
今日講rom&nd眼影,其實我幾年前喺Gmarket見過呢個韓國品牌,當時我覺得佢化妝品啲顏色好靚,好似好實用,所以我都燒着咗。 我記得我好似同同事夾份買咗一啲唇膏咁嘅物體,但係之後就Covid,所以搽咗冇幾多次就過咗期,我都冇特別去講。 前幾個月有次行過莎莎竟然見到佢有呢個韓國化妝品牌賣,我就入手左rom&nd眼影盤Better Than Palette 02 Mahogary Garden睇吓好唔好用。 今日試埋色俾大家睇。

A few years ago, I saw this Korean brand, rom&nd, from Gmarket and I thought the colours were nicely done, so I was tempted.  I hauled a few lip products with my colleagues but sadly Covid hit and I wasn’t able to use my lip stuff long enough to do a review.  A few months ago, I walked pass SASA and I saw they were carrying this brand, so I got their Better Than  Palette in 02 Mahogary Garden.  Let me swatch the colours for you today and share my thoughts.

rom&nd Better Than Palette 02 Mahogary Garden HK$138


rom&nd呢款係一盒12個色嘅眼影盤,入面有2個閃色,2個粗金粉色,同6個唔閃顏色。 6個啞光顏色由淺至深都有,亦都係大地色系,所以非常實用。質感亦都非常細緻好出色,易blend唔會一達達。 至於2個閃色我都覺得非常實用,質感亦都同啞色一樣咁好!  另外2個粗金粉色我諗都係喜慶日子或者party season先用得着,金粉好粗好搶眼,但係質感方面就唔係咁易出到色或者攞到啲金粉,需要畫幾次先出到想要嘅效果。 同埋我覺得呢兩個粗金粉用手指上會比用化妝掃上容易啲。 價錢嚟講好親民,百幾蚊有10隻經常可以用到嘅顏色我覺得都係抵買實用之選。 有興趣自己去望下,佢有其他顏色既組合架。

rom&nd Better Than  Palette consists of 12 colours – 2 shimmery, 2 glittery and 6 matte shades.  The mattes come in light to dark colours and of course they are earth tone, so they are very practical.  Quality-wise, the powder is finely milled, pigmented, easy to blend and won’t go patchy.  For the 2 shimmery colours, I find them wonderfully practical as well and their quality is just as good as the mattes.  For the 2 glittery ones, I think they are more suited for celebration or party season.  The glitters are big in size and definitely eye catching; however it’s a bit difficult to get it out of the pot.  It takes a few times to get to the intensity you want.  Somehow, I think fingers would work better with these glitters than a makeup brush.  Price-wise, I think it’s affordable.  For slightly over HK$100 and you get 10 very wearable colours to work with, it’s a thumbs-up!  If you are interested, go check it out.  The palette comes in other colour combination too!

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