interested, you could take a look! Smashbox The Master Class Palette.)

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