SK II 再入手

終於用sa屋企d face cream, 我諗黎諗去都唔知買咩好, 行過d counter望下d anti-aging cream既價錢, 隻隻都要千令蚊.  如果千令蚊買隻我未用過既野, 我又唔係好想.  行行下去左SK II度望下, 見佢地做緊set裝, 咁我就諗不如我用翻SK II喇, 對比起其他, 佢既價錢唔算貴 (因為佢係大jar小小), 同埋之前都用過好多佢既野, 我比較有confidence d.

(English:  Finally I finished all the face cream at home, I had been thinking seriously of what I should get next.  I passed by the cosmetic counters and took a look at the prices of those anti-aging creams, almost each of them costs like HK$1xxx.  Well, if I have to spend HK$1xxx on something, it has to be good!  Then I went to SK II and they were doing promotion sets.  I thought, “why don’t I just get SK II instead?  The prices are not over the top (since their quantity is more) and I have used quite a few stuff from them before, at least I am confident about this brand.”)

見佢有兩set野都幾抵下, 即刻扑鎚買:

(English:  There were two sets which I was very interested in, so I just hauled:)

1st Set

價錢 (Price): HK$450/ set

Include: SK II Facial Treatment Essence x 75ml, SK II Facial Treatment Clear Lotion x 40ml & SK II Facial Treatment Mask x 1 pc
本身買枝75ml既神仙水都要HK$450, 咁呢set野送多張佢既皇牌mask同買clear lotion, 所以都幾抵下.  隻mask一張都要HK$68啦.

(English:  Facial Treatment Essence 75ml alone costs HK$450, so that means the Facial Treatment Mask and Clear Lotion come for free.  It’s quite nice taking into consideration of 1 pc of Facial Treatment Mask costs HK$68.)

2nd Set

HK$950/ set

Include: SK II Skin Signature x 80g, SK II Facial Treatment Gentle Cleanser x 20g, SK II Facial Treatment Clear Lotion x 40ml, SK II Facial Treatment Essence x 10ml, SK II Skin Signature x Sample & SK II Facial Treatment Mask x 2 pcs

本身我行佢counter見唔到呢set野, 我初初諗住佢Skin Signature無做set, 我望望下, 個BA比左張leaflet我睇.  哈哈, 呢set正正係我想要既野喇.  其實就咁買佢80g既Skin Signature都要HK$950, 咁即係話其他野全部都係送既.  我覺得最抵係送兩張Facial Treatment Mask!!  隻mask真係好好用, 好過送埋d無謂野比我.

(English:  At first, I didn’t see this set at the counter and I thought there wasn’t any promotional set about Skin Signature.  Then the BA got close to me and handed me a leaflet.  Haha, I found this set on the leaflet and this was exactly what I wanted.  80g Skin Signature alone costs HK$950, that means all the other stuff come in for free.  I love the fact that it comes in with 2 pcs Facial Treatment Mask – love them!!!!!)

我見呢期好多人都講緊SK II既promotion呀, 係咪真係咁好用咁.  可能你地無留意, 其實我一開blog個陣係由SK II講起, 因為個時我用SK II比較多.  如果你地想知我覺得佢地係咪真係咁好用, 你可以click翻下面d links去睇下我d comments啦.

(English:  I notice that recently a lot of people are talking about SK II’s promotion and if they work really well.  Maybe you haven’t noticed, I actually started my blog talking about SK II products as I used many of their products back then.  If you are interested in my comments, please feel free to click the links below and check my reviews out:)


SK II Facial Treatment Cleanser + SK II Facial Treatment Clear Lotion
SK II Facial Treatment Essence + SK II Skin Signature
SK II Brightening Lucent Base
SK II Facial Treatment Mask

我記得我仲有用過兩樣SK II既野, 但係我就未寫comment, 我會快d補翻.  今次再用SK II, 我都會再補翻一d comment, 睇下無用左成年令, 會唔會有d咩唔同感覺.  點呀?  有無比我又燒親??

(English:  I recall that there are two other SK II products I haven’t written about yet – I will definitely write about them soon.  Well, now I am back with SK II again, I will let you all know if I feel any different about their products (it’s been over 1 year since I haven’t reconnected with them!).  Well well well, tempted to try their products?)

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