[化妝] Shu Uemura Nude Palette試色圖

連Shu Uemura都出Nude Palette喇。 之前去買lip color既時候未出,點知過咗幾日就出喇(唉)! 今次係要買佢地其中一樣產品先可以加HK$780換呢盒Nude Palette,如果我知佢會隔幾日就出,我會遲少少先買lip color丫! 唔緊要啦,我最終買咗細size既cleansing oil黎加錢換佢呢盒palette! Cleaning oil我就用下再分享啦~~今日先講下個palette,因為唔知佢幾時會無得賣,所以趁仲熱辣辣就講咗先~~

(English:  Finally Shu Uemura joined the nude force and come out with a nude palette!  The sad thing was that I didn’t know about this when I went and got their new lip color, if I had known, I would have waited because this time around you can’t just buy the palette, you have to buy one of their items in order to add HK$780 to redeem this nude palette.  Anyway, I go one of the cleansing oils (small size) in order to get this.  For the cleansing oil, I will give my thoughts after~~Today I am going to focus on the palette since I heard it’s a limited edition, so let me talk about it while it’s hot~~)

Shu: Palette

 Color (Starting from Top Left to Right): G Beige 821, M Soft Beige 814*, ME Light Beige 825, ME Medium Brown 856, M Soft Brown 851*, ME Medium Brown 862, IR Light Beige 811, IR Dark Blue 690

Color (Starting from Bottom Left to Right): M Light Beige 813*, P Soft Beige 823, S Light Beige 815*, P Light Beige 822, P Medium Brown 875, M Dark Brown 895*, ME Medium Olive 471, M Black 990*

註: 打*係matte color,其他有閃粉

(English:  Remarks: The ones with * are matte colors and the rest are with shimmer.)



(English:  The above swatches are without any primer and they are the results of two strokes!)

16個色既眼影組! 我上面已經打埋每一隻顏色既色號。 如果你覺得咁多色用唔哂,又淨係鍾意其中一兩個顏色,咁你自己可以參考翻(佢地單色係HK$140一粒)! 16個顏色當中有6個色係matte無閃,當中既朱古力色同黑色都係無閃,唔錯! 咁就可以用佢地tune down翻d閃既顏色。 我覺得眼影方面係出色同粉質幼細,可以build你想要既intensity! 對於鍾意nude色而又成日化妝既人黎講,應該係好吸引既一個palette! 如果你唔係成日化妝既話,我又覺得你唔需要去投資係呢個palette個度,淨係久唔時化下妝既,市面上三四個色個d都夠用。

(English:  A palette with 16 colors!  I have typed the name of the colors above, so if you feel like this palette is way too much and you only fancy one of two colors, you can check out the number (their singles are HK$140 each)!  6 out of the 16 colors are matte and 2 of them are chocolate brown and black, nice because you can use them to tune down the shimmery colors!  I feel that the eyeshadows are pigmented and finely milled, you can definitely build the intensity that you want.  I think for the nude palette lovers, you will be tempted.  However, if you don’t wear makeup often, I don’t think there is a need for you to invest in this palette because you probably have other smaller (3-4 colors) options in the market.)

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