Review: The Detangler Hair Brush

梳都要講?好普通嘅野嚟喎。 係呀,有時就係因為普通,就會忽略咗。 好嘅梳都唔一定要好貴,今日同大家分享下呢把性價比勁高嘅The Detangler解結梳。

Most people have a hair brush and it seems to be so trivial to talk about it here. Kinda, but most time, we tend to overlook something that’s trivial right? A good hair brush doesn’t need to be expensive, today I want to talk about this very affordable yet amazing hair brush from The Detangler.

The Detangler Hair Brush HK$68



✅Detangles and can be used on wet or dry hair to prevent breakage
✅Evenly spreads out natural hair oil from roots to tips
✅Massages scalp, helps to increase blood circulation and promotes hair growth
✅Can be used for blow dry

我都用咗呢把梳好多年,我鍾意佢嘅原因有好多。 第一,佢可以解”kick”,而且佢係乾濕髮都解到”kick”。 我頭髮唔係好長,但係一洗完之後就會變咗一餅野,以前用其他梳,梳到好鬼痛之餘仲斷好多頭髮。 後生嗰陣有本錢就唔理佢,到年紀大咗,每條頭髮都好珍貴呀!! 用咗呢把梳唔止易啲梳開啲濕髮唔會扯到個頭好痛,仲會因為拉扯少咗而斷少咗頭髮。 呢個係我點解大愛佢嘅原因。 第二,我有時會頭痕,但係我唔想用手抓到頭皮損晒,你知我頭皮好敏感㗎啦,所以有時頭痕我會當佢係不求人,因為佢有啲膠粒係個頂度,所以大力咗都唔會整損個頭皮。 第三,人哋成日都話一日要梳一百下啲頭髮先健康。 我以前唔敢梳咁多下,因為怕折斷。 而家就狂梳都唔驚, 我唔肯定我有無梳夠一百下,但係我係梳多咗頭。 佢按摩到頭皮,血液循環好,頭髮生長自然都好啲,我覺得自從我有咗呢個習慣,頭髮長得快咗同埋髮尾無咁多開叉(佢順手將頭油平均分布係頭髮)。 第四,佢夠輕身所以我吹頭用佢吹唔會好攰之餘,啲頭髮個型靚好多,同埋易打理啲。 如果秋冬無咁濕嘅日子,我可以用佢吹完唔洗夾都出得街唔會變癲雞。 最後,就係佢好耐用,我個把用左幾年都無甩頂啲粒粒同埋變型! HK$68自己用同送俾人都好實用丫。 睇完有興趣,過嚟舖頭買又得,撳呢條link睇地址;或者撳呢條link網購又得。

I have been using The Detangler Hair Brush for a few years. There are many reasons why I love it so much. Firstly, it detangles and it can be used on both wet and dry hair. My hair is not very long, however, they tangle like crazy after I wash them. I used other hair brushes before and they would pull so hard that not only my scalp felt painful, but also my hair ended up with a lot of breakage. Since I started using The Detangler, I haven’t experienced any pain brushing my hair and they certainly don’t break as much, which is always good news. Secondly, sometimes I get an itch on the scalp but I don’t want to scratch it (you know how sensitive my scalp is LOL), so I would use this to “scratch” my head a bit, since it has the bobbles on the tips, it won’t create any wound on the scalp area. Thirdly, many people say we should brush our hair at least 100 times a day to get beautiful hair. Honestly, due to the breakage issue, I didn’t brush my hair that much before. But now, I am comfortable brushing my hair more frequently. I am not sure if I hit the 100 times target, but since I picked up this habit, I notice my hair grows faster and there are less split ends. It makes sense because the brush massages the scalp, which helps to increase blood circulation, hence promotes hair growth. Fourthly, due to its light weight, I use it to blow dry my hair. My arm won’t be tired and the hair shape is much more manageable. For autumn and winter, when we have less humidity, I can just blow dry my hair with The Detangler and then go out without having to straighten my hair again! Last but not least, it’s very durable. I have been using it for a few years and it’s still in good condition. The bobbles haven’t come off and the bristle shape is still in tact. For HK$68, it’s great for both self-use or as gift! If you are interested after reading this, you can get them from Hakme Beauty stores, check this link for the store addresses; or click this link to buy online.

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