超保濕精華: Elixir Maximum Hydration Ampoules

有時寫review都要睇翻轉頭究竟我有咩寫過有咩未寫過,因為都網上分享咗十幾年,好多野我都喺唔同平台講過。 雖然呢幾年真係無乜寫過blog但係唔知點解個腦都仲係覺得好多嘢都已經喺度講過啦,但係我一碌就知唔係丫。 Elixir強效注水安瓶精華我竟然無出blog post,唔係下麻,佢係超勁嘅保濕精華嚟喎! 咁緊要嘅野竟然呢度無分享,所以都話個腦唔可以盡信,我今日補翻呢篇分享文先!

When I want to write a review, I need to check back the content. I have been an online sharer (well, start to make up my own word again!) for over 10 years, I have talked about countless items on various platforms and sometimes I get confused. Though I haven’t been blogging much in recent years and I do feel like many items have already been reviewed here, the reality is not the case, like this Elixir Maximum Hydration Ampoules! I haven’t written any blog post regarding these ampoules on here!! OMG!! Now you know why I don’t trust my brain sometimes. Let me quickly get on with it because this is important!

Elixir Maximum Hydration Ampoules HK$480/box LINK



✅Hydrates skin
✅Helps retaining moisture


How to Use

療程用法:每季一次。每晚用一枝,用兩星期,停兩星期,再用兩星期。 完成。

As Treatment: Use every season. Use 1 ampoule per night. Continue for 2 weeks, stop for 2 weeks and then resume for 2 weeks. Done.
As Emergency: After using as treatment, can use it any night when skin feels dry.
Before and After Beauty Treatment: Use 3 days prior to any beauty treatment to ensure ample moisture and use immediately after beauty treatment. Continue for 1 week.

Elixir強效注水保濕安瓶精華入面無過份複雜嘅成份,功能亦好專注保濕鎖水,所以好適合唔同膚質,包括敏感皮膚。 佢勁保濕,我用佢幾日就會見到皮膚飲飽水,乾紋無咗,光澤感返晒嚟。 嗰種光澤感係似你敷咗一個靚面膜,塊面好水潤嗰下個感覺。 有好多乾肌之前搽乜都覺得乾,啲乾紋又狂跳出嚟say hi,用咗呢個安瓶三四日都已經明顯feel到皮膚唔再拉拉緊。 我自己以前成日飛,無論飛去邊我都要帶住佢,因為你知我一乾塊面又唔聽話,所以我上機前會拍一枝,就落機前又拍一枝,當晚瞓前都拍一枝,咁就會完全keep到飛十幾個鐘塊面都好似敷完靚面膜既狀態!

哈哈~如果去好乾既地方,我就會去到做一個療程keep住皮膚夠水份! 而且佢細細枝又夠新鮮唔洗depot又唔會阻位非常方便。 另外,如果會做醫美既baby,我都強力推介。 唔單止醫美之後用,其實醫美之前幾日打定底,加埋醫美之後用足一個星期,皮膚復完快好多,咁效果都會靚好多。 同埋你去做醫美既話,佢地都會叫你記得敷面膜,有時間當然係敷面膜最好啦,但係如果真係無時間又或者好攰,咁用一枝Elixir安瓶代替,又慳時間又有效。 我每次做彩光laser都係用佢強效注水! So far so good!! 佢係精華,所以取代你用緊嘅保濕精華就可以啦。 係咪好方便先。 睇完有興趣過嚟舖頭試(黑咪店地址)或者撳呢條link上網買都得。

Elixir Maximum Hydration Ampoules contain effective ingredients to focus on giving maximum hydration to skin, so it’s great for all skin types, including sensitive skin. It’s SO HYDRATING! I use it for a few days and I can see my skin is plump and glowy. The glow is very much like the glow that you get after using a great face mask. Many people with dry skin notice a huge difference after a few days’ usage as well. Skin doesn’t feel dry and fine lines are fading. I used to fly to different countries all the time and this is a must-have for me no matter where I go. To ensure my face stability, I have to ensure its hydration. I would use 1 before boarding the plane, use 1 when I am about to land and 1 that very night before I go to sleep. This is how I keep my skin under control.

If I go to places with super dry weather/ heater, I would even do a treatment while I am there just to make sure my skin has a good moisture level. It’s small in size and I don’t need to depot it into jars, I find this very convenient, not to mention, it doesn’t take up much space as well. Also, if you are into beauty treatment, I highly recommend this to you as well. Not only you can use this after the beauty treatment, you can use this a few days in advance to ensure optimal results from your beauty treatment. When you go for beauty treatment, the staff would remind you to use face masks. Of course, if you have time and not tired, that would be ideal. However, if you don’t have that kind of time or mental capacity, you can use Elixir to substitute your face mask. It’s convenient, time-saving and hydrating. I do this trick every time when I get my laser done! So far so good! This is classified as serum, so just use this to replace your regular hydrating serum – no extra step, brilliant right? If you are interested, you can come to have a try at Hakme Beauty stores (addresses here) or buy online from this link.

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