[保養] Seaflora虹藻更生活力精華液

之前話秋季我一直用緊呢枝產品,咁好多人都叫我快d出個詳細版review,而家出,大家真係好心急!! 哈哈~~

(English:  Right, this has made its appearance in my previous Autumn Skincare Routine video, many people have been writing to me as they are dying to see the full review!!  OKOK, I hear you and now here you go!!)


Potent Seaweed Serum

價錢(Price):HK$480/ 30ml

Buy from: http://www.foliabeauty.com.hk

Product Information:

“質地輕盈的濃縮精華液,能保護和滋潤肌膚,令肌膚飽滿更生。 經常使用,能恢復肌膚的彈性,均勻膚色,讓肌膚更緊致。






(English: “A lightweight serum that protects and hydrates, leaving skin plump and renewed. Elasticity is restored and skin tone is balanced. Epidermis feels firm and tight.

Recommended for all skin types, especially, sun-damaged, mature, dry and dehydrated skin.

Key Active ingredients

Certified Organic Iridaea to firm, tone and boost skin with antioxidants.

Rosehip oil to reduce inflammation and irritation.

Certified Organic Ulva Lactuca to refine pores.”


Before Blending



使用次數(No. of Usage):1 month

用後感: 呢個產品係第一個我買既產品,所以用呢個既次數係比另外個兩枝產品耐一d! 你見佢個質感都係好推得開同埋唔會厚身,推開個下仲覺得薄薄地好易吸收。 我之前都講過我初初用Seaflora既產品既時候覺得佢個味好raw,初初真係唔係好習慣,但係用用下又覺得OK! 所以如果你買就一定要有心理準備佢隻味同我地平時用開既野既味係有分別! 我覺得佢個質地都係好易被吸收,吸咗之後唔會覺得好厚或者有d野黏住d皮膚,佢個質地都好輕身,所以大部份既皮膚都應該用得到! 皮膚吸完個下皮膚會有少少覺得緊緊地(好輕微),之後摸落皮膚好彈手! 同埋我覺得用咗一個星期皮膚開始覺得好有光澤! 掂! 我自己覺得用完一個星期皮膚幼軟咗同埋毛孔望落好似細咗少少! 正!! 佢呢個品牌係專俾敏感皮膚用,所以應該好多人都啱(無敏感都用得)。 但係我覺得如果你係學生哥,其實就唔洗用到呢類抗老精華,因為價錢都有d貴。 如果你係25以上既,我就覺得啱用喇!你地有興趣就去上面個網頁望下啦~

(English: Product Review: This is my first item that I got from Seaflora, so I have been using this item longer than the other two!  As you can see from the photo, its texture is very blendable and not thick at all, it feels quite thin after blending and it’s very easy to be absorbed into skin!  I have said that when I started to use Seaflora products, I feel that its scent is very raw and I wasn’t used to it at first, but after a few days, I start to get used to it!  If you are going to buy this, make sure you are psychologically prepared that it smells different than your other skincare products!!  I feel that the texture is really easy to absorbed and it doesn’t feel heavy or greasy on skin, the texture is quite light, so it should be suitable for many different skin types!  When it’s totally absorbed into skin, skin feels a bit tight (lightly) and very bouncy to touch!  Plus, I feel that after a week, skin looks more radiant!  Nice!!  I personally think that skin is softer after a week’s usage and the pores seem to be less visible!  Great!!  This brand is for sensitive skin types, therefore, it would suit many different skin types because it’s gentle (you can use it too though you don’t have sensitive skin)!  However, if you are a student (that means you are very young), I don’t think there is a need to use this kinds of anti-aging products, because the price is on the high side.  If you are above 25, then yes!  If you are interested, you can always check out the above website~)


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