Rimmel Stay Matte Liquid Lip Swatches x 15 Colours

聖誕既時候PR送咗一套Rimmel Stay Matte Liquid Lip比我,入面有15個顏色。 我話我會做試色圖,做到而家先出呢篇文章。有d遲不過唔緊要啦! 我初初真係好興奮,因為我自己都好鍾意Rimmel既產品,佢黎咗香港我都好開心! 我地而家望下d顏色先啦。

(English:  Rimmel’s PR sent me a set of Rimmel Stay Matte Liquid Lip around Christmas, I did say I was going to do some swatches for you, but with me, you do experience the usual “delay”.  It doesn’t matter, it’s better late than never with my review.  At first I was really excited because I do love Rimmel’s products and I am actually glad that they finally decided to come to Hong Kong!  Now let’s look at the colours!



Rimmel Stay Matte Liquid Lip HK$79/5.5ml

Rimmel Stay Matte Liquid Lip Colour



Rimmel Stay Matte Liquid Lip Colour


Rimmel Stay Matte Liquid Lip Colour

Left to Right: 840 Pitch Black, 850 Shadow, 800 Midnight, 830 Blue Iris


Rimmel Stay Matte Liquid Lip Colour

Rimmel Stay Matte Liquid Lip Colour

Left to Right: 210 Rose & Shine, 600 Coral Sass, 820 Heart Beat, 500 Fire Starter, 810 Plus This Show

Rimmel Stay Matte Liquid Lip Colour


Rimmel Stay Matte Liquid Lip Colour

Left to Right: 710 Latte To Go, 720 Mocha, 200 Pink Blink, 100 Pink Bliss, 110 Blush, 700 Be My Baby

顏色好豐富,由萬聖誕顏色到平日用到既顏色到大紅色都有,我諗總有一個顏色你係會鍾意。 搽上手質地唔錯,出色,質地比較薄身。 但係一搽上咀就覺得有少少一達達同埋唔可以平均遮住咀唇色,我係有d失望,因為講緊liquid lipstick唔係新野,所以呢個我唔覺得特別好。 搽完1分鐘會覺得乾(要變matte色)唔可以講話乾到裂開,但係我唔覺得好舒服。 為咗俾大家望下有幾乾,你可以睇我下面張相(我是但搽左枝,條邊我無理佢),搽咗10分鐘我個咀都乾到出晒紋喇。 雖然佢真係唔甩色亦都好易卸,但係我唔會recommend喇。 無人想特別多唇紋掛。

(English:  The colour selection is great, it ranges from the Halloween colours to daily colours to bright red, I think out of all of these, there must be one that you will like.  When I swatch them, the texture seemed fine, it’s pigmented and it leans on the thinner side.  However, when applied on the lips, it looks patchy and it doesn’t evenly cover my lip colour.  I am disappointed because liquid lipsticks are not something new and I think Rimmel can do way better than this.  1 minute after application, it will become dry (has to turn matte), I can’t say that it’s ridiculously dry, but I don’t feel too comfortable wearing it.  In order to show how dry it looks, you can check out the below picture (I just picked one and apply, so I didn’t really mess with it to get a perfect lip shape).  This was taken after wearing for 10 minutes – see how obvious the lines are?  Though it’s super long-lasting and it’s easy to remove, I wouldn’t recommend!  I don’t think any of us would love to have wrinkled lips.)

Rimmel Stay Matte Liquid Lip Colour

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