[化妝] Shiseido Maquillage True Eye Shadow GR761

我好少講日系既產品,我諗主要原因係我後生個陣用太多,到而家覺得d色唔係令我好驚喜,所以老咗之後係好少用。 不過記得之前係Shiseido都買咗d野,都有用一期,所以可以簡單分享一下。 今日先講下眼影。

(English:  I seldom talk about Japanese products and I guess the reason being is that when I was young, I used tons of their stuff, therefore when I am this old, I am not really surprised by any of their new release.  Well, however, I did get some stuff awhile back from Shiseido and I had used them here and there, so I guess it’s time to talk about them.  Let’s go with the eyeshadow first.)

Shiseido Maquillage True Eye Shadow
Color: GR761



用後感: 我唔肯定呢個色係咪限量,就算係,大家都可以當係參考睇下自己會唔會買呢個系列既眼影組既其他顏色。 我覺得佢既眼影都好滑,好閃(唔算誇)同埋都出色。 如果眼影質數黎講係好唔錯既。 日系既大牌眼影多數都襯哂俾你唔會點樣畫得衰,同埋佢地顏色都偏淺色,大路,所以都安全既。 我覺得就我呢組色黎講,我就覺得比較襯白既女仔,因為健康膚色用既時候個綠色比較唔顯色(要搽好好好多次先顯到望出黎個綠色)。 我覺得化妝品好個人,如果你鍾意閃閃地,唔洗太顯色,望出黎好自然有輕微少少色既話,我覺得你會鍾意呢類型既日系眼影組。 但係如果你話好似我咁鍾意有顏色,超出色,想要比較特別d既顏色既話,我覺得呢類日系眼影滿足唔到你。 而且年年出黎出去都係差唔多既顏色,唔算有驚喜。 我而家望住呢盒既感覺係同我二十歲個時用既日系眼影分別唔大(除咗配方出色左之外啦)~ 如果你同我愛個d野差唔多,唔洗買。

(English:  Product Review:  I am not sure if this is a limited edition, even if it is, you can still use my comment as reference to see if you would purchase other colors within the same range.  I think its eyeshadows are smooth, shimmery (not crazy) and somewhat pigmented.  Quality-wise, it’s nice.  Usually for this kind of Japanese eyeshadow palettes, they match the colors for you and it’s quite hard to mess it up.  Also the colors are on the lighter side, and quite mass market, so I would say it’s pretty safe to use.  For this particular palette, I think it’s more suitable for fair skin ladies, because I have tanned skin and the green doesn’t really show up on my skin (I have to basically apply tons to get a decent color).  Makeup is a personal topic, if you like something shimmery, not too pigmented and with just a wash of light colors, I think this kind of Japanese eyeshadow palettes are for you.  However, if you are more like me, which means you like to see colors, want something that’s super pigmented and enjoys a good color selection, then I don’t think this is for you.  Moreover, I find it quite boring in the sense that every year, the colors are so similar to the ones before, I am totally not surprised to see any of this.  Right now, I am looking at this palette and it just reminds me of those that I had used in my early 20s (apart from the improved pigmentation)~  If you have similar taste to mine, then I would say, “No need to buy”!)

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