Rilakkuma + 旺角之行

我諗好多人都鍾意Rilakkuma, 貪佢個樣傻傻地夠得意, 同埋佢懶懶地咁, 感覺上覺得佢好寫意!  我都幾鍾意佢, 哈哈! 

(English:  I believe many people quite like Rilakkuma, I guess it’s because it looks quite “silly” and cute!  Also, it has a very relaxing life style and I am sure this is many people’s dream!  I quite like it myself too!  Hahahaha!!)

近期Circle K又有儲stamps換Rilakkuma d野, 今次仲要係Rilakkuma去法國wor!! 我第一時間換左枝:

(English:  Recently there are stamps available in Circle K to collect for redeeming Rilakkuma items.  And, Rilakkuma is in France this time!  Of course, I went and exchanged mine!)

成set有6枝, 但係我淨係鍾意呢隻.  反而對Figure Pen無咩興奮.  我仍然努力當中, 希望換得sa我鍾意個3枝啦.

(English:  The whole set consists of 6 pens, but I only like 3.  I am not that interested in the Figure Pen.  I am still collecting and hopefully I can redeem the 3 that I like.)

點解買呢個杯呢?  原因係我係公司隻杯無啦啦神秘失蹤, 所以要買過隻.  我覺得呢隻幾靚同埋好colorful…唔知會唔會返工返得開心d呢?

(English:  Why did I get this cup?  Well mine at work magically disappeared, therefore, I had to get a new one.  This one looks colorful and quite nice.  Not sure if it would bring some happiness when I’m at work?!)

我想chi d野係我屋企個fridge!  所以就買左呢個mini magnet!!  個樣都幾cute下!  我已經拎左兩粒出黎用.

(English:  I have a couple things that I want to stick on the fridge, so I got this pack of mini magnet!  Quite cute eh?  I have already taken two out to use !)

好耐無去過旺角, 趁呢個weekend無咩特別野做就同Mr. Honey就左去行下.

(English:  I hadn’t been to Mong Kok for a long while, I went there with Mr. Honey this weekend coz there wasn’t much to do.)

呢個用黎放首飾!  半價呀!  如果係原價我一定唔會買, 但係本價左之後, HK$49就有喇.

(English:  This is an accessory holder!  It was half priced!  To be honest, if it were full priced, I wouldn’t get it.  But half price?  I couldn’t resist the temptation.  It was only HK$49!)

呢個都係半價, 所以買埋.

(English:  This one is half priced too!)

Bracelet就買一送一.  真係好抵.

(English:  And buy one get one free for bracelets!!  OMG!!)

呢盒係eyeshadow, 我唔知係咩brand, 但係我見間野有cinema secrets買, 所以應該賣美國野.  我見唔貴同埋好閃, 所以買左幾隻色:

(English:  Eyeshadows!  I am not sure which brand it is.  There are cinema secrets stuff in the store, so I guess they are selling US brands!  Well it’s not expensive, and it’s very glittery, so I got a few colors:)

HK$60一隻色, 我就買左6隻, 送埋個盒比我.  真係超閃呀!!  我遲d試色比大家睇丫.

(English:  HK$60@.  I got 6 colors and the case is free!  Super glittery!!  I will swatch them for you all later.)

本身都無諗過有野買, 但係行行下見好多野都幾抵下就買左喇 (又係咁…).

(English:  I didn’t think about hauling before but everytime is the same – I end up getting a few items home !)

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