[化妝] Singapore研Korea製的品牌 – Rachel K

記唔記得我生日嗰陣個video話我收到Rachel K送咗幾樣產品俾我試(唔記得可以再望下個video)? 所以呢篇係邀稿文。 邀唔邀稿對我對產品嘅評價係無影響(我知我真係好長氣, 不過我都鍾意聲明一下)。

(English:  Recall I said in my birthday pressie video that Rachel K has sent me some products to try (refresh memory with the video as follows)?  So, this piece is an invitation piece.  Invitation or not won’t have influence on my judgment on the products (yea I know I am really long-winded but again I’d like to clarify this point!)

有印象?  咁我開始喇。 Rachel K產品係Singapore研發韓國製,所以產品包裝方面都帶有少少韓風。 當中最多人識(又嚟咗香港)嘅就係佢地個CC Cream喇!  哈哈!!由BB Cream出到CC Cream, 唔知遲d會唔會有DD/ EE/ FF CREAM(俾自己呢個無聊想法笑死)?

(English:  Got the idea?  Let me begin now.  Rachel K’s formula is developed in Singapore but products are made in Korea, so for its packaging, it might remind you of some of the Korean products.  One of their star products (and available in HK) is their CC Cream!  *laughs*  From BB Cream to CC Cream, when will we have DD/ EE/ FF Cream *laughing at my own silly thought*?)

咁佢同BB Cream有咩唔同呢(我屋企無咩BB Cream, 所以拎咗Maybelline)?

(English:  So, what’s the difference between BB Cream and CC Cream (I took Maybelline’s since I don’t have a lot of BB Cream at home)?

Rachel K Mineral Color Control Cream

顏色方面, Maybelline呢隻係帶黃, 有其他BB Cream會有帶灰添。 Rachel K呢隻就帶粉紅。

(English:  Color-wise, Maybelline’s more of a yellowish tone (some of other BB Creams have grayish tone).  Rachel K’s has more of a pinkish tone!)

雖然Rachel K個隻望落比較白, 但係推開之後兩者都差唔多色。

(English:  Even though Rachel K’s looks whiter, after blending, both are of similar colors.)

質感方面: 我覺得Rachel K CC Cream比較爽身。 雖然多數BB Cream都話唔需要搽loose  powder,但係我都會搽少少, 唔係會有少少痴手情況出現。 但係Rachel K呢隻就真係唔洗搽loose powder喇。

(English:  Texture-wise: I feel that Rachel K CC Cream is of a lighter texture and with less oil base.  Though many of the BB Cream claim that no loose powder is needed, I still apply loose powder since I feel that my skin is a bit sticky.  But I don’t need to apply any loose powder with Rachel K’s – it’s just right!)

我地又睇下Rachel K個效果丫!

(English:  Let’s look at Rachel K’s effect on face!)

BEFORE (Bare Face:)

AFTER (with CC Cream):

用後感: 呢個CC Cream係做到好自然個效果。 搽完之後覺得好爽身, 唔加碎粉都好OK! 上面之後d小瑕疵會變得唔明顯。 如果你話眼圈好深, 都係要用遮瑕膏啦。 明亮效果都好唔錯! 仲要佢係超持久,唔會變色溶妝! 我用十令個鐘都無問題! 唯一係如果你本身皮膚超乾, 你用呢隻可能會覺得乾(因為佢真係好爽身)!

(English:  After-use Comment:  This CC Cream really has a natural finish.  It’s really light weight and there is really no need for loose powder.  It’s of light coverage and it can cover freckles or spots.  If you have really dark circles, then you would still need a concealer.  Its brightening effect is nice!  What I love about this is that it’s super long lasting, it doesn’t melt nor oxidize!  It stays nice for over 10 hours – good!  The only point is that if you have super dry skin, you might find this CC Cream a bit drying for you!)

如果你想多少少coverage, 可以用埋佢個pressed powder:

(English:  If you want a bit more coverage, you could top up with its pressed powder:)

Rachel K Mineral CC Pressed Powder

加咗pressed powder效果如下:

(English:  The pressed powder finish is as follows:)

用後感: 呢個粉有色揀! 我用medium。 因為CC Cream無顏色揀, 所以我用個pressed powder令自己唔好太白。 用埋呢個medium, 就啱啱好係我嘅膚色喇。 我幾鍾意呢個pressed powder!! d粉好幼細又好貼面。 加咗呢個除咗coverage好咗之外, 皮膚望落比較粉嫩細緻! 好用呀!! 拎出街補妝又靚又方便!!

(English:  After-use Comment:  There are 3 colors to choose from and mine is medium.  Since there is no color option for CC Cream, I’d like to top up with this pressed powder so that I don’t look too white.  With this medium color, it just matches my skin color nicely!  I really like this pressed powder!!  The powder is of very fine texture and it lasts!  Apart from adding a bit of a coverage, skin looks really velvet-like afterwards!!  Very nice!!  It’s perfect for retouching your makeup too!)

哈哈! 化埋嗰妝(都好耐無化妝俾大家睇喇~~)!!

(English:  *laughs*  Makeup for the day (yea I haven’t posted any makeup piece for a long time!!)!!)

個咀咀我用左兩樣野。 一樣係:

(English:  For the lips, I used two products, one is:)

Rachel K Mineral Sultry Seduction Lip Plumper 

(Color: Vixen)

我先用咗Revlon Colorburst Lip Butter(Color: Peach Parfait)打底, 再用呢隻Vixen係面。

(English: I first used Revlon Colorburst Lup Butter (Color: Peach Parfait), then I top up with Vixen.)

用後感: 佢有豐咀效果。 搽上去涼涼地幾舒服! 用完望落個咀比較立體同埋無紋。 仲唔會痴lup lup添! 佢另外個兩隻色(睇video)比較實色。 搵日再搽俾大家望丫!

(English:  After-use Comment: This lip product has a lip plumping effect and it feels quite cool on lips (very nice)!  After use, the lips look more 3-dimentional and the lines on lips are less visible.  Also, it’s not sticky (bonus point)!  There are 2 other colors as well (please see the video).  Let me put them on my lips and share later!!)

送多個close up eye makeup look俾大家啦~~

(English:  Here comes the close up eye makeup look!! XD)

~~係, 我當日走自然風~~

(English: ~~Yea…I was going for natural look that day~~)

P.S. Rachel K嘅產品係Watsons有得賣, 有興趣就去睇睇啦!

(English:  P.S. Rachel K’s products are available at Watsons in Hong Kong, please go check them out if you are interested!!)

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