[保養] Seaflora折扣優惠

之前如果你有睇過我近來既Skincare Routine(如下),你都知道我用緊幾件Seaflora既產品! 之後Seaflora contact我話多謝我同大家分享佢地既產品,同埋俾5% off 大家!如果未睇我分享既話,可以望下先:

(English: If you have watched my Skincare Routine (as follows) video before, you all know that I have been using a few of Seaflora skincare items! After the video is released, Seaflora contacted me to thank me for talking about their products, and wanted to give you guys and ladies 5% off upon purchase of their products. If you haven’t watch the following video yet, you could take a look to understand the items more:)

平時要係佢地online store買夠HK$5000先可以成為VIP,先有5% off呀! 所以今次呢個offer真係好抵! 購買方法都好簡單!由而家到December 4th 6pm(本身November 30th 完,但係反應太好,加推幾日),email到love_seafloraxhakme@yahoo.com.hk講你想買既產品,佢地就會俾5%你,之後你到銀行入數再reply receipt同地址,佢地就會將產品寄到去你屋企/公司! 買多過HK$500免運費,買少過HK$500就要加HK$25運費! 我都趁呢個promotion買咗幾樣產品,遲少少再同大家分享啦!

(English: Normally, you have to spend at least HK$5000 at their online store to get 5% off, so the offer this time is a rare opportunity! It’s really simple to enjoy this discount! From now till December 4th 6pm (the offer should expire on Nov 30th, however, the feedback was amazing, so it’s extended for a few days), email your list of Seaflora items to love_seafloraxhakme@yahoo.com.hk and you will be able to enjoy this 5% off. Then just go to the bank to make the transfer and reply the email with the receipt and address, they will send the products to your home/ office address! Enjoy free shipping upon purchase of over HK$500! If your total amount is less than HK$500, then there will be a HK$25 shipping charge! I took this opportunity to get a few things as well and I will share with you all later!!

Seaflora既網頁/ Website:http://www.foliabeauty.com.hk

記得睇完想買咩就send email俾佢地喇~ (English: Just send an email to them after browsing to let them know what you want!)

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