Rimmel Magnif’Eyes Blush Edition Eye Contouring Palette in 002

之前有提到我有好幾盒Rimmel既眼影盤,上幾個星期已經分享咗一盒比較鮮色既,今日同大家分享另一盒比較低調既! 如果大家錯過之我之前既分享,都可以按此過去望下。

(English: I did mention before that I own quite a few of these Rimmel Magnif’Eyes Eye Contouring Palette.  I did share one of the brighter ones a few weeks ago, so today I would like to share my thoughts on this softer one!  If you have missed my previous post, please click here to have a read.)

Rimmel Magnif’Eyes Blush Edition Eye Contouring Palette in 002 HK$119
Available at some Watsons

Rimmel Magnif’Eyes Blush Edition Eye Contouring Palette in 002

Rimmel Magnif’Eyes Blush Edition Eye Contouring Palette in 002


Rimmel Magnif’Eyes Blush Edition Eye Contouring Palette in 002

Rimmel Magnif’Eyes Blush Edition Eye Contouring Palette in 002

Rimmel Magnif’Eyes Blush Edition Eye Contouring Palette in 002

Rimmel Magnif’Eyes Blush Edition Eye Contouring Palette in 002

本身左5個顏色我好鍾意,但係出黎有少少失望呀,佢好粉同埋畫四下先出到色,個色比較粉無望落咁橙底。 另外如要讚既係右1個黑色閃真係好黑,一下出到圖中既效果。 其他都係兩三下就出到圖中既顏色,整體上出色度都係唔錯。 全盒眼影入面有3個matte色,包括左3,左8同埋左10;其餘就全部閃底。 閃都係好柔和好低調既,唔誇張,放心。 唔知係咪因為佢叫Blush Edition,所以大部份顏色都好淺色,有柔和感覺,頭左邊四個色都係淺,有少少感覺可以唔洗咁多淺色,可能有多一兩個中間色或者係有一個係深少少啡色感覺會再全面d。 因為成盒野都咁柔和,無啦啦又有個黑色,感覺唔係好襯,變化唔係真係多。雖然都有12個色,但係望落用落就覺得有d悶。 太淺個幾隻色又唔可以就咁搽,淺到有d眼腫,所以只可以用黎做光影或者打底。用咗幾次我都係用左7左9既顏色,對我黎講唔係好實用,同埋我望住個palette無覺得好興奮可以左玩右玩個感覺。 我覺得質量係唔錯既,但係顏色方面唔係我杯茶。 如果鍾意淺色可以留意,但係如果同我一樣鍾意變化多少少既話,我就唔係好建議!呢個palette無令我有想化妝既衝動!

(English:  From first glance, I really like the left 5th colour, however I got a bit disappointed because it’s quite powdery and it needs 4 strokes to give the intensity in the photo.  The colour is more pink than orange tone in real life.  On the other hand, if I need to praise one colour, it would be the right 1st – shimmery black, it only takes one stroke to give the intensity and it’s very pigmented.  The other ones take 2-3 strokes and on a whole, the pigmentation is fine.  Within the whole palette, there are 3 mattes – left 3rd, left 8th and left 10th, all the other ones are shimmery based.  The shimmers are fine and subtle, so no worry!  I am not sure if it’s because it’s called Blush Edition, so most of the colours are so light and give that soft look.  The 4 shades on the left are all very light colours, I personally think it doesn’t need all 4!  If it came with a couple more middle shades or even a deep brown, it would have been very handy.  The whole palette is leaning on the light side, and suddenly there is a black, I don’t think it is a perfect use of space.  I don’t think this palette is that versatile.  Though it comes with 12 colours, it bores me after a few times’ usage.  Those lighter shades cannot be used on its own because they somehow make the eyes look more swollen, so I can only use those as highlighters or bases.  I usually grab left 7th or left 9th whenever I use this, so it’s not that practical for me.  Also, when I look at the palette, it doesn’t give me much excitement!  I think the quality is fine, it’s just that the colour combination is not my cup of tea.  If you enjoy light shades, you probably would want to give this a try.  However if you are an makeup addict like me, I wouldn’t recommend this for you!  This palette doesn’t inspire me to do my makeup, if you know what I mean!)

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