
當一個人想要retail therapy嘅時候, 邊個牌子根本唔重要, 最重要嘅係多野敗而服務唔差(經過bareMinerals之後, 我真係覺得Customer Service好重要)。諗諗下, 不如去Skinfood啦。橫掂我又唔係多用佢地嘅產品, 感覺應該好新鮮,加上佢地產品多, 應該會敗得好開心。事實證明我嘅諗法真係無錯, 你地睇下我敗左幾多野就知喇。d BA又好好樣樣都比我試, 但係又唔hard-sell, 呢樣真係超值得讚!先嚟張全家幅先~

(English:  When someone wants retail therapy, brand doesn’t seem to matter.  The most important thing is there is a wide range of products and the customer service is good (after the incident with bareMinerals, customer service is a top priority when I go to haul).  Well then I think of going to Skinfood.  It’s because I haven’t really hauled there and it should be a refreshing experience, plus they offer quite a lot of products – all good.  My experience proved that my thoughts were right, look at how many items I have got.  Oh, the BA was very nice as well, didn’t try too hard!  Thumbs-up!  Let’s look at the “group photo”.)


(English:  Now let’s go through each one.)

Skinfood Honey Black Tea Bubble Foam
HK$165/ 160ml

呢個我敗個陣做緊優惠,所以我係加左HK$99就有喇。 好抵。

(English:  There was a promotion when I was hauling on this item.  I only had to pay HK$99 for this!  What a bargain!)

Skinfood Royal Honey Nutrition Massage Cream
HK$195/ 190g

呢個係新出嘅東東。 係按摩面膜。我試左上手, 幾潤同埋用完好滑, 所以買嚟試真d。

(English:  This is a newbie.  It’s a massage mask!  I tried on my hand, it was moisturizing and made my skin quite smooth.  I had to get it.)

Skinfood Ginseng Mask
HK$195/ 100g

突然之間好想用有人蔘嘅產品, 你地都知我係面膜怪啦。唔洗多講就買呢個嚟玩下。

(English:  I suddenly wanted to use some Ginseng products.  You know I am a mask freak, so I got this mask for a trial.)

Skinfood Rice Mask (Wash Off)
HK$165/ 100g

又係面膜。呢個上網見好多人都推, 所以一定要敗嚟睇下係咪咁好。我返到屋企即刻用, 唔錯。 用多少少時間會再同大家分享。

(English:  Facial mask again!  I saw many good reviews on this mask.  Of course, I had to get it to see if it’s that good!  I used it immediately when I got home.  Not bad!  I will review it after using it for a few more times.)成個過程最好笑嘅係我一路都同個BA太好傾喇。我返到屋企發現原來BA唔記得左我其中最想敗嘅一樣野 – 奶昔全效卸妝液 。呢個係我好想會購嘅產品! 之前朋友係韓國買俾我, 我覺得爆好用。唔緊要啦, 佢地無收我錢, 等我下次經過個陣再去入貨(笑)。最後BA話有d野係做緊優惠,叫我睇下,一睇我就睇中咗set hand cream。

(English: The whole process was quite funny!  When I got home, I suddenly realized that the BA forgot one of my items – Milk Shake Makeup Remover.  I wanted to re-purchase it!  My friend got me that when she traveled to Korea, I loved it so much that I had to get it here!  Nevermind, the BA didn’t charge me, so I will get that when I pass by next time!  Also, the BA mentioned that some stuff are on promotion and asked me to take a look.  Ha, I love the hand cream set.)

一買就買兩盒。諗住送俾我兩個親愛嘅同事做聖誕禮物, 多謝佢兩個成年都咁幫手。哈哈。係, 我已經開始買聖誕禮物喇。

(English:  I got 2 sets.  I will give them to my two beloved colleagues for X’mas present, thanking them for being so helpful for the year!  *laughs*  Yea I started my X’mas shopping already!)


(English:  Lastly, these are gifts:)
Skinfood Milk & Honey Body Wash
HK$135/ 320ml

敗完真係開心sa, 敗家應該係要feel good!  我仲敗左一對boots, 同一對平底鞋。因為無我碼, 所以我要等兩個星期。 都唔緊要, 因為我覺得嗰兩對鞋都好靚(笑)。 拎咗之後再影俾大家望下丫。

(English:  I felt so good after my retail therapy!  What’s more, I got a pair of boots and a pair of flats as well, however, they don’t have my size, so I have to wait for two weeks.  Well, they are pretty, so I don’t mind waiting *smiles*.  After I get them, I will take photos and share with you!!)

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