Sabon Hand Cream 手霜好唔好用

大家都知我2022年入手左Sabon聖誕倒數月曆,其中一個出現率最高嘅產品就係手霜。大大細細唔同味都有,我都用咗其中兩三款一段時間,今日同大家分享埋我覺得Sabon Hand Cream 手霜好唔好用。

Many of you know that I got a Sabon Advent Calendar in 2022, one of the products which makes constant appearance is their hand cream. It comes in full sizes, mini sizes and different scents. I have been trying 2-3 out these days and I think now it’s time for me to review them for you.

Sabon Hand Cream 手霜
HK$85-HK$225 LINK

Sabon Hand Cream 手霜好唔好用


質地方面好容易推得開,亦都好快吸收,吸完之後唔會覺得笠,對手覺得柔軟同埋望落皮膚好細緻。 仲要佢有好多唔同嘅氣味揀,我聞完佢哋好幾款之後最鍾意係白茶嗰個味道,好清幽,好舒服,聞到都開心。

Texture-wise, it’s easy to spread and it’s quick to absorb. Hands feel silky smooth and the skin texture looks very refined after absorption. It doesn’t leave any grease behind, which is good. Plus, it comes in all sorts of scent, my favourite has to be white tea! It’s very light, soothing and uplifting.


At first, I loved Sabon hand creams. I think it’s because I got hooked by how lovely skin feels after use. However, after awhile, I discover an issue. When I wash my hands, the hand cream got washed away completely. I mean COMPLETELY!!! So basically, hands feel like they have never been moisturised before.

呢樣嘢喺我對手最乾嘅日子尤其明顯。 有幾日氣溫突然間變得好凍同好乾,我夜晚搽完佢去瞓覺,第二日起身洗完手發現對手同我未搽手霜嘅時候係一模一樣咁乾,完全冇好過。所以我覺得佢係我成日講嗰種喺表面包住隻手,但係冇真正幫手去滋潤保濕。所以就算好勤力搽,只要一洗手就會打回原形。幫唔到對手真正更冶乾呢個問題。

This situation is especially noticeable when it comes to dry weather. Remember we had a few days of cold and dry weather? I applied the hand cream and went to bed, next day I washed my hands in the morning only to discover that my hands felt as dry as the day before. It’s like I said before, some hand creams give you a nice coating but don’t really hydrate or moisturise effectively, I conclude that Sabon hand creams are one of those for me. Though I apply the hand creams diligently, it only takes one wash, and my hands would feel as rough as before. They don’t truly help improve my hands’ dryness.

我覺得如果鍾意搽香味,對手又唔係好乾,我會好建議,因為佢質感同香味呢兩樣嘢都做得好唔錯。但係如果你對手好乾,你係追求一啲可以幫你K.O. 手乾呢個問題嘅手霜,咁我就唔建議啦。

If you enjoy nicely scented hand creams and your hands are not exceptionally dry, then YES I would recommend them to you because I think they are well done on the texture and scents. However, if your hands are dry and you are looking for something to help resolve the issue, then I don’t think Sabon hand creams are for you.

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