Sisley Black Rose Skin Infusion Cream

原本想另外再做一個Sisley產品分享,不過我之前都講咗佢地大部份既護膚品,所以另外做唔到一個video去分享,咁我轉用blog既型式去記錄一下我對呢個Black Rose Cream既感覺。

(English:  I actually wanted to do another Sisley video, however, I did two in the previous months and I thought I did review a fairly good coverage of their skincare products.  So, today I am writing this blog post to record my thoughts on this Black Rose Cream instead.)


Sisley Black Rose Skin Infusion Cream HK$1,250/50ml





好香!係淡淡既玫瑰花味,好清好舒服。 而佢個質感都係非常之好推,好容易推得開,推開好持變咗水珠咁,易吸收,但係吸完之後都會有少少痴手,唔係完全清爽,但係我OK,唔覺得厚唔覺得笠。 佢主要做保水鎖水,令皮膚胞滿同埋光澤感。 我覺得呢幾方面係做到,我用左一個星期之後係覺得皮膚夠水有光澤感,上妝都貼咗。 不過我覺得如果係問題皮膚,好例如轉季皮膚問題或者好乾既話就唔係見到好大效果。 我皮膚轉季出咗好多粒粒,佢無幫我改善得到同埋皮膚好乾既話佢滋潤感唔夠,所以太乾既皮膚我覺得要另外揀d厚身d既面霜或者係夏天先用。 如果皮膚無咩好大問題既話,只係有d乾同埋有d暗,我覺得呢個cream係絕對幫到手,但係如果皮膚問題較多既話,咁就未必適合喇。我自己係鍾意既,不過係皮膚無咩大問題我先鍾意佢囉。

(English:  It smells super nice, it has a very light rose scent, it’s very fresh and very comforting.  The texture is brilliant as well, it’s super easy to spread.  When you spread it, you almost feel it’s turning into water droplets on your skin.  It’s easy to absorb, but after absorption, my skin feels a wee bit sticky (not totally light), which I am OK with because it doesn’t feel heavy at all.  It’s said to hydrate, lock moisture in skin, plump and add radiance.  I think it does all of those.  I used it for a week and I feel that skin is hydrated and radiant (makeup stays on skin better as well).  However, if you have problematic skin, maybe you have some skin issues due to weather changes or you have very dry skin, then I don’t think you will see amazing results with this.  When the weather changes, there were many bumps appearing on my skin, this cream didn’t help with the situation.  And also, if you have very dry skin, I don’t think the moisturising result is good enough for you, I would suggest you to look for something thicker or leave this for summer time.  If you don’t have any headache with your skin, it’s just a bit dry and dull, this cream is perfect for you.  I personally like this, however, again I only like this when I don’t have much of a skin concern.)

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