[化妝] 超出色超持久Rimmel Apocolips Lip Lacquer

之前係其中一個video都講過呢枝Rimmel既產品!! 點解香港無Rimmel? 我覺得佢好多野都好唔錯!! 如果會入佢d野就好喇,唔洗成日上網買~~ 呢枝產品一出個陣係UK真係紅爆,之後到佢近期去咗US(但係就改咗個名唔係叫Apocolips),又係紅遍YouTube界!! 雖然我之前都講過,但係我就想補翻d試色圖俾大家望下:

(English:  I have talked about the following Rimmel product in one of my videos!!  How come Rimmel is not available in Hong Kong?  I quite like their brand and it would be very convenient to be able to go to a store and pick up some products!!  When it was first released, it had been such a great hot item in the UK.  Recently it has been launched in the US as well (but it’s not called Apocolips, it was called something else) and again almost every US YouTuber is talking about it!!  Though I have given my brief review in one of my videos, I still want to dedicate a post to this product and show you some pictures:)

Rimmel Apocolips Lip Lacquer
Color: #501 Stellar

價錢(Price):£5.99 (英鎊)

Buy from HERE (free shipping to HK)

佢唔係lipgloss,佢係lip cream,所以佢係超出色。

(English:  It’s not a lipgloss, it’s more like a lip cream, so it’s super pigmented!)

試色圖/ Swatches:

使用次數(No. of Usage):15 times

用後感: 真係好讚!! 佢既出色度係一流,另外佢無怪味,反而我係聞到好輕微既生果味,所以好討好! 另外就係佢好好搽,搽一下已經好夠色同埋好均勻!  最正係佢持久度高得黎又唔會覺得好乾!! 我覺得呢隻色好鮮色好好睇呀!! 佢另外都有7隻色可以選擇,唔鍾意咁鮮色可以揀其他比較平實既顏色!!! 最掂係佢價錢好可愛又好親民,但係佢既質素根本就係大牌效果!! 我好愛呢枝產品,搽完開心又醒神!!! 超推呀!!!! 如果你想要d產品有lipstick既出色但係都有少少glossy效果,可以睇呢隻呀!!! 買買買(我係魔鬼)!Click HERE to buy!!!

(English: Product Review:  It’s a GREAT product!!  Its pigmentation is brilliant and it doesn’t have any strange scent.  The scent is more fruity instead.  It runs on the lips very smoothly and a bit goes a long way!!  The best thing is that it’s very long-lasting without making my lips dry!!  I really love this color, but it has other 7 colors for you to choose from.  If you don’t like something this bright, you can definitely opt for other colors.  The most wonderful thing of all is that its price tag is really friendly but its quality is freaking amazing (even better than some of the bigger brands)!!!  I really love this and I am happy everytime when I apply this!!  Highly recommended!!!  If you want something that has the pigmentation of a lipstick and a bit of a glossy effect of a lipgloss, then you might want to check out this one!!  Haul haul haul (I am evil, ain’t I)!!!  Click HERE to buy!!!)



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