Savings: How to Buy La Prairie & La Mer Products Cheaper

今日唔係講水貨店,係,可能水貨店會平更加多,但係我一向都唔肯定水貨店既來源同埋貨品有無保証(搽面既我唔敢亂黎),所以我為咗安心起見,我多數都係去counter或者係有信譽既網站購買。 呢個係我個人習慣,個個人唔同。 其實我過往都分享好多貴婦級產品,而價錢都真係好嚇人。 不過我上上下網又見到La Mer同La Prairie外國價錢平d,咁今日就同大家分享下。 如果你想入手既話,你可以多個參考。

先介紹一下個website先,Selfridges係英國大型Department Store,類似Harrods咁。 同香港比較就似Lane Crawford/Sogo,入面有好多唔同既品牌,貴既唔貴既都有。正因為佢係大型Department Store,入面所有都有真真正正既品牌貨品。 佢亦有網站,亦送黎香港,我最新check過,送黎香港用DHL,買多買少都需要俾HK$260運費。 我之前買過野,我記得5日內收到貨品。

好喇,我平日睇呢個網站都係睇fashion類既野比較多d,所以我無特別留意化妝品護膚品,我之前淨係知道Urban Decay係佢個網站都係俾香港平,但係因為要俾HK$260運費,買得唔多其實又唔係好抵,所以無好特別highlight俾大家知。 但係上個月,我好奇望下La Mer同La Prairie呢兩個貴婦級品牌,發現呢兩個品牌都係俾香港專門店平,正因為佢地都平得多(我覺得),所以我覺得就算要俾運費,都仲真係慳到唔少。 咁我就生呢個blog post出黎比大家。 如果你用開或者想試,你可以多個選擇!

我做咗以下產品既香港專門店同呢個網站既價錢比大家參考。 網站唔係完全齊貨,所以有d產品網站係無既。 而以下既價錢比較都係以我之前敗過既產品單據價錢為準(有一兩件無單不過我記得大概價錢):

La Prairie

La Prairie Purifying Cream Cleanser 200ml (link)
HK Store: HK$700 VS Online: HK$485

La Prairie Essence of Skin Caviar Eye Complex 15ml (link)
HK Store: HK$1,350 VS Online: HK$960

La Prairie Illuminating Clarifying Lotion 200ml (link)
HK Store: HK$1,800 VS Online: HK$1,260

La Prairie Cellular Hydrating Serum 30ml (link)
HK Store: HK$1,910 VS Online: HK$1,360

La Prairie Skin Caviar Luxe Sleep Mask 50ml (link)
HK Store: HK$2,880 VS Online: HK$2,050

La Prairie Skin Caviar Luxe Eye Lift Cream 20ml (link)
HK Store: HK$2,900 VS Online: HK$2,050

La Prairie Skin Caviar Luxe Cream Sheer 50ml (link)
HK Store: HK$3,830 VS Online: HK$2,650

La Prairie Skin Caviar Liquid Lift 50ml (link)
HK Store: HK$4,350 VS Online: HK$3,000

La Prairie Skin Caviar Concealer Foundation SPF15 (link)
HK Store: HK$1,920 VS Online: HK$1,310

La Prairie Cellular Treatment Loose Powder 56g (link)
HK Store: HK$830 VS Online: HK$580

La Prairie Cellular Power Infusion 4×7.8ml (link)
HK Store: HK$4,200 VS Online: HK$3,100

La Mer

La Mer The Tonic 200ml (link)
HK Store: HK$750 VS Online HK$600

La Mer The Treatment Lotion 150ml (link)
HK Store: HK$1,000 VS Online: HK$850

La Mer Regenerating Serum 30ml (link)
HK Store: HK$2,750 VS Oline: HK$2,150

La Mer Creme De La Mer 60ml (link)
HK Store: around HK$2,600 VS Online: HK$1,820

La Mer Renaissance De La Mer Serum 30ml (link)
HK Store: around HK$5,xxx VS Online HK$3,600

La Mer Perfecting Treatment 50ml (link)
HK$ Store HK$2,200 VS Online HK$1,440

La Mer Lip Balm 9g (link)
HK Store: HK$500 VS Online: HK$410

La Mer The Reparative Body Lotion 200ml (link)
HK Store: HK$1,750 VS Online: HK$1,110


都係嗰句啦,我唔可以保証網站價錢會維持幾耐,呢兩個品牌會唔會keep住都可以由網站購入送黎香港,因為好多時,品牌有機會同網站反映,之後網站就要調高翻個價錢。 我覺得save while we can啦! 希望有用,燒大家既同時都可以幫大家慳到少少錢啦。 La Mer我之前有分享過,如果miss左唔知試咩好既話,可以望翻呢條link

**This blog post is specifically for those who lives in Hong Kong and wish to purchase La Mer and La Prairie at a cheaper price, therefore, I dedicate this in Cantonese/ Chinese because I am not sure how other countries would work out.  But if you are living in HK and you don’t read Chinese, I think you would still get the feeling what I am talking about.  Basically you can check out the links above if you want to save some money while shopping for La Mer and La Prairie products.

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