迷上 Sleek Makeup Pout Polish 有色潤咀膏

自從我上次上網敗左Sleek Makeup之後 (回顧按此),我就越嚟越迷戀呢個品牌既化妝品喇。先唔講佢d好出名嘅eyeshadow先,因為大家都知好用,唔會覺得好驚喜。反而我今日想講下佢隻有色潤咀膏呀, 佢既效果真係驚為天人 (拍手)!

(English:  After hauling Sleek Makeup products (refresh memory), I started falling more and more in love with this brand.  I’m not going to talk about its very famous eyeshadow palettes today (everyone knows, no surprise), instead, I’m going to talk about their pout polish, it’s so good that it breaks my heart *applauses*!!)
Sleek Makeup Pout Polish SPF15

From left to right: Bare Minimum, Scandal & Pink Cadillac價錢 (Price): USD6.5/ 10gProduct Information:

“Get luscious lips with Bonaire pout polish, the tangerine tinted gloss is enriched with jojoba, avocado, and sweet almond oil as well as SPF15, so you can simmer away in summer’s rays whilst your pout remains perfectly protected.  Team with Curacao i-Divine and Aruba blush for this summer’s essential holiday collection.”Color: Pink Cadillac

使用次數 (No. of Usage): around 2 weeks

用後感:有色潤咀膏真係好難做到潤得嚟D色又靚!但係Sleek呢隻Pout Polish就兩方面都兼顧得好好喇。先係佢好上色,見到係咩色,搽左落個咀到d色都差唔多。我初初見隻Scandal咁紅,唔知會唔會唔出色,點知搽落個咀到又真係好紅下wor,正丫!!!而且佢唔係淨係得個色靚, 佢仲好潤下,搽左幾粒鐘都無乾皮白邊嘅情況出現。真係用到我好感動(笑)!另外仲有一樣好處就係佢有SPF 15, 日頭都可以保護個咀咀。  同埋我發覺d色搽左係個咀度越耐呢,個感覺越自然,好似同自己個咀d色blend埋左咁。 超級滿意呀! 我突然間覺得我上網訂野個日好醒,一次過買左三隻色(笑)!呢隻我真係超級推丫。一物兩用得嚟價錢親民同埋訂購方法又好易,好值得一試丫!!大推呀 (又放火燒大家。。。)!!

(English:  After-use Comment:  I have to say I have tried quite a few tinted lip moisturizer but it’s hard to find something pigmented and moisturizing at the same time.  Ha, but we are talking about Sleek Makeup here – its Pout Polish can definitely do both.  It’s super pigmented.  The color you see in the jar will end up on your lips!  First when I saw how red Scandal was, I thought, “not sure if the color would come out right!”  Ha,  it ended up nicely on my lips!!  Brilliant!  Also, it’s quite moisturizing in the sense that I don’t feel any dryness on my lips even after a few hours.  This really touches my heart *laughs*!  What’s more, it has SPF 15 and it’s nice to get the lips protected from the UV rays during daytime.  The other thing I discover is that the longer you wear the color on your lips, the more natural the color it becomes, it’s like it’s blended with your own lip color.  I am definitely a happy bunny using this pout polish.  You know what?  I suddenly feel that I was so bright that day when I placed the Sleek Makeup order that I got 3 different Pout Polishes!!  *LAUGHS*  I highly recommend this product as its price is very friendly and it’s really easy to place order on its website.  It’s certainly a thumbs-up and worth to try.)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.sleekmakeup.com/)

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