[化妝] 貴婦唇膏 – SKII

之前睇咗video知道我呢期偏好買唇膏啦! 不如今日講下SKII個兩枝先丫! 我都唔知點解我會買, 因為之前睇雜誌明明燒唔著, 但係某日我收到佢地個SMS話買兩枝唇膏送一枝睫毛液, 反而好無謂咁俾呢個優惠燒著咗(女人聽到D送乜送物都係會心動)。 唉!

(English:  From the previous video, you know that I have been hauling some lipsticks these days!!  Let me talk about the ones from SKII first!  I wasn’t even sure why I bought them because when I read on the magazine, I wasn’t tempted at all.  However, one day I received a SMS from SKII saying that buy 2 lipsticks get 1 mascara for free.  Women are always tempted by the promotions and such like *sighs*….)

我個日買咗兩枝唇膏, 但係講真, 我覺得唔知d色係唔夠多(得8隻色)定係唔夠靚, 我覺得買一枝就好快揀到, 但係買兩枝就真係有d難度喇。

(English:  I bought two lipsticks from SKII and honestly, I wasn’t if it was the minimal color collection (only 8 colors to choose from) or the colors weren’t fab enough, I had some difficulty in choosing 2 colors…)

SKII Clear Beauty Moisture Lipstick

價錢(Price):HK$340@ (3.5g)

Product Information:

“中心層: Pitera-in護膚底霜
– 含珍貴護膚成分,長效滋潤雙唇
– 防止唇部乾燥脫皮、減淡唇紋
– 告別上妝前的潤唇膏

外層: 光澤彩妝層
– 色澤水潤亮麗,閃耀3D般的光澤
– 豐潤雙唇
– 唇形更立體鮮明”

(English:  Centre: Pitera-in moisturizing base

– Contains skincare properties and can moisturize lips for a long time

 – Prevent lips from flaking and make fine lines less visible

– Say goodbye to chapstick before lipstick

Outer part: Shiny lip color

– Color is shiny and make lips more 3D looking

– Create fuller lips)

SKII Clear Beauty Moisture Lipstick
(Color: 441)


(English:  This color i more of a brown tone with golden shimmer!)

SKII Clear Beauty Moisture Lipstick
(Color: 321)

呢個色就比較自然, 粉色系列, 用咗上嘴好自然!

(English:  This one is of a pinkish tone, it looks really natural on lips!)

使用次數(No. of Usage):5 times

簡單用後感: 我覺得佢個造型真係好似d好古舊既有色潤唇膏。 用上咀都幾潤,效果都幾持久, 但係我又覺得佢一d都唔值咁貴。 原因係佢既顏色選擇唔多唔特別, 得8個色, 有時好難揀到好啱嘅顏色。 另外就係我嫌佢嘅d金粉上嘴之後太大粒, 都幾覺眼。 如果唔鍾意唇膏有金粉既sis有一定覺得唔啱喇(慳翻)。 我用過之後真係覺得佢無咩特別, 我覺得我另外敗個d唇膏仲好用而且又平d添(遲少少再寫埋佢地等你參考)。 我自己就唔會再回購佢d唇膏喇, 除非某日又改良過啦。 如果你好心動想試佢地d唇膏, 我會強烈建議你去counter試咗佢地先, 再去Lancome試Rouge in Love, 自己睇下鍾意邊隻多d。 我就鍾意Rouge in Love喇(係係係, 我會加把勁出文)!

(English: Quick Review: I really think it looks very much like some old time tinted lip balm!  It’s quite moisturizing on lips and the effect is quite long-lasting.  However, I don’t think it’s worth every penny.  The reason being is that the color selection is very minimal, there are only 8 colors to choose from and honesty, it’s quite hard to choose a suitable color.  Also, I think the shimmers are too obvious (and quite big in size) when applied on lips.  If you are not fond of lipsticks with shimmer, you really don’t have to try this (save some money!).  After using it, I don’t think it’s anything that special, I’d say that the lipsticks that I got from other brands are better with a cheaper price tag (yea I will write about them to give you some references).  I won’t repurchase SKII lipsticks unless they change the formula one day.  If you are really tempted to try their lipsticks, my advice is “please go to try at the counter, then go to Lancome to try Rouge in Love, compare which one you like best!”  My personal favorite is Rouge in Love (OKOK!!  I will write about the Rouge in Love soon!).)

(product information is extracted from http://www.facebook.com/SKIIHK)

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