Revlon Not Just Nudes in 01 Passionate Nudes


(English:  It’s around that time again whereby the beauty brands are releasing their Spring collections.  I don’t think I have much to say in this period because I really dislike Spring in the spectrum of colours, fashion etc.), so I guess I can share something else in the interim – products that were released awhile back.)

Revlon Not Just Nudes in 01 Passionate Nudes

Revlon Not Just Nudes

Revlon Not Just Nudes


Revlon Not Just Nudes

Revlon Not Just Nudes

Revlon Not Just Nudes

Revlon Not Just Nudes

平價品牌入面算係一個唔錯既產品。粉質幼細,出色同埋質地幾滑身,唔會好粉或者好散,好易blend。 質量上係做得唔錯。 顏色方面反而我覺得一望落去個陣會覺得: 呀,全部都用得到丫! 但係用落既時候我覺得佢上行太多淺色,下行又太多深色,成個palette無咗中間既色,得兩頭極端。 如果做用一兩個顏色既人都無咩所謂,但係如果想多少少變化或者鍾意用幾個色,成日要用中間色去做blending既話就唔係咁方便喇,要揾過第二d色黎配,唔可以一次過係一盒野度做哂。 所以我覺得完全睇你習慣,如果你多數都用一兩個色做眼妝,我覺得呢盒都用得過,但係如果你鍾意用好多色blend一個眼妝,咁呢盒眼色未必滿足到你要求!

(English:  Not a bad choice for drugstore makeup.  The powder is finely milled, pigmented and quite smooth to touch.  It doesn’t feel powdery and it’s quite creamy to blend.  Quality-wise, it’s a good one.  For the colour combination, when I first glanced at it, I was like, “oh yea, all the colours seem practical!!”  But when I really use it, I feel like the upper row consists of too many light shades and the lower row consists of too many dark shades.  It seems to me the palette has both ends of the world but offers nothing in between.  If you enjoy using just 1-2 colours for your eye looks, this is not an issue for you.  However, if you are someone who likes to use a few eyeshadows to create your eye look and you would need something in between as a blending colour, then it might not be convenient for you because you probably need another colour somewhere to do the trick!  So I feel that whether this is worth it or not depends on your makeup habit.  If you only use 1-2 colours at a time, then it’s a yes.  But if you would need something in the middle ground to do the trick, then it’s a no.)

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