上年係咁係IPSA敗家, 有一部份既產品我就share過啦, 另外有一部份既產品我仲未寫. 未寫唔係因為佢地唔好用, 而係相反, 因為太好用, 所以我想用耐少少睇下佢地會唔會比我發現有咩缺點.
(English: As you all know, I splurged quite a bit at IPSA last year. I have already shared with you my comments on some of the products, and there are still some left to share. I haven’t shared my comments on the remaining products not because they are not working well, on the contrary, they are working amazingly and I wish to spend more time on the products and see if I could find any “fault” with them.)
無計, 用左成兩個令月都仲係超鍾意呢隻野wor!! 係咩? 就係…
(English: Well, I am still in love with this after using it for a couple months! What’s the product? It’s…)