我的模擬生活 ♥ The Sims 3

模擬市民呢個game我相信大家冇玩過都會有聽過,呢隻game應該係PC game其中既一個經典。我記得當年佢出第一代個陣我已經開始玩,一直玩到去第2代, 但係因為玩呢個game真係用超級多心機同時間,我玩玩下就決定唔再玩喇(如果唔係真係一日要有48小時先夠用)。

(English:  I believe everyone is familiar or has heard of the game – The Sims.  I think this game has to be one of the most popular PC games.  When it was first released, I got my hands on it and started my “Sims” life.  Then when The Sims 2 was out, I was still a devoted fan.  However, after a long while, I decided I should stop playing since the game itself takes a lot of time and dedication.  I thought if I kept on going like I was, I’d probably need 48 per day!)

喺我為自己好驕傲之際,佢竟然出左Facebook版(死未?)。我有日無聊就accept左個friend既The Sims Social,單純地想入去8下同PC版有咩唔同。點知一入去就即刻中毒(唉!)。玩左3日之後,我開始慢慢記起Sims係有幾好玩。跟住我就做左樣 unthinkable嘅野喇(笑)。

(English:  When I was so proud of myself that I stopped myself being addicted to The Sims, its Facebook version was released (OMG!).  I accepted my friend’s The Sims Social request with an aim to see how different it is from the PC version.  Ah…I got hooked again (helpless!).  After playing The Sims Social for 3 days, I slowly retrieve my memory of how fun The Sims series actually is!  Then I went and did the “unthinkable” *laughs*:)


(English:  I hauled the whole Sims 3 series….)

基本上我係差不多全包, 但係我就買唔到其中有隻資料片叫High End Stuff喇。唔緊要啦, 咁多隻碟都已經有排玩。

(English:  I should say I almost hauled them all, because I couldn’t get the High End Stuff.  No worries… I got tons now to keep myself entertained for awhile.)

其實呢個game玩嘅野係同我地平日做既野差唔多。設計完個人之後, 就幫佢設計下間屋, 發展佢既人際關係, 同埋叫佢返工賺錢。 聽落好似好悶, 但係其實佢地d動作反應都好得意ga。

(English:  You basically designed a character in the game and then you can decorate/ build his/ her house, develop his/ her relationships with others and asked him/ her to go to work, develop a career and make some money.  It sounds a bit boring (really?), but I can assure you it’s so much fun.)

我而家玩左幾日, 唔算有咩成就, 但係我就成日叫佢去旅行complete下d quests, 都幾過癮 (我無得去就叫佢代我去)。 我尋晚玩個陣記得影相比大家望下。

(English:  I have been playing for around a week, I am still at the initial stage.  Right now, I often ask my Sims to go travel and complete quests – fun!  I did remember to take some shots for you to take a look.)


(English:  Grill sausages in a park)

喺房玩研究potion, 影完相之後, 就好搞笑地爆炸左, 我粒Sims變左黑人呀! 哈哈哈。

(English:  Mixing potions at home.  After I took the picture, the potion actually exploded and my Sims was “burnt” *laughs*)

我都未有時間幫佢執下個屋企d野, 全部都係是但放住先, 等我有時間再整整 (都話一玩就要好全心全意先得)。

(English:  I haven’t got the time to decorate her home, so things are basically everywhere.  Hmmmm….I will redecorate when I have a bit more time on hand (see this is the dedication that I meant).)

你地又有無玩開? 我而家嘅生活變得好模擬。玩耐少少我整靚dd野再同大家分享我嘅模擬世界啦(笑)。

(English:  Have you ever played this game?  Right now I can say that my life is very “Sims-like” *laughs*.  Let me play for a bit longer and share my Sims world with you!)

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