[化妝] 非常一般的SK-II Clear Beauty Lengthening Mascara

本身我想等睇下我有無其他覺得好一般既產品一次拍個video, 但係我呢期幾好彩, 無咩野我覺得一般成咁。 無計啦, 我又想同大家分享下, 所以我特別送一個非一般既blog post俾呢枝mascara。 SK-II既產品我真係用唔少, 但係我又唔係keep住用(有太多產品想試啦!!), 久唔時我又敗翻一兩樣去用下。 佢呢枝mascara唔係我特登去買, 而係當時買兩枝唇膏送既, 我初初仲諗好正呀(女人!!!), 但係當然係唔正啦! 

(English:  At first, I wanted to wait to see if I got other so-so products so that I could shoot a video in one go, but I am quite lucky these day and haven’t really come across any so-so products!  So….since I wanted to share my findings with you, I decided to write a very special piece of blog post on this very non-special product!  I have been using quite a few SK-II products here and there, but I can’t say I have been using their products all along (always want to try new items!!).  I could only say, SK-II is probably a counter that I have/ would revisit the most.  I didn’t buy this mascara myself, it came with the two lipsticks that I got during a promotion.  My first thought was “GOOD”, and my second thought was “NAH, not so good”!!)

我知唔係人人都會分享一d唔係太好用既產品(覺得唔好用會唔寫), 但係我都講過啦, 我覺得唔好用既野我都會寫, 我覺得唔好用唔等於個個人都會覺得唔好用(好個人), 但係我會寫出我唔鍾意既地方, 等你地有個參考, who knows, 我唔鍾意既地方可能就係正正你杯茶!而家入正題喇(終於):

(English:  I know not everyone would share products that they think they are no good (they would rather skip them than writing them), but as I said before, I will write about the good and bad items.  I don’t feel good about some products don’t mean that everyone needs to/ would feel bad about them (this is rather personal), however, I love to write about things that I don’t like about them so that you have a reference, who knows!!  Maybe what I don’t love about is exactly what you love about!!!  Right let’s get to today’s topic:)

SK-II Clear Beauty Lengthening Mascara


Product Information:

“蘊含PiteraTM, 維他命E與維他命原B5,滋養睫毛之餘能打造根根分明的動人美睫。其獨特刷頭逐漸變尖的設計能全面覆蓋每根睫毛,由根部開始完美著色,締造無限延長感,令明眸看起來更大更有神采。”

(English: It contains PiteraTM, vitamin E and B5, it moisturizes the lashes and separates lashes really well.  It’s special designed brush can take care each lash from root to tip.)



使用次數(No. of Usage): Finished 1 tube

用後感:我係Facebook都講過, 呢枝野我覺得佢真係有Pitera, 因為佢真係無敵臭, 佢仲唔好聞過神仙水, 講真都真係好攻鼻。 另外我覺得對我黎講, 佢真係無咩效果! 佢係for增長,但係要搽好多好多次先長得到! 唔係好似人地Maybelline/HR咁, 搽兩下就長。 我真係好無耐性要搽咁多下丫! 如果你好有心機既話,我覺得都可以既。 但係如果你同我一樣好熱血呢, 我覺得你唔會鍾意。 佢話滋潤睫毛,我就唔太特別有感覺喇,我無甩多咗或者甩少咗睫毛, 所以呢點我唔可以評價。 坦白講, 好彩係送, 如果我係買, 我諗我會好嬲啦!! 我用左兩日就已經唔想用,但係我既mission係清貨, 所以先捱埋佢(終於用完), 如果唔係我覺得掉咗佢好浪費, 佢一定好早已經去咗堆田區! 你都估到我講咩啦, 係, 係唔會再敗呢個產品!!

(English:  I have talked about this on Facebook, I really think this mascara contains Pitera because it really stinks, the scent is even worse than its Treatment Essence.  Also, to me, the result is not obvious at all.  This mascara is supposed to be lengthening, however, I need to apply so many times to lengthen my lashes, which seems totally ridiculous to me!  When I use Maybelline/ HR, I only have to apply a couple coats and that’s it!!  I really don’t have the patience to mess with my lashes for so long!!  If you have a lot of patience, maybe it works for you.  But if you are impatient and hot temper like myself, I don’t think you will like it!  It also says that it can moisturize lashes, I don’t feel too special before and after using this mascara, my lashes hasn’t drop off more or less, so I don’t feel that I can comment on this particular point.  Honestly, I am lucky in a sense that it’s given to me during a promotion, if I bought it myself, I think I would be really pissed!!  After using it for a couple days, I didn’t want to use it anymore, however I felt that tossing it is such a waste, that’s why I hanged onto it (thank God it’s done!!!).  Well you should be able to guess my very last sentence right?  Right, I am NOT going to purchase this product again!)

(the above product information is extracted from http://www.sk-ii.com.hk)

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