[化妝] Sleek Makeup Matte Palettes Swatches & Review

之前講過話個網友係英國好好人,幫我敗d英國產品再寄俾我!我麻煩咗佢幫我買兩個Sleek Makeup Palettes, 因為兩個都係主打matte colors, 好少有matte colors既palette,所以我覺得都值得投資! 一盒係比較深色,另一個係比較鮮色,兩盒我都敗咗, 一齊睇下個樣丫!

(English:  Remember I mentioned a couple days ago that an online friend was really helpful and she helped me to get a few items from the UK.  Therefore, I bothered her to help me get the Sleek Makeup Palettes because they are both of matte colors.  There are not many matte color palette out there, so I thought it would worth my investment!  One is darker and the other is brighter in colors.  I got both and let’s take a look at the photos.)

Sleek Makeup i-Divine Palette Ultra Mattes V2 Darks (731):


Sleek Makeup i-Divine Palette Ultra Mattes V1 Brights (730):


使用次數(No. of Usage):5 times each

用後感:我之前都買過佢地其他palette,我覺得真係平靚正!所以我今次對呢兩個palette都好有期望。可惜既係,我覺得呢兩個palette唔知係咪因為係matte colors, d粉質比較鞋,同埋無佢其他palette個感覺咁creamy! 我覺得個質感出黎係比較chalky,雖然顏色都唔錯,但係上色度就無佢其他palette咁好喇,要用多少少先得。同埋因為佢本身都chalky,所以都有飛粉既情況,上眼我覺得唔太貼服! 我唔係覺得佢完唔掂, 只係我覺得佢個quality無佢其他palette咁好,唔知係咪真係matte colors既通病啦! 以佢既價錢,我覺得都好抵用,只不過係要用多少少心機同技巧先會化得靚! 正因為無咩其他matte palette係市面,所以我覺得如果你真係好想揾matte palette, 都可以買一個,不過就記得我講唔好對佢既粉質有好大期望喇!

(English:  Product Review:  I got Sleek Makeup other palettes and I loved them because of how creamy and pigmented their eyeshadows are!  So, I actually have high hopes on these two palettes!  However, I am not sure if it’s because they are in matte colors, the powder is quite coarse and it doesn’t feel as creamy as the other palettes.  I feel that it’s rather chalky!  Even though the colors are nice, I don’t feel they are as pigmented as the other palettes as well.  I have to use a bit more and I notice that there is a fallout situation (because they are chalky?).  Hmmmmm… I don’t rate them totally rubbish because I don’t feel that they are as good as the others (maybe it’s common when it comes to matte colors?).  For its price, the quality is still nice, but I just have to spend a bit more time and use a bit more technique to get the look right.  Since there are not many other matte palettes in the market, if you really want to have a matte palette, I still recommend you to get one, just remember that the quality is not as great!!)

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