彩豐行 + Sasa 再敗

今個假期日日都走左出街玩, 但係就無咩敗家 (都係好事).  不過屋企有d野用sa都不能不買, 所以就走左去彩豐行同Sasa:

(English:  I went out almost everyday during the Easter holiday but I hadn’t really been hauling stuff (which is good!!).  Well, some of the items ran out at home though, so I had to go to the following places to “re-stock”:)

第一站: 彩豐行 (First Stop: Choi Fung)

Joseristine While Orchid & Sucrose Moisturizing Shower Gel

價錢 (Price): HK$28/ 1000ml

屋企個枝蔗糖用sa, 要買過枝.  我幾鍾意隻味, 所以我今次揀左呢隻.  其實我係用佢黎洗手多d.

(English:  The sucrose one at home was totally gone and I had to get another one!  I quite like this White Orchid scent, so I am going to try this instead!  Actually, I use it mostly as a hand wash!)

C.L. Technology Marine Collagen Moist Mask

價錢 (Price): HK$45/ 5pcs
我失憶呀, 呢款我好似有用過, 又好似無用過, 我記得我用過一隻都係marine something something, 不過唔記得係咪C.L. Technology.  我遲d搵翻d blog post就知.
(English:  I am losing my memory!  I can’t remember if I have tried this before or not!  I have a vague memory of using something called “marine something something”, not sure if this is it!  Well, I will try to dig into my blog post and see!)

Joseristine Cucumber Freshening Water (Tonic)

價錢 (Price): HK$26/ 200ml
呢個係買黎放係fridge度, 等好熱個陣用黎敷下塊面!  應該會好舒服~~
(English:  This one will sit in the fridge!  I will use it as a facial mask when the weather gets really hot!  Should be quite refreshing~)

Sucrose Deep Moisturzing Hair Treatment

價錢 (Price): HK$38/ 240ml
呢個係超like佢隻味所以敗左.  算係無心, 哈哈!!  咁平用黎當係護髮素都好.  
(English:  I am super in love with this scent!  I didn’t plan to get it, but I got it anyway!  It’s so cheap, I think I might use it as a conditioner!)


去彩豐行買野最開心既地方就係有好多samples送.  我當然唔會咁自私啦, 我已經分左d比mama同埋Mr. Honey!!
(English:  The best part about going to Choi Fung is that they always load you up with samples!  Nah, I am not a selfish person, so I shared them with mom and Mr. Honey!)


花王蒸氣眼膜 Kao Steaming Eye Masks

價錢 (Price): HK$39/ 5pcs

呢個再買又再買好多次, 但係我又唔記得我講過未.  我淨係記得我影過相, 不過好似無寫過!  又係要搵下d blog文先知.

(English:  I keep on repurchasing this again and again!  But, I can’t remember if I have written anything about it!  I recall taking pictures of it, hmmmm…again…I have to do a search in my blog and see.)

價錢 (Price): HK$28/ 230ml

呢期成日油甲搞到洗甲水都用多左.  我之前趕過頭是但買左Revlon, 但係我覺得唔係好得 (遲d會講點解我覺得佢唔得), 想拿拿聲用完佢快d開Kate呢隻.

(English:  I have been painting my nails a lot these days, which means I use up my nail polish remover fairly quickly.  I got Revlon before as I was in a hurried, but that isn’t too good (I will explain in another piece).  I just want to finish it up and switch to Kate!)

唔係買左好多野, 因為想清下屋企d存貨先再諗入貨.  加上我想買部靚少少既相機, 所以我個敗家女皇既身份要收下山先!  哈哈.  都好丫, 咁可以寫多d review呀, 我諗諗下我真係超多野未寫呀!!

(English:  I didn’t haul too many things, did I?  I really want to use up some of the stock that I have got at home before stocking up anything!  Also, I want to buy myself a nicer camera, so I should leave my hauling title for a bit!  Actually this is not a bad thing at all, that means I can concentrate on catching up with reviewing stuff!  There are so many items on the list!!  Yay!!)

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