[穿搭] Rock The Chick ♥ Featuring Rabeanco Clutch

尋日講咗我今日會出穿搭文, 但係主角唔係我d衫褲鞋襪, 而係個clutch!! 好有型呀!!  唔講咁多, 快d睇相!! 嘻嘻!!

(English:  Yesterday I talked about I would release a fashion post today, however, the main point is not my clothing items, it’s the clutch!!  It looks super cool!!!  I will shut up now and let’s go through some photos *grins*!!)

Early Spring Lookbook #3
Rock The Chick  ♥ Featuring Rabeanco Clutch

Glasses: around HK$3000 (@Dior)

Scarf: HK$70 (@Causeway Bay)

Gray Top: around HK$79 (@Taobao)
Faux Leather Jacket: HK$699 (@Zara)
Jeans: HK$399 (@Zara)
Watch: HK$3,750 (@agnes b)
Clutch: HK$1,150 (@Rabeanco)

Heels:HK$199 (@Marks & Spencer)

我本身想造全黑look加呢個紅clutch, 但係諗諗下, 早春應該多少少color開心d! 所以用咗唔同低調既顏色去襯出呢個clutch!!

(English:  I originally wanted to create a all black look plus this clutch, then I changed my mind because there should be more colors in early Spring, right?  Therefore I use some low-key colors to pop this clutch!!)

個clutch大小啱啱好, 所以我咁愛佢。 佢個size都放到好多野, 唔洗驚帶多少少野會無位放! 黑紅色既配搭永遠都咁時尚, 仲要呢個color combination一年四季都用得到!! 大愛!

(English:  This clutch has the perfect size, and this is why I love it so much!  You can put quite a few bits into the clutch without worrying that it won’t carry them all!!  Also, black and red always go together really well, this color combination is good for almost all seasons!!!  In love. Period.)

呢對鞋係咪好眼熟? 我之前係video講過話我係Marks & Spencer減價買㗎!! HK$199!! 個樣一d都唔似咁平!! 平買貴著!! 同埋佢行得好舒服,贊!!!

(English:  Looks familiar?  Yea I talked about this pair of heels before in one of my videos.  They’re from Marks and Spencer and I got them in a sale for just HK$199!!  They look way more expensive than that!!  This is what I called, “get stuff cheap but wear them expensively”!!  They are very comfy on the feet too!!  Good stuff!!!)

哈哈哈!! 你知我點解咁愛呢個clutch啦!! 靚同實用我都覺得好重要! Clutch係有型, 但係我唔可以肯定我會成日拎住個clutch!! 佢有條鍊跟丫, 唔想當佢係clutch, 可以當佢係側背手袋!! 一物兩用, 點會唔愛!! 買一件產品有兩個造型, 唔會悶!! 好掂!!

(English:  *Laughs*  Now you should know why I love this clutch so so so much!!  Both good looking and practical mean so much to me!  Right, clutch looks good, but I cannot guarantee that I would use it all the time (might not be practical)!!  Ha, it comes with a chain which turns the clutch into a mini handbag which sits comfortable on the shoulder!!  One item two uses – how can I not love it?  It doesn’t bore me as well – most importantly!!  Fantastic!!)

希望你地鍾意呢個簡單又有型既造型啦!! 呢個look好反映到平日既我個樣。 不過, 人要變先有新鮮感, 我未來會造唔同既look, 等自己有新鮮感之餘, 你地都有新鮮感丫!!

(English: Hope you like this simple and cool look!!  This is almost my regular look!!  However, we have to change from time to time to get some excitement, I will create more different looks in the future, so that I will be excited in the creative process and you will be excited as well!!)

For Early Spring Look #1-#2, please visit:-

Photographed by MJ Photography


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